I squeaked in delight upon reading my e-mails. The Osaka museum was willing to reschedule my final interview to next week. And, since I was already in Osaka, I would search for my sister afterwards. Granted, I didn't know anything about her, but I'd worry about that bridge when I crossed it. It would still be several months before I could move to Osaka and I had so much unfinished business, but I was confident my life was starting to pick up.

School was slow and tedious, but I found it easier to focus than usual. When I passed Ikuto in the halls, he managed a forced smile and a nod. I didn't want to push him though, because he was going through a difficult time right now. Utau's mental illness was worsening and she wasn't doing very well. I made it my mission at that moment to meet and speak to her as soon as possible.

At lunch Kana came and sat next to me. She was so kind to do that but I could not allow it. At every encounter we had she was alienated by another person. Her friends dwindled to a few people willing to be around her and nothing more. I had ruined her. That was another thing I needed to fix before I left; Kana needed to get her reputation back. But for the moment, as she would not listen to my pleading, I enjoyed my temporary friend.

"So it's just been you? No other friends?" She asked with a casual grin as she piled food into her mouth. I thought back as far as I could, desperately seeking an amiable person. There were some in kindergarten I suppose. A few in second and third grade. Ikuto and Chizu, though I didn't talk to Chizu anymore and Ikuto… well I didn't want to dwell on him if I didn't need to.

"Pretty much." I twirled my fork around in my mashed potatoes. My appetite had all but disappeared in the past few days. I attributed it to teenage anxiety so I paid it little attention. Kana mumbled something and pouted at me.

"I have a friend who goes to a different school named Rima Mashiro. Would you like me to introduce her to you?" I nearly gagged. Introduce me to Rima Mashiro. I had certainly heard of her. Known for her cold demeanor and many fanboys. I had no interest in meeting her.

"That's… that's all right. I wouldn't want to ruin her reputation too," it wasn't a very good excuse but Kana recognized the hidden undertone and dropped it.

"After school would you like to come over my house?" The hesitation in her voice was not disguised well. Many things must have been going through her mind at that time; would I think she was coming onto me? Would I reject her invitation flatly? Was I feigning friendship with her? Eager to ease her obvious discomfort, I smiled and agreed to. We would meet in the parking lot immediately after school and I would call my parents to tell them.

I passed Ikuto after school on my way to the parking lot. This time he shot me a genuine smile and waved at me. I was curious as to what had changed since the morning but I didn't want to keep Kana waiting. I managed a smile of my own and continued running. Boys were so confusing…

"Amu, over here!" Kana shouted as I approached. At that moment I sensed something was wrong but I dismissed it. That was my greatest regret. Asa had always told me to trust my instincts yet, when I needed to most, I didn't.

"Hey, Kana. Want to get some ice-cream before we head over your house?" I asked as I dialed Miya's number. She was happy to hear I was going to spend some time at a friend's house (as long as that friend wasn't Ikuto) and told me she'd reimburse whatever I spent. Ice-cream was my treat! We hadn't been walking for ten minutes when Kana noticed an abandoned park and insisted on going in.

"This is where I got my first kiss," she explained. "I want to revisit it, if you don't mind." The place had certainly changed, according to her description. Children no longer played here so it was fairly dilapidated. Despite the grass to our thighs and dangerous looking wild-life she still desired to go in. I didn't stop her but I felt it necessary to stay away from the swing-set. That thing looked like it was going to collapse.

"Johnny was his name. A nice American boy visiting here last summer. Best two weeks of my life. And when it was time for him to go home, I let him kiss me. Just a peck on the lips, I was only fourteen, but it's still memorable." I smiled at her. No one had ever shared anything so personal with me. Maybe Ikuto, but he was always reluctant so it didn't count. I wanted to thank Kana for being my friend but I didn't get the chance.

Out of nowhere a figured emerged from the bushes. I saw it from the corner of my eye and turned to face it just in time. In moments the figure had pulled out a gun and aimed it in my direction. I screamed to get down and covered my head as I fell to the ground. I wasn't the only one who fell to the ground. I heard three solitary things from that moment before I blacked out; the rustling of bushes from an escaping criminal, the anguished cries and moans of my companion, and a police officer saying they were on their way.


After I was discharged from the hospital, Miya slapped me across the head then pulled me into a tight embrace.

"This. Is. The. Second. Time. You've. Been. In. The. Hospital." She said through gritted teeth. I apologized over and over again to her and Asa when I got home but they weren't really angry with me, just worried. When Asa learned that I was okay she immediately began to worry for Kana. I assured her that my companion was okay but that wasn't entirely sure. Kana had been shot in the chest and was lucky to be alive.

That wasn't the only time I was attacked in that week, but it was certainly the most notable. I was even featured on the news. Unfortunately, they interviewed me the day after a girl beat the absolute snot out of me so I didn't look very good. And, to top it off, the girl who beat me up got arrested. That's a good thing but I didn't want her to get arrested! I wanted it to be the shooter!

Getting shot at was the thing that brought me and Ikuto back together. I remember the agonized look on his face as he came through my balcony. He wasn't concerned with getting caught or finding me fresh out of the shower; his only thought was is she okay? He brought me into a deep embrace and wouldn't let me go.

"How are you doing?"

"I'm doing just fine."

"Don't be cold with me, Amu. Are you hurt?"

"Three shots fired, none of which hit me."

"Absolutely fine?"

"My legs are still itchy from the grass…" I murmured, half serious. He smirked at my poor attempt at humor and smacked my arm.

"I really don't want to go to jail for murder, but either I do or that guy does," he commented, completely serious. Well, probably not, but he was so good at being grim without meaning it.

"Kana isn't dead." Yet, I added. It was very possible that she could die.

"You know what I mean." We spent the remainder of our 'reunion' being all-around doofuses. I'm sure my parents heard us up here and knew it was Ikuto but I guess they didn't care. Maybe they figured he was the best therapy I could get right now. I told him about my list of things to do before I left, which he took with a grain of salt.

"So you really want to meet Utau that badly?" He inquired, full of bewilderment. I nodded. "Well… okay, I'll bring you over in a few days. But you have to tell me something." My eyes widened immediately. I was completely elated at the thought of meeting the elusive Utau. I imagined her long blue hair and eyes, her haunting beauty, her powerful aura. These were the only possible descriptions for her that I could come up with.

"Anything!" I assured him, my eye starry.

"Are you…" he seemed more hesitant than I expected, but why? Was his question awkward? Was it rude? Did he not want to offend me? He would not meet my gaze. "Gay?" My eyes bulged at the exact moment my jaw dropped. I should have maintained more composure than that but his question caught me completely off guard. Unfortunately, I didn't know how to answer it.

"I… er, I don't… um," I stammered as I frantically hunted for the words. Distress was written clearly on my face. While I struggled to answer his question, his face fell.

"That's all right. I sort of figured you didn't entirely know. That's why you want to meet Utau, right?" I nodded, content with not speaking anymore. It's as if, with just one question, he had completely stolen my ability to speak.

Provided I had the permission of my parents, Ikuto would bring me over to his home on Saturday to meet his sister. Because Ikuto and Utau lived more or less alone, with only the short, daily visit of their aunt, I would be alone for almost my entire stay. Ikuto and I both concluded that my moms wouldn't tolerate that, so he suggested making it our little secret. It made me uncomfortable to lie to them but what else could I do? There was no way Miya would let me be alone with Ikuto without any parental supervision so the only solution was to not mention it, but that was so-

"Oow!" I howled. While occupied with my thoughts I dropped the glass dishes I had been putting away. They shattered on the ground and I, being barefoot, ended up with a sliced foot. Asa ran in to see what happened and startled me so that I tripped and fell. At the end of the day my feet were wrapped and there was a long gash running down my leg. I was in a lot of pain but I didn't want to worry my moms so I remained silent about it. After all, I had no reason to be upset; I would be meeting Utau soon.

I'd like to dedicate this chapter, albeit a short one, to the couple in Texas that was shot. One girl was killed and the other one barely survived. Of course, the murderer hasn't been caught yet so they can't prove he did it because they were lesbians. I'd also like to dedicate this chapter to my lovely readers. For some reason you've taken an interest in this mediocre story. To my silent readers, you're loved too, don't worry. ;)