The 58th Hunger Games. Poem.
First is the 7 girl,
Like a twig her neck is snapped.
5 girl's between both of 2.
She dies there, trapped.
Next, 4 run for the cone,
And knocks 3 to the floor.
He picks up a silver spear,
And shows the girl the door.
9 boy falls to the floor,
Arrow to the head.
11 boy gets shot too,
Drops down dead.
The battle's not yet over as
Both the 6s are about to die.
Axe in the female's head,
Knife in the boy's thigh.
One more to go until the wait.
The girl from district 2.
The boy from 8 throws a knife,
And his aim is true.
The others are all running now,
12 girl trips, falls down a hole.
The cannon booms for her before
The cannons for the dead begin to toll.
9 dead! The careers exclaim,
Only 15 to go!
So let's make haste, and find the rest.
For friends now, soon each will be each other's foe.
The boy from 10, and the girl,
Meet up near the cliff's edge,
They promise not to kill each other,
Then the boy pushes the girl off the ledge.
Boy from 10 is cold now,
And takes the flint out his bag.
The careers smell the smoke and come,
Hands around his neck, the boy begins to gag.
The careers try to find some more,
But fail, and so the rest survive.
Score? 10 are dead.
14, still alive.
(I'll be adding the rest of the poem soon, after I've written it, this is only the beginning!)