A/N: Hmm. It seems that Chapter 3 is up. XD Chap. 2 and 3 weren't typed at the same time, I was just far too lazy to upload them here. This story is on deviantART, if you want to follow it there. I update a lot faster on my dA than my FF. Dunno why.

Disclaimer: I do not own the characters. All rights to Rick Riordan.

Landing the Argo...Again

Chapter 3

After Annabeth's initial spasm over New Rome, she agreed to let Percy give her a tour.

They were done with the little tour, and now they were waiting for dinner call.
After about 15 minutes of idle chit-chat, Annabeth sat up, looking intently at the Colosseum, which lie directly in front of them. Percy had chosen this spot in particular.
"Annabeth...?" Percy asked, almost worried by the look on Annabeth's face.
"We need something like this at Camp," Annabeth declared, "I'll talking to Chiron about it."

Percy just laughed, standing and stretching.
"Yeah, I agree. Now let's go eat."

Leo wasn't sure what was happening to him, but all he knew was that after joining the mythological world, he was falling for more and more girls.
This time, it was Reyna. The Praetor. Of the Romans. And either the ex-girlfriend or almost girlfriend of one of his only friends, Jason.
Well, scratch that. He had made plenty of friends at Camp.
But even though he knew that Reyna was Jason's almost ex, and way out of league, and he remembered what happened with Thalia and Khione...When Reyna came to sit at the table the Greeks were put at to meet people as assess strengths and weaknesses of each Greek demigod...Leo acted like a love sick fool. Well...more than usual.
The daughter of Bellona wasn't reacting...badly. She actually seemed to...tolerate his jokes! That was huge progress!
The Latino son of Hephaestus spent the rest of his Roman supper daydreaming of his and Reyna's highly unlikely future together – after Leo helped save the world from evil mother Earth, of course.

Percy and Jason had been sneaking glances at each other.
The Camp leaders were curious about each other.
Percy decided that Jason was nothing like Thalia. He also decided that he could probably take him in a fight. The guy didn't have a diverse fighting style.
Jason decided that, in a fight, he and Percy would be about even. Percy was fast and strong, but he didn't seem the best thinker in the world. He figured that, in a fight, Percy and Annabeth would be unstoppable.
They had been skirting around each other all day. It was about 8 – sunset-ish – when they had their first real conversation.
Percy was weaving his way back to the bathhouses to pick up Annabeth when he ran into someone.
"Oh, man, I'm sorry."
"It's all good," Jason replied easily, "Where you going?"
"The baths. Annabeth went there. Didn't allow me in." Percy said with a sly smile. Jason just snickered.
"How long have you 2 been dating, anyway?"
"Not counting my 'slumber'? 3 months."
"...Wow. 3 months and you're talking about seeing her in the baths?"
"Man, I've loved her for a long time. We've known each other since we were 12."
"That's only 4 years..."
"4 years is a long time when you're a demigod. I almost died before I met Annabeth for the first time."

Percy let the conversation drop. Jason felt the need to to pick it up again.
"So...Nico. How long you known him?"
"2 years. You?" They had already discussed how Nico knew of the 2 Camps (supplemented by death threats from Annabeth).
"What's his story? I don't know him that well...Disappeared shortly after he showed up with Hazel."

Percy felt his throat constrict. He still felt bad that Bianca had died. He wasn't able to convince her that he should go in Talos's foot. And it was his fault the kid had to grow up so fast in the Labyrinth. Hard to believe he was only...what? 13? He was so mature and getting so tall.

Oh crap. Percy was having sentimental thoughts. Not. Good.
"He...well, when he and his sister were born – about 70 years ago – the 3 major gods swore on the River Styx to not have children because of a doom prophecy – which I fulfilled last summer -"
"Hazel and Nico grew up together?"

Percy shook his head.

"His other sister."
"Anyway, doom prophecy. Zeus wanted to kill them 'cause he's kind of a jerk. But Hades -"
"You mean Pluto."
"No. Nico is a child of Hades. Greek. Anyway, Nico and Bianca – his sister – were put in a place where time was stopped until about...well, I met them 4 years ago. I don't know exactly when they were pulled from it.
"They were eventually sent to a boarding school where Grover found them. Thalia, Annabeth, and I were sent as backup because Grover sensed monster interference. We were getting them away and the monster vice-principal attacked. The Huntresses of Artemis -"
"The group Thalia is in?"
"Yes. The. She wasn't apart of them yet though. But they show up and defeat the monster. Before he escaped, Dr. Thorn took Annabeth hostage Artemis went to go find this great monster he talked about. We went to Camp Half-Blood. Then Artemis gets herself captured. We launched a quest to save her. It was me, Grover, Thalia, Bianca, and Zoe, the old Lieutenant. We go to save Artemis who is being kept on Mount Tam."
Jason suddenly gasped.
"Winter Solstice, 3 years ago?"
"We were all wondering what was happening there!"
"Probably our big fight Atlas, Artemis, Luke, me, Thalia, and Annabeth."
"Ah. Anyway, continue."
"Well, we were in New Mexico...in the junkyard of Hephaestus. Bianca...she...she took a figurine. The only one Nico didn't have. That...awakened a prototype of Talos. Bianca was..she was killed defeating it." Percy went silent, remembering their fallen friend. He remembered knocking her down in Capture-the-flag, and searching for her in the ruin.
"We got to the mountain and fought Atlas. Atlas was Zoe's dad, and he killed her. Thalia was made Lieutenant and we went back to Camp...I had to tell Nico. He made some skeleton things that followed us disappear to the Underworld then ran off through the Labyrinth."
"The Labyrinth?"
"Mhm. It was under everywhere – including Camp."
"Collapsed 2 summers ago with the death of Daedalus."
"Dude, someday you're going to write all these stories down."
"Once I save the world – again." For a second, Jason didn't see the strong confident Son of Poseidon. He saw the tired 16 year old kid who was sick of people jacking with his life – his girlfriend, his mom, his brother, his Camp, his hell hound, or his teacher.
Jason saw how ticked off, sad, and scared Percy was all in that split second.
"Man, it'll all turn out alright. You should probably go pick up Annabeth."

"Probably." Percy replied setting off at a dead run towards the bathhouse.

Gods, that kid was fast.

Reyna call the Greek arrival together to discuss living arrangements.
"How do you split it up at your Camp?"
"Godly parent." someone...oh what was her name...Katie! That was it!
Reyna made a face. They were sure to be lopsided.
"Well, we don't do that...I'm sure we could distribute you throughout the city. Plenty of empty apartments."
"Reyna, is that block of apartments by the Colosseum still empty?" Jason asked suddenly. No one had lived there for at least 12 years.
"Of course! Thank you Jason. We'll split you up into pairs...Maybe a set of 3..." Reyna murmured, making a quick head count. The Hermes kid's had a duel-leadership between the twins. That threw the numbers off unless-
"Unless Jason takes back his Praetor's house." Percy suggested. Jason looked at Piper for a split second before shaking his head. Reyna's heart sank. There was something between them...
"Did you bring anything?"
"Ahh...yes, Travis, Conno-no, Pollux and Casto- Will. Pollux and Will, you 2 go back to the ship to get our overnight bags?" Chiron asked. Both blonde boys nodded and raced off. The two had actually become good friend after Castor, Pollux's twin, died in the Battle of the Labyrinth.
"Alright, pair up." Reyna said, "Except one group is going to have 3."

Percy tightened his grip on Annabeth. Jason awkwardly cleared his throat.

"Hey, um, Piper-"
"Of course, dummy."

Katie was jumped by her boyfriend and his brother. She groaned, anticipating the...pain she'd probably endure.

Leo was almost on his knees.

"PLEASEEE let me room with you guys!" he begged of Jason and Piper.
The daughter of Aphrodite sighed.
Leo leaped up and tackled Piper.
"Shut up and get off me."

Rachel looked at Clarisse.
"Looks like we're stuck together."
"Guess so."

"I suppose I get one to myself then." Chiron murmured.

"It's the right of being a teacher."

Grover looked at Juniper.
"Can you make it or do we need to camp in the woods?" he asked lowly. Juniper frowned.
"I should be able to make it. You can do the plants thing again?"
Grover nodded.
"Alright. I can make it." Grover smiled at his fiancee.

Reyna cleared her throat as the 2 boys came back with everyone's overnight bags.

There was a mad rush as they separated them out.

"Dear Gods, Leo what did you pack?"

"Scrap metal!"

Once they got that sorted out, Annabeth gave Percy a beat up bag.

"Threw some of your stuff from the Poseidon Cabin in it." Annabeth informed him. Percy nodded his thanks as he rummaged through the bag.

"Alright, guys, get settled." Reyna said, rubbing her hands together, "Curfew is in..." she glanced at the sun, "3 hours."
Leo's jaw dripped.


"...Yes. Why?"
"Why can't we have a midnight curfew?" he cried to Chiron. The centaur just shook his head.
Reyna looked confused.
"When's your guys' curfew...?"
"10 o'clock." Leo said glumly.
"Oh...well, get settled. War council will start tomorrow after breakfast, which is at 8:30."
Leo snapped a mock salute. Travis and Connor joined him a half second later. Reyna rolled her eyes.
"If you need anything, come find me – I'm sue Jason of even Percy could find it though." All of them nodded and bade them farewell.
Annabeth proceeded to take control of the situation.

"Alright, Jason gets to lead us there. Chiron get a ground floor room. How many stories are there, Jason?"
"Alright. Grover and Juniper – are you guys going to camp in the woods?"
"No, but it'd be better if we were closer to it."
"Alright, they also get a ground floor. Percy and I get a top floor room. Rachel and Clarisse, Will and Castor, and Piper, Leo and Jason can go where ever, but Travis, Connor and Katie have to be by either Chiron of Rachel and Clarisse."

"Who died and made you Chiron?" Travis muttered. Annabeth fixed him with a dangerous, stormy glare.
He squeaked something that resembled, "Sorry!"

Chiron just chuckled.

"Yes, yes. Alright, my dear Greeks, go get settled." He fixed Percy and Annabeth with a strange look. Percy had seen it on tv from 'dads'.

"I have excellent hearing."
It took a minute for them to register what he meant before they started protesting, their faces bright red.
"We would never-"
"Especially with the war-"
"And the Stolls-"
"Besides, my mom-"
"I have no wish to be smited."

Chiron waved them off.


The reunited couple fled the scene before Leo and the Stolls and even Grover recovered.

Piper looked down, giggling.

"Leo, get off the ground."


A/N: Next chapter is when the plot comes. I have to get all the fluffy stuff out of the way before I can start with the plot, though, so don't yell at me.