Chapter 1: A Memory or a Dream?

So… dear readers old and new, welcome to the main D-Grayman story, not a one-shot, not a short story, the MAIN D-Grayman story that I'm writing. I would love to just write the last two chapters, but sadly… that's going to take a while with the number of chapters I have in mind T.T If only there was some way to play through something in your mind and have it magically written down in paper…

Here's a summary of the story:

Kurai Uchiha is the accommodator of the Sacred Daggers and an exorcist of the European Branch of the Black Order. She grew up in the Asian Branch where she met Kanda and Alma, her first friends. A tragedy that she has no recollection of occurred that took the lives of the laboratory staff members and the woman who raised her. What's worse, she doesn't know if Alma died during the massacre or if he's still alive somewhere. As she comes to terms with her new life as a fully-fledged exorcist, will she ever get over her past and also find out a dark secret related to her birth?

Anyways, enjoy!

Disclaimer: Dark-Flame Alchemist doesn't own D-Grayman except her OC

A young girl ran through the hallways of laboratory six of the Asian Branch headquarters for the Black Order. Her crimson eyes searched in every direction she passed, looking for anybody she could find, but more specifically, her friends.

"Alma! Yu! Where are you?" she cried out while speeding down the corridors with nobody in plain sight.

'Where is everybody?' she wondered as her small figure swiftly turned a corner, her ebony locks swishing to each side from the flow of the wind passing by her.

She finally saw the doors that she was headed for and immediately stopped in front of them. Grasping her hands on the door knobs, she rotated the contraptions and pulled the heavy doors back to allow her entrance into the room with the womb chambers.

The moment she stepped in, her eyes widened with shock and horror. Feeling nauseous and sick from the gory sight before her, she hastily covered her mouth and nose to prevent herself from throwing up.

Crimson blood was painted and splattered in every section of the vast area, no matter where her eyes turned.

Disfigured bodies, separated, torn limbs and revolting guts were spread all across the room in a disjunctive manner.

The waters of the womb chambers were now as red as the blood that contaminated them.

With her expression frozen from the morbid scene, she slowly fell down to her knees, not believing what she was seeing. She then took a good look at all the lifeless faces of the staff members, including the branch chief and her husband – the Chang couple.

What made her heart cringe even more was the bloody corpse of the woman who raised her, Miko Uchiha. She was held up in midair with the tip of a long-sharpened weapon protruding through her chest. The worst part was… the bladed weapon was connected to the person standing in the middle of the room – Alma – the first friend she ever had.

He had his back to her, not noticing her presence in the room as he pulled his weapon out of the dead body and let it drop onto the ground ungracefully. The small boy turned around, now facing her with a shocked look which immediately softened, "Kurai… I'm sorry. I didn't mean to kill her, but she was in my way."

Tears fell down her face before she squeezed her eyes shut. Clenching her fists tightly, she screamed, "No, this can't be happening! Alma why? Why did you do this? I thought we were just supposed to escape with Yu? Why did you have to go this far? Why? WWWWHHHHYYYY?"


Kurai jolted up from her bed, panting heavily before realizing that she was safe and sound in her room and it was still the middle of the night – she was only dreaming. Her head slumped down in relief as she wiped the sweat away from her forehead.

After letting out a deep breath, she finally noticed that she wasn't alone and turned her head to gaze at her master, General Kevin Yeegar, the oldest exorcist that the Black Order had. His face was calm, yet concerned for her well-being.

The old man soon leaned forward from his chair and with his right hand, rubbed her back to comfort her, "You're having those nightmares again, I see."

Kurai stared back down before nodding her head, "They're not as frequent as they were before, but I still can't remember what they're about as soon as I wake up. It's frustrating as usual." She frowned which the general thought was cute.

He smiled and patted her head this time while chuckling, "I'll definitely miss you when I drop you off at the Order tomorrow. You'll finally become a fully-fledged exorcist at the age of twelve. I even heard your friend Kanda has already joined not too long ago." This information made the young girl cheerful inside to know that her dear friend was doing well.

General Yeegar pushed himself up and sighed happily, "These long two years of mentoring you were nice for an old man like me. It's been a while since I've taught children your age and I'm glad that I had the opportunity. You were so quiet and reserved the first time we met. You still are, but not as bad now. Still, you should be able to fit in with the newly run headquarters of the European branch, seeing how the new branch chief is far more welcoming than the former one."

He was then lost in thought for a bit before nodding, "Yes, there is no doubt that you'll make a great exorcist and get along with your comrades. May you sleep well now, my apprentice… tomorrow is a big day for you." With that, he turned around and headed for the door. With nothing else to say, he left the room, closing the door behind him.

Once he left, Kurai pondered if she really was going to feel comfortable living in headquarters, pondered what her new life was going to be like and also, she pondered if she was ever going to get over her past and finally be rid of her dreaded nightmares. All her thoughts and doubts were overwhelming her at the moment.

The only thing she was certain of, though, was that she would be reunited again with Yu, her dear friend as well as her new one, Lenalee. Kurai then patted her cheeks, assuring herself that everything was going to be fine.

Soon, she rested herself back on her bed and shut her eyes, awaiting for the new day to arise.

There you go! Hope you like it so far! :D Sorry for the shortness!

Sadly, this will be slowly updated because I still have my other story to finish, the Kaze no Stigma one. It's almost done so hopefully I can whip up the remaining chapters so I can fully work on this one!

Please Review! :D They're very much appreciated!