Chaos' POV

It was a funny thing, watching Athena's face when I neutralized her powers. I returned to my realm, amused.

From my vantage point, I saw everything on the earth. The mortals screaming, dying, and running for their lives. The demigods preparing for war. Those puny Olympians bickering again.

I smiled to myself. My plan will go smoothly, if this continues.

Phase one is complete: Separate those heroes.

Phase two is underway: Eliminate the Graces. They are too much trouble.

Step three: currently awaiting Jackson and Chase.

This will be fun.

I just hope that Percy and Annabeth don't die from the lion. I can't have my new playthings die.


Sorry it's so short, but don't kill me! Chapter eight will be better, I promise!

Chaos' plans unfold! What will happen to our heroes? Find out next chapter!