Liyah POV

When I finally make it back to the clubhouse it's one in the morning, I lost track of time as I caught up with my old crew, and we talked out details. Now you might be wondering what's my genius idea? Well in order for you to understand it, you have to know the history of the group I used to roll with back on the streets.

We used to be a gang of criminals. All shapeshifters. I was the hacker of the group. We robbed banks, murdered people, and basically did whatever we wanted to. We became one of the go-to groups to hire for your dirty work. During this time that's how I met Tom and we became friends. Over time the things we were sent to do became more and more bloody, and down-right sick. I tried to tell the group that I wasn't comfortable with the new direction we were on, and we should get out of the business before it bites us in the ass, but they basically told me to shut the fuck up, and deal with it.

So I had a few choice words for them. After leaving in a blaze of glory I joined Tom and his group, to fight for the greater good. Yeah well that's my story. So, anyways, back to my genius plan. I'm going to have my old crew work separately from my new crew, but that means I have to tell my old gang about what we're doing and the things we've found out. The tricky part is keeping Tom and them from finding out, and fucking up the whole plan. A little thing I forgot to say is that Tom and Marcellos hate each other. I mean the hate runs deeper than Faith's and Desmond's hate relationship. And since they're both leaders it would turn more into a competition and they would end up fucking the other group over to get the upper hand. When if they both worked together it would up our chances of winning.

Long story short, keep those two away from each other and then try to find a way to reward my old crew if we succeed, in bringing down the REDS and The Council.

I sneak into the house to find the house completely dark and everyone passed out in the living room, as the credits to some movie play to its unconscious audience. Hopefully Liz will be sleep so I can have time to think of an excuse in the morning. I quietly sneak into my room; opening and closing the door without making as much noise as possible.

I take off my clothes and fold them up laying them on a chair beside our bed, currently Liz is laying down facing away from me. So I climb onto our small bed trying not to disturb her but that's when I notice the subtle shake of her body. I scoot closer to her and immediately the warmth of her body calms me and a smile spreads over my face as I remember our first time together. I wrap my arms around her, and I know she's awake because immediately her body stiffens. That's weird I would have expected her to melt into my touch but instead she seems on edge.

I look over her a little to peak at her face, and what I see makes my whole body alert. Her face is red, her nose is a little runny and it looks like she's been crying for hours.

"What's wrong?" I ask her, I try to keep my voice as soft as possible.

"You left me." She simply responds, her voice is really shaky and it breaks my heart to hear her sound like she's slowly dying.

"No, I didn't I'm right here baby." I try to assure her, but she shakes her head, and turns towards me.

"Everything was going…so well. And then you just rushed out as if I did something wrong. What did I do? I'm so sorry. I-" I quickly interrupt her.

"Listen to me my angel, you did absolutely nothing, and earlier was so fucking amazing. I had to hurry and leave because I had to meet up with an old friend at ten and when I realized what time it was, I was like 40 minutes late. Trust me Elizabeth, it had nothing to do with you." I tell her honestly. I could never lie to her, but I can't tell her the full truth. I see she's thinking over what I just told her. After a moment a small smile forms on her lips and I let out a little breath I didn't even know I was holding.

Out of nowhere she pulls me towards her and buries her head in my neck, and I automatically wrap my arms around her.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like this." I tell her a little tremor is in my voice as my emotions catch up with me.

"It's ok, I'm just a little ball of emotions today." She mumbles into my neck. I laugh a little and I move under the covers. When I cuddle with her she turns around and our hands clasp in front of her stomach, I soon realize she hasn't even bothered to put on clothes. I feel my body naturally respond, but I try to keep my libido in check. At this moment me and my hips are in a war, they want to grind against her, but I'm keeping them in check. I think Liz can sense my problem because I'm tense as hell.

"Take off your clothes." She whispers to me after, she turns to look me in my eyes. I quickly oblige and my under-clothes are soon thrown on the floor. The look in Liz's eyes almost scare me. She's looking at me as if we've been apart for five years and all her sexual energy has been pent up, and now she's ready to pounce.

I feel her fingers go straight for my pussy. She takes the index finger of her right hand and softly massages the hood of my clit, making my member come out of hiding.

"Fuckk." I huskily moan out and close my eyes as all the blood in my body rushes to my heated center. I don't know how or why I'm so damn turned on right now, but I'm about to orgasm and she's only been teasing me. I close my eyes and get so lost in the smell of Elizabeth and sex wrapped all around me that it takes me by surprise when my orgasm rips through me and I gasp. I quickly grab onto her wrist to keep her hand in place as I feel my clit throb under her finger.

Elizabeth takes the back of my neck and brings me into a passionate kiss. That's when pure lust, love, and fire takes over me. This time when we break the kiss I'm the one with a fierce look, I growl a little and I feel my canines growing as I roughly separate her legs.

As I pull her legs up, her body automatically scoot down a little on the bed and she bites her lips as she looks straight dead into my eyes. With one hand holding me up I use the other hand to explore her blossoming sex. I cup her pussy and she arches her body towards me and I chuckle. My mouth waters as I stare at her bare chest heaving from pleasure, her voluptuous mounds taunting me. It almost feels like her hard dusky nipples are begging for me to suck on them, and I do.

I bring my mouth down and wrap my pink lips around her left nipple. I moan in the back of my throat as I suck and lightly nibble on the hard flesh between my lips, I switch to the other one and by the time I'm down with her chest it looks like she's about to cry from experiencing so much pleasure.

"Please, fuck me." She whispers hoarsely as I look into her rich deep green eyes, I almost cum from hearing those words come out of her mouth. I instantly plunge to fingers deep into her warm tight hole. Her head rolls back into the pillow, her body arches towards me, her mouth opens wide with a silent scream, and her hands and arms are tightly gripping me as unimaginable pleasure starts from her center and shoots throughout her body.

"Ohhh goddd….." She trails off, as I bite down on her neck and my fingers piston even faster. I feel her hand on the back of my head urging me to keep my teeth sunk into the soft flesh of her neck as I feel her walls clench onto my digits. Her body violently convulses and sweet nectar shoots out of her as my fingers keep stroking her g spot.

We stay in the same position after her orgasm, but instead of my teeth inside of her I'm slowly licking the wound as well as appreciatively nuzzling her neck. When I feel that she's finally calmed down I slowly withdraw my fingers and I feel her body shudder from after-shocks.

"Wow." Is all I can say as I stare up at the ceiling.

"Yeah that was amazing." She says dreamily, and I beckon her over to come and cuddle with me. She turns around, with her back to me and I wrap my arms around her soft body.

"I love you so much." I whisper into her ear before hearing her say it back and then I fall asleep.

Buffy POV

"Ohhh Fuckk!" We hear Elizabeth yell for like the 20th time this morning. It's ten in the morning and ever since 8 those two have been at it like bunny rabbits.

"Ok, I'll go ahead and volunteer myself as tribute to go in and break those two up." Faith says, and believe me she's serious. So I put a hand on her knee to silently show her that she's not doing anything.

"I don't get it just last night Elizabeth was crying because of Liyah and now she's yelling because of the girl." Tom says obviously confused about the whole situation.

"I guess we'll soon see what the whole fuss was about last night, if they could get out of bed and their selves together." I say with a shrug.

"That aint happening anytime soon." Says Faith with a shake of her head.

"RRiiinngg" My cell-phone sings and I look to see Giles' caller I.D.

"Hello?" I answer the phone.

"Uhh hello there Buffy, I wanted to know if you as well as the others could meet with me at the magic box in thirty minutes? If that's not such a hassle."

"Sounds like a plan to me, what's the occasion?"

"Oh nothing, we just have a special visitor. See you soon." He says and quickly hangs up. I wonder who this person could be….

"Hey there, don't hurt yourself. You look like you're trying to think too hard." Faith jokes and I roll my eyes.

"Oh shut it, F." I tell her.

"Who was that Buff?" Xander asks, calling me out of my daze as I continue to sit and ponder over who could be out little special guest.

"Giles, he said he wanted us to meet him at the magic box in thirty minutes, and I kinda spoke for the group and told him we'd be there."

"So when he said group, did he mean us as well?" Tom asks, I shrug because I honestly don't know.

"Well Liyah and Elizabeth aren't coming cause it would take too long to untangle those two, and Desmond and I have a little sparring match scheduled for today in like forty five minutes, so we'll just send Tom as our representative." Chris says, and I see Tom raise a speculative eye-brow.

"Sparring practice in the morning?" He asks, his voice a disbelieving tone. Desmond and Chris just look at each other and shrug.

"The earlier the better right." Desmond says nonchalantely.

"Yeah, I don't believe you two, but hey whatever I guess it's just Faith and I from our group."

"Yeah we don't need those losers anyways." Faith jokes.

"Hey! These losers have saved your butt more than once." Chris, say accusingly but in a manner to where you know he is playing.

"And for that I'm grateful, but as it stands you all are still losers, now if you all would excuse me I have to get ready." Faith says, and my eyebrows shoot up past my bangs because I know how long can take in the shower.

"I call shower first!" I scream and make a mad dash for the bathroom. I hear Faith run after me, but I've always been faster and I quickly slam the door in her face.

"Hey open up!" I hear her yell and she bangs on the door.

"No, I'll be quick." I tell her, and hear her whine a little bit and it's so adorable.

"Come on, it would be faster if just shower together, yunno kill two birds with one stone." She tries to persuade me, but I laugh in disbelief.

"For one, I'm totally against animal cruelty. And two you know that we'd take even longer if we're both in that shower together." I hear her chuckling, knowing that what I'm saying is true.

"Well hurry it up princess." My eyes automatically narrow at the closed bathroom door when she calls me that stupid nickname, and I narrowly miss her when I throw a roll of toilet paper at her.

45 minutes later…

"We're here, might be a little late but we made it!" I call out once we make it to our destination. Immediately I sense a vampire, but I know that it must be Spike, because anything else wouldn't show up on the radar.

"Oww!" I pout rubbing the back of my left shoulder as Anya shoves past me straight towards her cash register.

"Oh how I've missed you so much!" Anya exclaims hugging her prized possession as if she's been reunited with an old friend she hasn't seen in years.

"She's weird." I hear Emily say, and I silently nod in agreement.

"Anya, I swear sometimes it seems like you love your money more than me." Xander whines, and Anya immediately snaps her attention towards him.

"Sometimes? More like all the time. I mean yeah we've become more than orgasm buddies, but that doesn't mean you will be first to money. Back me up Faith," Faith looks a bit surprised and I turn towards her, hands on my hips and waiting for her answer as Anya continues to talk, "Buffy might give you real good orgasms, but you can't trade her in for all of life's necessities."

"Language, we gotta a kid with us." Tom warns.

I see Faith smirk from beside me and I get really nervous, because I know she's going to say something really embarrassing.

"I don't know, B's pretty sweet and if she had any nutritional value I could live off of her." Yupp, and she fails to let me down! My head immediately go into my closed hands and my face reddens with embarrassment.

I hear some astonished, surprised, and amused reaction coming from my friends but I refuse to leave my little hiding place. I feel Faith put her arms around me and kisses my temple a few times.

"Come on B, stop being such a baby." She whispers into my ear, I look up at her and try to give her my best scowl.

"I'll stop being a baby when you stop being a perv." I retort, and she's grinning at me amusedly.

"Sorry, but when you bought the Faith package on the box in bold letters it told you that a huge dose of perviness was included." She responds, and despite my current mood I laugh a little. Faith smiles triumphantly and she moves back to my side with her arm resting around my waist.

"Well isn't this a surprise." I hear a voice emerging from the training room that I never thought I'd hear again. My heart stops and I unknowingly hold my breath as Angel comes into view. I feel Faith's body stiffen beside me and her arm tightens around my body, the predator inside of her is trying to protect her mate.

Briefly memories of me stabbing my once lover comes rushing back and I have to steady myself before I pass out from the intensity of the wave of emotions that just hit me. I quickly open up my eyes, and let out a relieved breath when I notice that everyone is staring at Angel and Angel is having a little staring contest with Faith.

"I think we could say the same thing about you showing up, last time I remembered you were dead." Faith says nonchalantly, and Angel shrugs.

"Yeah was in a hell dimension, luckily I got out and was kind of out of it for a while. That is until a special lady came around and helped me back on my feet, and now here I am." Angel explains.

"Well wasn't that a tear jerker." Faith says sarcastically, my eyes widen and I nudge faith a bit. She gives me a questioning look and I narrow my eyes at her.

"Play nice." I whisper and she rolls her eyes.

"So Giles basically informed me of everything except you two's new found relationship." He says, his brooding figure coming closer to us. "I heard you're a shape shifter now, how is it?" Faith shrugs and puts her hands in her pockets, acting as if she has all the care in the world.

"Well at first it started out with mad killer head aches and waking up naked in strange places, especially the woods a lot," There are a few laughs that erupt, and Faith smiles taking pride in her natural ability to be the cause of the laughter, "But now I'm slowly learning on how to balance the two forces in me as well as the slayer, it's a working progress."

"Interesting, well I guess we should get down to business, after you all." Angel has his hand out directing us towards the table. We all get ourselves seated, and Faith props her boot clad feet on the table. Giles shoots her a death glare, but Faith looks away at the right time and acts as if she doesn't even notice Giles stare, he takes of his glasses to wipe them and with a frustrated sigh he puts them back on and ignores Faith. Out of the corner of my eye I see my love smirk in triumph, and I laugh under my breath.

"Smooth." I tell her and she smirks in that cocky way that gets my blood flowing, I blush a little and I hear her chuckle.

"I'll try to make this as quick as possible," Angel explains he and Giles are the only ones standing up at the head of the table and Angel settles on leaning forward, his hands are firmly planted on the brown wood. "So the king of the Southern realm, I believe his name is Shim, has declared the capture of Buffy and Faith, and the death of anyone who is found associating with those two."

"What!" Willow exclaims. Everyone leans forward and even Faith changes from her previous position to lean her elbows on her knees.

"Yeah, he's got big money on you guys head by the way." Giles puts in.

"I have a question." Faith says.

"What is it?" Angel asks.

"Is it just like in the Southern realm or do we have a death notice on our heads in all of the kingdoms of the underworld?"

"Nice question," Angel compliments "and luckily no, as far as we know it it's only in the southern realm."

"I don't get it, why put a notice on them when they only rarely have stepped foot in their natural forms into the southern realm.." Tara wonders out loud.

"Remember that little meeting Seth had with the fucking council?" Faith says bitterly.

"Oh yeah." Tara says now understanding the situation.

"It's there grand plan on how to exterminate you guys." Tom says what we're all thinking.

"Is it just me or does there plan have too many holes in them?" Xander asks.

"I think we can thank Seth for that, he's trying to make it as easy on us as possible." Faith says.

"We owe him a lot." I say relieved that he did not take more drastic measures that would cause Faith and I to live on the run for awhile.

"So it's simple we don't go into the southern realm unless we're in our disguises." I simply say.

"It's not that simple what if we have a mission in the southern realm, what the hell are we gonna tell Grant when he asks why you can't go." Tom explains.

"We'll think of something I it ever comes to that." Faith says as if it isn't a problem.

"Gotcha sis."

"Hey get off of that priceless artifact!" Anya yells at Emily who is currently playing with a skull, I raise my eyebrows because out of everything the kid could play with in the magic box, she's immediately attracted to the skull.

"Fine! Meany!" Emily says and slams the skull back down on the shelf.

"You little! Who's responsibility is she today!" Anya demands from her permanent spot behind the counter.

"Mine." Tom says raising his hand.

"She break anything, you're paying." She simply says.

"Hey Em, if you break anything I'm locking you in a closet." Tom jokes.

"I've been threatened to be starved to death, being in the closet wouldn't be sweat off my back." The girl says boldly, and we all laugh for two reasons. I don't think she understands the second reason we're laughing, but she'll soon understand.

"Being in the closet is kind of worse.." I hear Tara say, but I can tell she isn't sad because she has a little smile on face.

"Now who's the little girl?" Angel whispers to me, when Emily goes back to finding something else to mess with.

"Long story, I tell him." Not feeling like explaining who she is, even though it might not be as long of a task as I'm making it out to be at the moment.

"So…. I was thinking, we should talk." He tells me, and I give him a speculative look.

"About what, what is there to talk about Angel?" I ask him curiously, our conversation is whispered.

"A lot of things, like what happened to us? I thought we had something going." He says pleadingly, and even though he's talking so low that only I can hear what he's saying I can just feel that Faith's getting very uncomfortable right now, so I know I have to shorten this.

"Look I did too, but you turned into Angelus and you did some messed up stuff, and then I killed you. It took me a while but I moved on, and now I'm happy. So please, pretty please, don't mess this up for me. I know the powers that be hate it when I find someone to share my heart with, but I honestly think this is the one so just stay out of the way Angel."

I see a look of hurt in his eyes, but this had to be done.

"I understand." He simply says before he walks away. When I turn back around in my chair I find Faith staring intently at me, and I try hard not to roll my eyes or smile as I can feel the waves of jealousy just come off of her.

"What were you guys talkin about?" I hear her ask, I can tell she's trying to keep her voice under wraps but I can see right through her.

"Nothing." I look her dead in the eyes, and give her a smile as if I couldn't be any happier, and I know it's just eating Faith up inside on how I'm acting as if Angel's and I's conversation wasn't important.

"Oh you guys, before we all leave Tara and I have this big idea!" Willow says excitedly jumping up and down in her seat, I don't even try to contain my amused smile for my long time best friend.

"What is it?" I ask.

"Well we were wondering if you all would join us, tonight for camping. We found this great place and we got some good deals on the tents and supplies. What do you guys say? We can go hiking, walking, and spend some bonding time together, and added bonus all the couples have their own tents." Willow ends the last sentence with a wiggle of her eyebrows.

Faith and I look at each other briefly before coming to a conclusion.

"We're in." I tell her.

"I'm definetly in, I have nothing to do." Tom says.

"Hey what about me!?" Emily says with a pout.

"I can watch her for the night. How hard could it possibly be?" Giles says and all of us at the table share a look.

"Just make sure to record your night G- man." Faith tells him.

"I would like to go, so we're going." Anya says.

"Great! Ohhh." Willow realizes the new added person."

"I know I was gonna let Desmond and Tom share a tent, but you can share one with them if that's ok." Willow offers.

"I don't want to barge in on you alls plans, plus I'm a vampire the night time is when I'm mostly awak." He says.

"I understand, but you are welcome." Tara tells him with a warm smile.

"Thank you."

Later on that night at the camp site….

Faith POV

"Wow this is amazing!" Elizabeth says, her hand is tightly linked to Liyah's as they walk together to the clearing in which about 5 nice sized tents are circled at a good distance around a camp fire surrounded by logs.

I look up at the sky to see the various shades of pink scatter as the sun slowly goes down. I breathe in the smell of nature and it sends a chill down my spine and makes my heart feel as if it's at home. After all I am part animal.

"Isn't this wonderful?" B asks beside me, but I only glance at her and shake my head in agreement. I know I'm being a bitch, but until she spills the beans on what happened between her and angel earlier, I'm gonna keep ignoring her as much as possible. Yeah, I bet she didn't expect me to do the whole silent treatment technique cause she's looking like a lost puppy right now.

Luckily soul boy doesn't come with us, because if he did one of us might not make it through tonight. I know the guy is a good person with good intentions, for the most part, but when it comes to B I think all his morals go out the window. And it's all vamp sees vamp has to have! But he has to understand that slayer has and slayer plans to keep, so he better keep his cold hands to himself before I stake him.

I smile triumphantly at the clever words I say in my head I sense someone staring at me so I turn my head and there's Buffy looking at me like I'm a psychotic patient so I quickly return the neutral look back to my face. She shakes her head, and it's obvious that's she's frustrated. Good, be very frustrated B, be extremely frustrated!

"So I guess we can go ahead and choose our tents!" Willow says excitedly.

"Sweet." I clap my hands together and point to a red and orange tent a little bit closer to the woods.

"Why? So bugs can crawl into our room for the night, and we would wake up with various bug bites." Buffy says obviously scared.

"And they still would be less annoying than you." I say without thinking, and I know I've made a mistake when I see the deeply hurt expression in B's eyes. My heart hurts for her, and I silently watch as she stalks off with tears in her eyes.

"Fuck.." I say under my breath.

"Woah, that was harsh." Chris comments, his eyes are wide. I look around and notice that everybody's eyes are wide in surprise and are following Buffy whose figure is going deeper into the woods.

"Harsh, little sis. That was harsh." Tom rests his hands on my shoulder. I look up to the now dark sky and curse.

"Damnit! Nice job Faith. Go and say something really stupid. Just be the dumbass that you usually are, and screw up anything good that comes your way..." I keep going on to myself until I feel Liyah, not so lightly, punch my arm.

"Instead of beating yourself up, why don't you go and talk to Buffy smart one."

I look at her as if I never knew that was an option.

"Oh really! Well geez I should have thought of that in the first place!" I say sarcastically. Instead of getting mad and cussing me out, for her trying to help and getting a smart remark back like a normal person, she just laughs.

"Being an ass isn't going to get your girl back, now is it?" I huff and roll my eyes but in the end she's right. So I give her a thankful smile for talking some sense into me and I bound off towards my lover.

B is pretty far into the forest, but thanks to our slayer bond I can easily find my way to her. Honestly even if we didn't have the slayer bond I could follow my heart and find her anywhere. As I walk, ducking and walking around branches, sticks and logs, I finally find another clearing. But instead of a clearing of land, I find a body of water that looks like it leads to a water fall to my far right. Buffy is sitting all alone on a log on the river bank, and I can tell she's crying.

I take in a deep breath and start to walk towards her. She has her hair in a ponytail now, and she took off her pink jacket so that it's tide around her waist. As I silently sit beside her I shiver as the coolness of nature settles around me.

"I'm a fucked up person, and this whole relationship thing is pretty new to me. Hell I know I sound pretty fucking selfish right now, but I want you to know that I made a mistake. And I'm so sorry B. I will do anything. And I mean anything to make it up to you." I say. I'm too afraid to look at her so I look straightforward. Only Buffy's random sniffles are heard. For a moment I thought that Buffy just up and left until she finally says something.

"I told him to leave me alone. I told him that I had something good going on, and I didn't want him to mess it up." I quickly turn towards her and the light of the moon shines on the tears running down her face.

"What.." I say surprised.

"Yeah, but no one told me that it would be me to screw it all up." She says sadly.

"No! No! It was me who screwed all of this up. I fucked up and said that shit to you earlier and then got all girly and did the whole bitchy treatment just cause you didn't want to tell me what you and Angel were talking about. You have all the right to feel as hurt as you do right now, just don't blame yourself, if anything blame me." I tell her, at this point I don't even care about coming off like a badass cause tears are in my eyes and I have one of her hands in both of mine. She finally looks at me and we both get lost in a daze. That is until she quickly brings me in for a kiss.

"I love you so much." She tells me as she pulls back. I smile, not smirk, I actually smile and I cup her face in my hand. I lightly kiss her soft pouty lips and moan at the contact.

"I love you more Buffy." That seems to ignite a fire in her because she literally jumps on me, and we start making out like horny teenagers. I'm starting to think that B took all of her emotions and used them to drive her libido, cause she's kissing and feeling me up as if she's trying to get us to merge into one person.

My hands travel up and down her sides as I start to kiss and suck on the warm flesh of her neck. She sucks in a deep breath as I lightly bite her collar bone.

"You are making me so wet." She hoarsely whispers, and my clit gives a needy throb upon hearing those words.

"Oh fuckk." Is my only response as her hips start a sharp downward thrust. My panties start to stick to me as I feel my wetness seeping out of my pussy and my hands cup Buffy's ass to take control of her movements.

"Ungghh yess." She moans as her head falls back and her eyes look towards the sky. Her arms are around my head and I'm smothered in her shirt and bra clad breasts. I could totally get used to this position, and I can't help the happy smile that slithers onto my face. I start to move my hips and angle them to where my clit is directly bumping against hers through our pants. The clothes are a great inconvenience, but I'd be crazy as hell to take them off. I don't wanna end up with a bunch of mosquito bites in various places. Places that I probably couldn't and shouldn't scratch in public.

"Fuck. Oh yeah B." I whisper into her ear when a shiver starts from my clit and rumbles throughout my body. She starts moving her hips faster in response, and I can only hold onto her moving body as my orgasm rips through me.

"Oh Faith!" Buffy screams out as her hips jerk, and I know she just orgasmed. As she slowly comes down from her high she lays her forehead on the top of my head, and I nip at her neck a little. My teeth grazing her heated sweaty skin sends a shiver through her body and her hips automatically jerk forward which causes another wave of pleasure to ripple through her. I chuckle a little at watching and feeling B's body involuntary orgasm again. She must be extremely sensitive right now so even though I want to feel her orgasm against me again, I know it might hurt her a little so I just softly comb my hand through her hair.

"You, ok?" I ask after sitting in the same position for about five minutes and feeling Buffy's body slowly come to.

"Yeah…" She says breathily, "I think I'm fine now." She moves off of me to sit back in her previous position on the log. I don't let her get too far because I wrap my arms around her body and breathe in her beautiful scent. A wave reaches the shore and covers my boot clad feet, but Buffy giggles a little when the water reaches her because she has sandals on.

The various animal sounds in the back-ground and the beautiful sound of the running water, sets me at ease.

"What are you feeling right now?" Buffy asks me.

"I don't know, I've never felt this before. I wanna say true happiness, peace, I don't know.." I say a little shy. I hear her soft laughter tickle my ear and she guides my face to look at her.

"Think about it, what do you feel?" She says her green eyes studying my face. This time I take some time to actually think about it.

"I feel at home, like this is all right and I don't want to be here with anyone except you." I honestly tell her, and I find myself in another passionate kiss, that could easily heat up into another round of hot sex.

"We should probably get back." Buffy says after a while.

"Yeah you're right, with us out this long they're probably expecting only one of us back with dirty and ripped up clothes after we had to bury the other one." B smiles in amusement but also confusion.

"Why would they think that?"

"Cause the way you stalked off, looked as if you were plotting my death." Buffy gasps in surprise and covers her mouth in amazement.

"You're on to me! How… how did you know!" She jokes and I laugh and shake my head at how she's acting.

"Faith knows everything." I say in a drone voice. Buffy rolls her eyes and gets up.

"Don't get ahead of yourself, baby."

"Oh come on admit it I'm always right." I say with a smirk.

"I admit to nothing." She says with a stern pout, so I grab her and spin her around in the air.

"Come on admit it B!" She shrieks then laughs out loud as she wraps her legs around my waist.


"Just say Faith's always right. That's all yah gotta say B. Don't make me bring out the big guns."

"You would never!"

"I know how stubborn you Summers women are, I'm well prepared to do what I have to do to get you to cooperate." I say in a soldier like voice.

"Oh you two make me sick." A voice from in the forest says, I quickly drop B and turn towards the noise, ready for a fight. I find Desmond, and not far behind him is everyone else. He has a sickened look on his face and he quickly turns on his hills.

"Come on guys, they're not dead. Obviously." Desmond says.

"Wait, no! Is anyone thinking about what I'm thinking?" Chris says, and I her Buffy audibly groan.

"Well we might, how about we play 21 questions." Buffy says.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" I say, not really annoyed but amused that they actually came to check up on us.

"We uhh wanted to make sure you were in one piece Faith." Willow says with a small smile, and I scoff.

"Really!? I'd be the one dead. Ok, oh yee those of little Faith." I say exasperatically with a hint of disappointment.

"Well I think if we had too much of Faith, Buffy over there would kill us." Liyah says with a smirk.

"You got that right." Buffy says hugging onto my arm, and I chuckle after kissing her forehead.

"You gotta point there." I tell her with a wink, Liyah just smiles smugly and crosses her arms on her chest.

"When do I not have a point?"

"Back on track guys, who's gonna skinny dip with me… Nobody…. Not even you babe?" After the only thing that would respond to him were crickets he just shakes his head then starts untying his shoes. "Well I guess it's just me then…"

"No!" Everybody says and since Tom and Jennifer are closest to him, they quickly halt his actions.

"I don't think any of us besides Jen, wants to see your balls man." Tom says looking disgusted as if he's imagining Chris naked.

"I second that idea." I say raising my hand.

"Third!" Xander says quickly.

"Four-" Anya is interrupted by Chris.

"Look there's only need for a second to a motion, so I quit." He says a little mad.

"Babe how about just me and you go skinny dipping sometime." Jennifer says lowly, she thinks we can't hear but she's in the company of shapeshifters with great hearing and slayers with even more great hearing, oh yeah we heard that. Everyone is looking at her curiously and when she notices our stares she blushes a bit.

"What?" She asks innocently.

"Shifters and Slayers here, word to the wise, we got good hearing." I inform her with a smirk.

"Ohh!" She says as her eyes go wide. "We should ummm head back…"

"I agree!" Buffy says and is about to lead the way when she abruptly stops.

"What's wrong B?" I ask as I push through our little group to stand beside her.

"I can't see anything, like I'm as blind as the three mice right here." She says, and I chuckle.

"Oh yeah forgot, you didn't come equipped with the night vision boost." I say slinging my arm around her shoulders.

"Good thing my soul mate does now lead the way Faithy."She comments. The way she called me soul mate made my heart melt, and I can't help bringing her into a slow kiss. Fuck the audience. She pulls back and looks into my now yellow slit eyes. She gasps a little and looks in awe at my transformed eyes that help me see at night better.

"Ok sorry to break up this whole little moment, uuhhh I'm hungry and I don't feel like watching my sister make out with her girlfriend as much as I have been all day."

"Geez Tom, you're worse than Emily."

"Up yours…"

"Not into anal." I quip.

"Woah that went to a dark place." Liyah puts in.

"Dark, scary, and badly odored place…" Chris puts in.

"Hey! My ass smells like lilies in the summer time." I argue back with everyone.

"Hehe yeah right, it probably smells like you hid a dead person for a year in there." Elizabeth says, I gasp and act surprised as hell, and honestly part of me is surprised as hell.

"You, out of all people turn on me! Oh the deceit!" I exclaim.

"Never trust a redhead." Buffy puts in with a smile.

"Hey, I think I'm pretty trust worthy." Willow says.

"You're the best of us." Elizabeth says sympthatically.

"And look we're here!" Desmond exclaims.

"That was quick." B comments.

We all settle on the logs around the supposed fire pit. There are five logs and each sit comfortably three people, and B and I share our own.

"There's supposed to be a fire here, right?" Buffy asks looking at the pile of logs.

"In theory yeah.." Willow says.

"Well does anybody have pyro skills?" Tom asks the group, he's met with silence. "Really? Half of us here are former criminals, how the hell does none of us deal with pyro?"

"I was more of the hacker." Liyah lazily puts in.

"Yeah I stole, robbed, and beat the shit outta people. No need for lighters unless I was smokin'." I say with a shrug.

"I think Desmond and I both fall into the category with Faith minus the smoking part." Chris says.

"And that leaves Elizabeth." Tom says turning his attention on her, although he already knew that she had nothing to do with fire.

"Well I don't think fire has anything to do with scamming people." Elizabeth says with a slight shrug.

"I guess we're S.O.L" Tom says then follows his statement with a yawn.

"What about the Scooby gang, none of you guys did anything bad?" Chris asks.

"There the goody-two-shoes group. The worse thing they probably did was not tell the teacher that the kid beside em was cheating off of their test." I say, and B lightly slaps my arm.

"I've stolen money before!" B says, and I raise my eyebrows in surprise and interest at her.

"How much?" I quiz her.

"Five dollars." She meekly replies, and I smirk already knowing the answer to the next question.

"From who?"

"My mother, but that doesn't matter I still did something." She says defiantly, sticking her chin out and replacing the smile on her face with a cute little pout.

"Oh yeah B, I don't wanna mess with you. You might hug me to death." I joke.

"It's a gift, yet a curse." She says dramatically. I laugh and nuzzle her neck, causing her to giggle.

"Did I ever tell you two that you guys are so cute?" Elizabeth practically squeels.

"Both you or somebody has in the past and I remember correcting them by replacing the word cute with sexy." I say with a wink.

"How do you keep up with this one?" Jennifer asks Buffy, referring to me.

"It's a working progress, but I'll let you in on a little secret: She's pretty easy to keep happy." I nod my head in agreement.

"She is right." I say honestly.

"Of course she is, Buffy is always right." wIllow says, and I quickly narrow my eyes at her.

"What did you say?" I menacingly ask her, and Willow visibly shakes. She quickly grabs Tara's hand, and for a second I think she's taking me way too seriously. I smile at her and shake my head to show that I was only joking. Willow's body calms down and she nervously laughs.

"Don't worry I wouldn't let anything happen to you." Tara whispers to Willow and she gets a grateful smile in response.

"Hmmm so it seems like I'm the one that's always right in this relationship." Buffy says with way too much confidence for her little blonde head to handle. Before I can even get my comeback out, I feel Tom grasp my shoulder firmly and his breath in my ear.

"Word of advice little sis, just let her have it." He says and pulls back with a wink.

"Ok, B you're right." I just simply respond with, I'm hoping, what looks like an honest smile. Buffy blinks for a second in surprise.

"Ohh… What did Tom tell you?" She asks suspiciously. She knows It's unlike me to give up on an argument.

I shrug. "He said to drop it."

"Mmmhhhmm, and that's it?"

"Yupp pretty much, little one over there hit it on the nail." Tom says and I roll my eyes.

"Whatever I'll let you two have it, this time."

Buffy POV

"Buffy you should keep an eye on those two, I think they might cause some trouble down the road." Elizabeth warns me with a smile.

"Trust me I'm already on it, the trick is to make them think you're stupid." I lean towards her and explain as if no one else can hear us.

"Nice move." She compliments.

I tap my head, and smile cockily.

"I call it the Blondes' Comeback of 2014." And our group bust on in spurts of laughter.

"I gotta remember that one!" Christopher says, and I take it as a really good compliment since it seems like he's the jokester of the group.

"Ok I think it's marshmallow time!" Anya announces.

"Right on it! I got it!" Faith quickly jumps up, almost knocking me over in the process to go to one of the bags by the tents.

"Well isn't she just a ball of energy." I mumble amused, and….well… slightly annoyed. I mean come on, I nearly fell off of our log. When Faith gets back she's grinning hard as she holds up the two huge bags of marshmallows.

"So, you got the goodies!" Xander exclaims excitedly.

"Hey, I know my boobs are often the object of affection, but can we please give the girls a break?" Faith mockingly whines, and Xander's face heats up like a fire hydrant.

"Yeah, leave them alone Xander! I can't believe you would so openly talk about her breasts in front of me and Buffy. I mean I don't even know why I just don't let Buffy tear you into a million little Xander pieces…" She goes on and on, and Faith sits beside me with an amused smirk, and it is fun to watch as Xander sits their sputtering, not even able to get a word out as Anya goes on.

"You think you should tell her it was a joke now?" I whisper into my lovers ear, she looks at me and lightly gives me a kiss on the lips.

"Nah give em about five more minutes." She says, and I shrug my shoulders. When their five minutes was up, Xander was on his feet and cautiously backing away from a still ranting Anya, finally Faith decides to give Xander a break so she loudly clears her throat to get Anya's attention. Anya's head quickly snaps towards our direction as her eyes land on Buffy and the look in her eyes are fierce.

"What?" She asks sharply.

"I was just playing, Xander wasn't talking about my breasts. He was taling about the bags of Marshmallows." She plainly says.

"Exactly! That's what I've been trying to get out this whole time Babe!" XAnder exclaims with full arm movement to back up his claim, he seems rather happy to have Anya off his back.

"Oh why didn't you just say so in the first place." She deadpans and sits down calmly as if she was never screaming in the first place. At this point we all are looking at her as if she's crazy, and she seems to be pretty oblivious to all of our questioning stares.

"Soo… Are we gonna eat those bad boys are what?" She impatiently asks Faith. I see Faith shake her head as if to wake herself out of a daze, then she smirks.

"Sure thing Queen A, but you might wanna get you a stick." She responds.

"Xander, honey, be a dear and go find me a stick. One without bird poop please?" Anya commands. Xander, knowing better than to speak back just nods and goes searching.

"Can you say pussy whipped!" Liyah exclaims.

"What does that mean?" Anya asks.

"Means you got him on a tight leash." Tom tells her. And Anya gasps in honest surprise.

"How do you guys know about the leash? He told me not to tell anyone, but he gets to go blubbering on about it! That's not fair." And again we're all looking flabbergasted. It's just a good thing Xander isn't here, there's so much my best friend can take.

"Anya, honey, lets just keep that to ourselves and forget we even knew that happened." Tara suggests softly.

"Agreed!" The whole group says except Anya, who still seems rather upset.

"Come on Anya you got to agree too." Jennifer says.

"But….but… ok whatever, but if you guys find out about any more stuff, I'm telling everything." Anya exclaims in defeat, and I visibly cringe at the thought of what she might reveal to us. I'm not surprised when I see a few others including Faith shudder in disgust.

"If we even think Xander is about to reveal something I volunteer to be the person to be the living shit out of him before he can even get one word out." Faith says with a little too much seriousness for that kind of statement. I honestly think she's serious, I conclude as I look at her horrified yet stern face. It causes a little smile to appear on my face as I realize that Faith just actually got disgusted by something sexual, never in my life would I have ever thought this day would come. I guess anything can happen.

"You'd do that for me?" Anya asks in admiration, and the look of horror on Faith's face is replaced wither trademark dimples and smirk, and with a wink she answers Anya's question.

"Sure thing princess." In a normal situation I would be mad at how flirty she is, but its Faith and Anya I mean I have nothing to worry about.

Finally Xander comes back with sticks for everyone, we all greet him with a warm smile, but it's kind of hard not to look at him and imagine a spiked collar around his neck which in turn causes you to either gag, cringe, or something of that nature. Xander isn't dumb so he quickly catches on that something's up. He gets a thoughtful look on his face then he immediately narrows his eyes at his partner who's happily roasting a marshmallow in the fire.

"An! What did you tell everybody?!" He huffs, I don't even know if Anya is playing or being serious but she looks confused as hell at him.

"What are you talking about?" She asks so innocently.

"Everybody is looking at me all weird, I'm guessing you said something." He whispers into her ear, but his emotions has him whispering his words loudly and hey all super humans over here, so basically we all heard him.

"Nothing you didn't." She smoothly responds. He looks taken aback and thinks really hard about what he might have told all of us.

"Thanks man, we really needed these." Tom thanks Xander, quickly changing the subject to all of our relief. Someone had to do it soon before things got blown up between those two.

"Oh no problem, just call me the stick man." Xander jokes.

"No…" Desmond says.

"No, what?"

"We're not calling you stick man." Desmond says sternly, then his thin lips curl into a smile showing that he's only messing with him after getting a glare from Xander.

"I thought I was gonna have to beat you up there, for a second." Xander chuckles.

"Don't worry, you couldn't." Desmond assures him.

"He's right Xander, so I'll just step in for yah. Any special moves you want seen done on em?" I think you already know who made that comment. Out of all the times I've tried to stop myself from rolling my eyes, this time I didn't even fight it, as Desmond and Faith go back and forth.

Elizabeth and I make eye contact and we trade a look, we silently agree that they're pretty immature.

"WE should go to the tent." I whisper into Faith's ear, and that definetly gets her attention, because she totally forgets about the argument she's in the middle of.

"Right now?" She asks a little excited.


"Nope. No. Hell no. You two as well as you two," Tom points to Liyah and Elizabeth who both look at each other then at Tom with a look of confusion, "Yeah, you two…. I'm tired of having to hear constant moans in the damn house. We will have a good time all together, without someone trying to sneak off and getting their kicks off, got it?"

"Woah there big bro, if I didn't know better I'd think I hear a bit of jealousy and sexual frustration in that sentence." Faith teases.

"Do we need to call his girlfriend?" Liyah joins in.

"For one I do not have a girlfriend and all you heard was annoyance." Tom assures the chuckling best friends.

"Whatever you say." Liyah says in mock defeat.

"Yeah, whatever helps you sleep better at night." Faith puts in.

"Well if he called his girl, maybe he'd get a better sleep." I unconsciously mumble, not even catching what I say till it's already out in the open. My eyes go wide and I gasp in surprise and embarrassment. I cautiously look up to see Tom's face and to my surprise he has a look of admiration, as if I just passed a test he thought I would fail. When I see Faith's face I'm not surprised to see her proud smile.

"Oh yeah I'm definitely rubbing off on yah." She says with a bump to my shoulder.

"Oh yeah you two have been rubbing alright." Liyah mumbles.

"I don't know you might have us beat." Faith smirks, Liyah shrugs her shoulders and takes a bite out of her marshmallow.

"We're catching up to you guys." Liyah immediately gets a light punch to her shoulder.

"Why do we even let these two speak?" I ask Elizabeth, she just shakes her head.

"Jennifer seems to have a good hold on Chris we might need to ask her for advice." She says, and I shake my head in agreement.

"Let's not ask how I keep him in check, I think we've heard enough of disturbing things for the night." Jennifer jokes.

"Wait what did we hear?" Xander asks, and I audibly groan.

"Nothing, just nothing." Willow says.

"Soo everybody having fun with the whole undercover deal…" Tara asks and we take the new direction with glee…


"Well I don't know about you all, but I am totally beat so I'm gonna go hit the sheets." Tom says sitting up and rubbing his stomach.

"Right behind you bro."

"Count me in!" Xander exclaims.

"Well good night everyone." Tara says holding onto a teetering Willow who looks way too sleepy.

"Good night T." Faith greets her and I wave with a warm smile. Willow just gives us all dreamy looks before she's directed towards her tent.

"See everyone in the morning." Desmond says and heads into his tent. We quickly say our goodbye's and head into our surprisingly spacious tent. I can't stand up in it but I can sit up and roll a good four times.

"You still in the mood?" Faith asks as we finally lay our heads down. I think about it and with a smile I respond.


"Good, I'm way too tired." She says and we laugh. We make sure our tent is zipped all the way up then we take off all of our clothes until we're both naked, Faith is about to put on her pajama bottoms but I stop her.

"No, I want to feel your body." I whisper to her. She smiles sweetly at me and gets under our huge red and blue sleeping bag. She lays down and I lay my head on her chest and our bodies automatically mold together. The soft faint pounding of her heart is a song that's lulling me to sleep, it doesn't help that she wraps her arms around my soft body. She kisses my forehead, and I moan in complete satisfaction and comfort. I feel her, more than hear her chuckle. I get up to look at her curiously.

"What is it?" I ask her.

"Just listen." She informs me so, I focus my hearing on my surroundings and that's when I hear that faint sound of moaning which is no doubt Elizabeth. Both Faith and I bust out laughing.

"I guess they do got us beat." I say with a little smirk.

"I guess so, but I'm not even sweatin it." Faith says after I return back to our current position

"Buffy can I ask you a question?" Faith quietly asks me after a while, the nervousness in her voice makes me raise my eyebrows, and I fight hard not to look at her. I'm trying to stay in this position so she'll feel comfortable.

"Yeah, anything."

"Why do you love me? Like I'm such a fucked up person, and you deserve a better person." She says and her voice trembles as she asks me this. I gently get up on my elbows, and look her deep in her eyes.

"I love you because you're everything that I've wanted in a soul mate, and more. WE all have our faults but the fact that you're trying to get through yours just makes me love you even more. And you're exactly what I deserve, baby don't ever forget that." I tell her, I cup both of her cheeks as I look into her chocolate brown eyes. I see all the hurt and pain shown clearly in them. I remember when she always used to have a shield up, but now she's finally letting me in, and I don't know if she really knows how much that means to me.

"I won't." She softly promises me, I can't take it anymore and I pull her in for a kiss. We both moan as soft lips connect and our eyes involuntarily shut. When we pull back there's so much love in the air that this moment feels like an out-of-body experience. As we hold each other till were both fast asleep, I ca'nt even imagine spending this moment with anybody else.