We Fell In Love In A Hopeless Place..

He was awake and I was grateful. I thanked God. If I had ever lost him, I'd be lost he was everything. I needed him like I needed air in my lungs, he was my gift and blessing. I'd do anything for this man, absolutely anything. I would love him until my last breath. It's been a week since he's woke up and been recovering. I stayed by his side every night and day. Jeremy would stop by with Sharpay occasionally, Troy loved that even though he wouldn't admit it. He loved his son dearly I could see it in his eyes. Even if he'd missed four years of his life, he was here now and that all that mattered. We were a family... a dysfunctional one, but a family all the same.

"Hey there sleeping beauty." I smiled as his eyes fluttered open.

"Hey." he smiled back.

"Sleep good?" I walked from my place at the little table in the corner to his side.

"Yeah," he nodded. "I wish I could leave this place already."

"Soon." I promised with a kiss on his forehead.

"I wanna spend all my time with you, not cooped up here." he sat up and pulled me close.

"I want that too." I ran my fingers through his soft hair.

"I want you." he breathed unsteadily.

"You have me." I bit my bottom lip.

"You know what I mean." he looked up at me with lust and passion filled eyes.

"I know." I nodded, feeling my blood spike.

"I love you, Brie." he placed a kiss on the palm of my hand.

"I love you too, Troy." I leaned down and kissed his lips softly.

"Afternoon Troy, Gabriella." we both turned to see Lacey. A sweet shoulder length blond hair, slim, a bit taller than me with most beautiful hazel eyes. I adored her dearly and I think Troy was fond of her as well. Which gave me a hint of jealousy to be honest, but I knew better than to think he'd do anything.

"Afternoon Lacey." I greeted back.

"How you feeling today Troy?" she walked over to him with a smile.

"Pretty good." he smiled.

"Great to hear." she looked over his chart.

"When you think I can get out?"

"Today or tomorrow I would think. Have to wait for the doctors say though."

"Awesome." he looked at me with a smirk.

"He'll be in shortly." she smiled kind heartedly. "See you guys later."

"Bye." I waved as she walked out, closing the door behind her.

"God I hope I'm out today." he laid back crashing his head onto the pillow.

"So do I... I want you home."

"Home sounds heavenly." he took my hand and interlaced out fingers.

"We can finally tell Jeremy about you.. us." I sat at the side of him.

"Think he'll like me being his dad?"

"He loves you Troy." I smiled brightly.

"I love him." he looked at our hands.

"I know." I leaned in and gave him a brief kiss.

"That's it?" he teased.

"Until later." I grinned.

One Year Later..

We were all gathered in the living room. Troy with Jeremy over by the tree and Sharpay with me sitting on the couch searching for decorations. When Troy got out of the hospital we soon told Jeremy the news and he was thrilled to have Troy for his dad. I helped Troy with his problems and so did the police, a few months after everything was cleared. Troy decided to ask me to marry him and of course I said yes, we moved into our own two bedroom apartment. My parents helped us out with money until we both found decent jobs. Everything was imperfect, but in our case that was perfect enough. It was December, close to Christmas and we were preparing our apartment for it. Troy and Jeremy were decorating the tree while laughing and smiling. Everything seemed well with us, for the moment at least. That was fine for this moment is all we have right now.

"Is it pwetty mommy?" Jeremy ran into my arms.

"Very pretty baby." I lifted him into my lap.

"It looks great." Sharpay smiled.

"We do good." Troy smirked and walked over to me and Jeremy. He leaned down and kissed me.

"Eww." Jeremy giggled.

"I hear that Jer." Sharpay laughed and took him in her lap.

"Shut up you two." I laughed along.

"Jealous, that's all." Troy pulled me up, sat down and sat me in his lap.

"Nah, I got my man Jer for me." she hugged him tightly.

"Auntie Sharpway!" he kissed her cheek.

We all laughed and finished putting up our decorations. Then went out in the snow and had fun with each other as a family. I couldn't ask for anything more than them three. They were my all, my imperfect family with many issues but they were mine. I loved them all desperately. Nothing and no one could ever change that.

That's it! I would make the story longer, but I'm losing inspiration. I'm sorry for those of you who loved this story, but all good things come to an end sadly. Anyways I am most likely going to start up a new story called "Saving Gabriella" or something. Look out for it alright? Thank you all for reading "In Love With A Criminal" (:

REVIEW! & enjoy.

If I can't say it.. Merry Christmas and hope you have a good one.

xo troyellalover96 xo