A/N: Alright first off I would like to say that ma801ou sent me a couple suggestions, One being that Draco was a transfer student and another of him being a submissive wizard. So I combined the ideas to make this story. This is one of the two new stories I will be working on. I am going to post this chapter and the first chapter of my other one and would like to know what you guys think of them so please review. The other story is called Trying to move on.

Summary: Draco Malfoy just transferred from a Magical school over in America to Hogwarts. His mother had passed away when he was a baby and his father abandoned him when he found out Draco wasn't really his, that his mother had an affair and bore him, lying to father. Draco found out he was part creature and was also a submissive, with a dominate mate out there somewhere.

Warnings: Definitely AU, some character OOC, Slash (Male/Male), Abuse, Rape…. If you don't like any of these please don't read. Voldemort is dead in this as in most of my other stories, and Draco has no idea who Harry is.

Disclaimer: I do not own anything in the Harry Potter world, only wish I could lock a couple of them up and keep them for myself.

Chapter 1:

Draco Malfoy was a boy from a very rich background, or so he had thought for most of his life. His parents were Narcissa and Lucius Malfoy. His mother died of a very rare disease when he was only five years old. His father abandoned him last year when he figured out Draco wasn't really his son. His mother had an affair and bore him, lying to Lucius the whole time.

Draco didn't know who his real father was, all he knew was that his mother had moved them to America when she became pregnant, Lucius believes it was to keep the other father from finding out. Lucius informed Draco that he was not going to support him any longer and the only money he had was what ever his mother had left him.

His Headmaster in his Magical school in America pulled him into his office during the first week of school and told him that his tuition was not paid and he couldn't attend any longer. Draco was devastated by this, it was his home and he didn't want to leave. The headmaster said that he contacted Hogwarts across the ocean and said they were willing to let him come on a sort of scholarship program they had.

Since he excelled at Potions he would help their Potions master and earn his tuition being paid. Draco wanted to refuse, but he knew he couldn't because he needed to finish his education. He knew that the school in question was where his parents had gone when they were younger, so maybe he would be able to learn a little about them. Maybe even find his father.

Along with telling Draco that he was not his father, Lucius also told him that he found a letter from his mother telling him that his father was a werewolf and he may have some of the symptoms, but obviously wasn't fully a wolf, hence never transforming. It also stated that even though his father was a dominate he could possibly be a submissive. Draco had his headmaster run tests on him before he left and he did indeed find out he was a submissive, Meaning he had a mate out there somewhere.

All he kept thinking about was what if his mate was here, and now he was leaving. Would he ever find them being so far away. He also knew he sent off a scent, drawing dominate wizards to him, so he had to be careful. He was glad he already knew he was gay when he found all this out, he imagined he would have freaked out other wise.

Now Draco found himself standing outside a set of very large gates, with a very large castle standing behind them. He had never seen something so amazing and big. He was scared to enter the building, not knowing anyone in there. Slowly he dragged his feet towards the large doors and entered the grounds, making his way to the front of the building.

There was a lady standing outside waiting for him to make his way up to her. She had a friendly smile upon her face and he quickly finished his trek and stood in front of her.

"You must be Mr. Malfoy. Welcome to Hogwarts school. I am Professor Mcgonagall. Please follow me and I will bring you to the Great Hall to be sorted." She said as she started to open the door. Draco quickly stopped her.

"I'm sorry, but what is this being sorted?" He asked.

"Oh my. Your school was different wasn't it? Well we have four houses, which you will learn more of later. We have a magical hat that you put on your head and it puts you into one of the houses. It is done during dinner on the first day of the year for every first year. You will be a sixth year and this is the first time we have had a transfer from America." She stated.

"Will others be there?" He asked worried.

"Yes I am sorry but everyone is there for dinner and it is customary for everyone in the school to know where one is sorted right when it happens. Now follow me." He did as she asked and walked behind her, looking at everything along the way. He was amazed at how large this school was.

Before they entered the room he took a deep breath, holding back his scent so others wouldn't automatically come to him. He hated not having a mate and hated even more to loose his control over things. The door opened just as he heard the Headmaster there say his name and he followed the professor up the long isle. He felt all eyes on him and felt like running away.

"Now Mr. Malfoy here is a transfer from America. He will be helping Professor Snape with Potions and he will be joining the sixth years in classes and the dorms. Now it is time for him to be sorted. Mr. Malfoy please take a seat on the stool." The Headmaster said as he smiled down at him with a twinkle in his eyes.

Draco walked up the couple steps leading to the stool and sat down. An ordinary wizard hat was placed upon his head and suddenly came to life. He started to hear it speak into his head and he wanted to jump, but didn't want to embarrass himself.

"Well well what have we here, A Malfoy by name but not by blood." The hat started.

"Do you know who my father is?" Draco asked in his head.

"Yes I do but I think It best for you to find out on your own. Now you have ambition like no other but are submissive to a tee. You are loyal to those who are loyal to you and love to gather as much knowledge as you can. You would fit well into all houses but we can only have one. Your parents are from two different houses combining to become one, which shall I pick for you. You loved you mother and can find out a lot about her in her house, but you could also find love and acceptance in your fathers house, Your fathers house it shall be…Gryffindor." was yelled into his head and also across the hall.

He heard clapping and cheering coming from a lot of the house but one, and he had no idea why. He saw questioning looks coming from many of the teachers, confusing him even more. He had no idea where he was supposed to go now, not sure which table belonged to this Gryffindor house at all. Then he saw a boy, tall, slender with pitch black hair and deep green eyes stand up and wave him over.

He quickly got up from the stool and walked over to the boy, who was smiling widely at him.

"Hi my names Harry Potter." The black haired boy said, with a sparkle in his eyes. It made Draco feel safe and welcomed in this new place.

"Hi." He said as he sat down and looked around him at the other faces.

"We didn't think you would be here, you know because you're a Malfoy." Harry continued. Draco looked at him wondering what he was talking about.

"What do you mean" He asked as he grabbed some food.

"Your parents were both Slytherin's. The far table over there." Draco looked over and noticed it was the table that didn't clap, no wonder if they thought the same thing.

"I didn't know that. My mother died when I was younger and my father never told me anything about their time at school." Draco continued eating, not seeing the sad looks he was getting from his new housemates.

"Well we are happy to have you anyway. What was your old school like?" Harry asked. They continued talking about where Draco was from and Harry told him everything he needed to know about the school.

Draco laid in bed that night thankful to have at least one friend here. Harry's friends tried to be nice to him but for some reason the red-heads were cold towards him and his other friend Hermione didn't really know how to act around him. He knew he was going to have a hard time here, but at least he had Harry, and that is where his dreams took him that night, only dreaming about the other boy.