This is Chapter one to a new Multi-chapter fic I am working on.

I own none of what you recognize and I get no money from it.

Second Chances Chapter 1 Grieving

The front yard of The Burrow was alive with activity. Many people came and went, most of them with red hair. Despite the buzz of activity, there was a reserved and somber air about the crooked house. Scorpius waited on the front porch, debating whether he should knock or just go in. He hadn't seen Rose since they had ended their engagement two years prior. This was not how he envisioned his next meeting with her.

"Scorpius, mate Just go on in," Albus said, from the swing on the porch. Scorpius had not seen him.

"Merlin, Al. I am so sorry," he said, giving his best mate a hug. "How's everyone doing?"

"As well as can be expected I guess," Albus said, running his hand through his hair. "Mum and Dad are really upset, as you would expect. Aunt Hermione has just shut down. So has Rose. Those two are so much alike." Albus took his seat back on the swing. He looked off towards the orchard. "I just keep expecting to see him coming up the hill with his broom on his shoulder flashing that big toothy grin," he said wiping a tear from his cheek.

"How's Hugo and the twins?" Scorpius asked.

"Hugo's been awesome. He has taken care of all the arraignments himself and has seen to taking care of the twins as well."

Scorpius wasn't surprised. Even when he was touring with his band, Hugo stayed in touch with his family.

"I'm gonna go see everyone," Scorpius said opening the front door. "If you need anything let me know."

"Yeah, I still need to introduce you to Mandy," Albus said absently.

"That can wait. I'll see you in a bit," Scorpius said back over his shoulder.

The front sitting room of The Burrow was too quiet. Scorpius had never seen it this reserved and it felt unnatural. Harry and Ginny sat close on a loveseat. Harry looked thin and drawn, as if he hadn't slept in a week. Ginny rested her head on Harry's chest and sobbed dry tears. Arthur, Rose's grandfather, sat in a old rocking chair looking at a photo album. His eyes were red and it was obvious he had been crying.

Hugo sat on the floor with his seven-year old twin siblings. Those two had been a very happy surprise to that family. Hugo was trying to keep the twins busy with drawing and coloring.

Hugo looked up and nodded silently to Scorpius pointing him to the kitchen.

At the table sat Hermione, Molly Weasley and Rose's Aunt Fleur. Hermione stood up when Scorpius entered the kitchen,

"Scorpius," Hermione said taking the young man in a hug. "Rose didn't know if your game schedule would allow you to make it," Hermione said. "She also didn't know if you'd come after... Well, after all that happened."

"You're still family," Scorpius said hugging her.

Hermione looked old. There were bags under her eyes and her face looked more lined than he had remembered. He figured she hadn't been sleeping well. Scorpius knew he couldn't really fathom the depths of her pain right now. He just wanted to be there to help her and this family that had accepted him.

"Where's Rose?" Scorpius asked.

"She is out on the tire swing," Hermione answered, sitting back down at the table. "I think she would like to see you."

Scorpius wasn't so sure but he nodded anyway.

"I am so sorry," he said, taking her hand and laying his other hand on Molly's shoulder. The two women just nodded, not speaking as tears had filled their eyes again.

Scorpius left the kitchen, through the backdoor. He could see Rose sitting on the old tire swing under the large elm tree. She was facing the orchard and didn't see Scorpius approaching.

"Rose?" Scorpius approached her.

Rose stood from the swing and tears that she had been holding back flooded her face.

"Oh, Scorp," she almost wailed, as she ran to him.

Scorpius took her into his arms and held her tight.

"It's just not fair," Rose blubbered between sobs. "Everything he went through, all he survived. He's supposed to be here. He's always been here. The healers who worked on him said he had a massive heart attack. He was only forty-five for Merlin's sake."

"I know, I know," was all Scorpius could bring himself to say, as he stroked her back.

Rose and Scorpius sat on the ground beneath the tree just letting her cry. After a while her sobs ended.

"I didn't know if you would make it," she said. "I thought maybe you... didn't care."

"That can never happen," he replied. "I will always care."

Rose nodded and placed her head on his shoulder.

"Are you going to be staying with your parents?" she asked.

"I hadn't really thought about it. I came straight from the Portkey station," he said. Scorpius knew staying with his parents was not an option right now; as his father did not agree with life choices he had recently made.

"Well, I am glad you're here," she said. "I'm sure Gran could put you up if you need."

"I can afford a hotel. I don't wanna impose, especially now."

Rose and Scorpius stood up and brushed themselves off.

"Are you going to get in trouble for leaving the team in mid-season?" Rose asked, making small talk on the way back to the house.

Scorpius shook his head. "I bought out my contract. I'm not going back."

Rose looked shocked. "But what about playing? Isn't that your dream?"

"There are plenty of teams in England. I just couldn't stay over there after... well just after," Scorpius said. "Besides, sometimes dreams change."

Rose nodded she understood what Scorpius meant. It was the same reason Rose had left the pilot program at John's Hopkins. After all that had happened, it was too painful to stay in Baltimore. It got even worse when Scorpius began starting for the Basilisks. His picture was everywhere in all the magazines. She just had to leave. She completed the regular healer training in England and was now working at St. Mungo's.

She had been on duty the night it happened, but as per policy was not allowed to work on him. Even with all their training, knowledge and magic there was nothing that could be done.

Scorpius saw Rose to the door of the Burrow and told her he would see her tomorrow at the funeral.

Scorpius decided he would stay in a room at the Leaky Cauldron, He needed to do some shopping in Diagon Alley as he had left all his clothes with the movers. After securing a room, he headed out ot the shops.

"I hear it was a heart attack," he heard one woman talking to another. "It's a shame he always seemed so happy go lucky," her friend responded. Scorpius knew who they were talking about and tried to block them out. After buying a dark suit and some other clothes from the new Muggle clothiers, that had recently opened, he returned to the inn with his packages.

After being helped to the room with his packages, he sat on the bed and looked out the grimy windows.

He was back.

He was sorry it took what it did for him to see Rose; but he was glad he did.

He didn't know how she felt about him but he knew he still loved her. It had been the biggest mistake of his life letting her walk away. Now that he was back he was determined not to let her walk away again.