Anya's sense of smell came back to her first. The scent of disinfectant and tulips. She slowly opened her eyes and waited for them to focus on the room around her. She was in a private hospital room, a nice one at that, a small bouquet of tulips on the table next to her. In the chair to her right was Claudia, curled up in a ball asleep. She looked better, the bruising on her face from where they took her were fading well, and soon would be gone. The cuts would take a little longer but they didn't look like they would scar, she could have had worse. Anya looked down at herself. She could move her toes; that was a good sign. She tried to shift slightly and a dull ache spread through her legs and back. She moaned slightly and gave up.

Claudia heard a noise and woke up. Anya was awake, finally. She moved over to the bed.

"Hey, how are you feeling?" Claudia asked softly. She sat gingerly on the edge of the bed.

"Like that is the stupidest question I have heard in a while? Honestly why do people even ask that?" she tried to laugh but the pain in her chest caused her to wince, making Claudia look even more worried. "Relax, I feel fine. Morphine is amazing, did you know that?"

Claudia gave a small smile, but then because serious.

"Anya, I am so sorry for all of this. If it wasn't for me and the ware- my job, you wouldn't have been caught up in all of this."

Anya took her hand. "Claudia, I know about the warehouse. What, do you think even after our last conversation I wasn't going to keep tabs on you? You don't need to worry about me. Although I have a feeling we should be worried about the woman wearing a tweed suit standing at the end of my bed."

Claudia spun around so fast that she almost fell off the bed.

"Mrs. Frederic, she doesn't know…I didn't…"

Mrs. Frederic held up a hand to Claudia. She knew the circumstances and she had already made her decision about Miss Harper. She motioned for Claudia to go and join the others outside.

Claudia hesitated and looked at Anya. Anya gave her that nod which said, don't worry, I can handle this. She walked out of the door and closed it behind her. Pete, Myka and Artie were all in the waiting room. Artie hadn't stopped fussing and grumbling since she returned and he saw the state she was in, but he had given her the longest hug she had even known to exist and just said "I've got you". She went and curled up next to him, waiting for Mrs. Frederic to come and tell her the fate of Anya.

ok people, that is the end of this story! don't worry i have plenty more lined up so you will just have to wait and see what happens to our dear Anya. thank you to all that have followed, reviewd etc. means a lots! x