An Epilogue, A Finale and A Pièce de résistance

Day: Saturday Time: 12:30 PM.

"Link, what are you doing here?" Zelda questioned, hugging her boyfriend. "You said you wouldn't be here till two."

"My mom gave me the rest of the day off so I could spend it with you," Link said, kissing her as she pulled him inside. "So I thought I would come over and see you early. I take it you aren't unhappy?" he asked, and she blushed.

"Nah, I was just curious," she muttered, and he laughed at her.

"Link, buddy," Sheik said, sitting next to Link on the couch, "Guess who just called."

"Mikau and Lulu, giving you a verbal invite to their wedding," Link said, grinning at Sheik's outraged expression as the doorbell rang. "And I bet they said that the written invites are on the way."

"I hate you," Sheik growled at Link, standing to open the door. He came back a minute later with a breathless Malon.

"Horrible news," she gasped, and Link stared at her quizzically. "Turn on the news."

Link obeyed, and a moment later regretted it. On the screen was a reporter, standing in front of the city's juvenile detention center.

"-And Mr. Ganondorf Dragmire Jr. was released from juvenile detention today, after a three month incarceration. And his father, Ganondorf Dragmire Sr., is to be released from prison in three weeks time. In other news,-" Link muted the T.V, and looked at Zelda.

"Why does this always happen to us?" Zelda asked quietly, leaning on Link's shoulder.

"We're good people," Sheik said, sitting on the loveseat with Malon. "So why do the goddesses keep torturing us?"

"We just have to keep an eye out now," Link said. "We'll keep far away from him, if possible." The doorbell rang, and Zelda went to answer it. A moment later, she gave a little shriek, and Link, Malon and Sheik ran over to see what was wrong.

"Get out of here," Link snapped at Ganondorf, who was framed in the doorway. "You aren't welcome here."

"I am if Zelda says I am," Ganondorf quipped, and he glared at Link. "So, can I come in?" he asked, looking over at Zelda.

"No," Zelda replied shortly.

"I thought we were past all this silly couple fighting," he sighed at her, "We have been together for several months."

You aren't together," Link shouted at him, "She and I are."

"Well, I just wanted her to know I was out of prison," Ganondorf said, walking back down the path.

A moment later Jacob and Jackie walked up to see Zelda, Link, Malon and Sheik staring down the street.

"What's up?" Jacob asked, craning his neck to see what was wrong.

"We'll tell you inside," Link mumbled, moving to let them in. when everyone was on the couch with a drink, he said, "Guess who got out of juvenile detention"

"No," Jacob groaned, looking at Zelda for confirmation, who nodded. "I thought he was in there for good."

"So did we," Sheik mused out loud. "Well, no use brooding over this. Did you get an invite to Lulu and Mikau's wedding?"

"Yeah, and she said the paper invites were on the way," Jacob said, noticing Sheik's displeased look. "I'm sorry, was I supposed to say no?"

"Pretty much, yeah," Link laughed, and Zelda giggled with him. "I can't believe we're lucky enough to be invited to Dal Blue's wedding."

"Well, we did get to know them pretty well," Zelda said. "But, what about our wedding Link? When should we start planning it?"

"I think it would be best," Link said, putting an arm around her, "To start planning it, you know, after we get engaged."

"I guess," Zelda replied, kissing his cheek, "So get a move on with it already." Link rolled his eyes, and Zelda giggled.

"We should totally have a double wedding," Malon said, and everyone stared at her. "Well, it would be cool."

"I like that idea," Zelda said, looking imploringly at Link, who smiled weakly.

They turned on the T.V, and watched it for a few hours until Jacob and Jackie decided to go back home.

"Bye Zel," Link said, kissing her as he walked back to his car. "I'll see you tomorrow, alright?"

"That sounds good to me," she said, leaning into the window of the car to talk to him. "What time are you coming over?"

"I'll try to come over at one, okay," he said, kissing her again as he started the car.

"So expect you at eleven thirty, right," she giggled at him, and he rolled his eyes.

"Haha, you're so funny," he muttered. "How about we go see Cremia and the baby at Malon's tomorrow?"

"That sounds great," she replied, standing and waving as he drove off.

Day: Sunday Time: 1:00 AM.

"Hey Zel," Link said, hugging her as she kissed his cheek, "What's new?"

"I just got my invite to the wedding," Zelda said frantically. "And there's another sheet in there saying she wants me to be a bride's maid."

"That's good, isn't it?" Link asked, confused.

"Now I have to try and coordinate with her," Zelda explained, rushing Link inside. "I have a picture of her in the dress, so I'll go try on a bunch of dresses, and you tell me which match with her, alright?"

He nodded, and she ran up the stairs. Link sighed, and looked around, wondering where Sheik was. As if on cue, Sheik appeared around the doorway into the kitchen.

"Zelda trying on dresses again?" he asked, and Link nodded. "Must suck to be you."

"Link, I'm coming down now, so stop telling Sheik how horrible your life is," Zelda called, and Link looked embarrassed. Looking up the stairs, he saw Zelda wearing a light silver dress. He held up the picture of Lulu, and compared it to her.

"I think you'll go pretty well with her," Link said honestly, and Zelda beamed at him.

"I love you," she said. "Everyone else said this was the right dress, so I already was going to wear it. But then you got here, so I wanted to know what you thought."

"That wasn't nice," Link pouted at her, and she ruffled his hair. "Now I need to punish you." He started tickling her, and she giggled uncontrollably, until Link let her onto the couch. He laid down facing her, and she giggled, kissing him.

"Why do you always have to be kissing?" Sheik asked, walking up to them, and sitting on the couch.

"Why is it that you're always interrupting us?" Zelda asked sharply.

Sheik shrugged, turned on the T.V, and Link and Zelda sat up to watch it as well. The doorbell rang and Zelda stood to answer the door.

"Hi Cremia," she said uncertainly. "What are you doing here?"

"Malon and I decided to come over here," Cremia answered, stepping over the threshold. "Malon wanted to carry the baby, so she'll be here in a moment."

"Alright," Zelda said, letting Cremia go into the living room, and waiting for Malon.

"Hi Cremia," Link said when she got there, "Where's the baby?"

"With Malon," She answered, hugging Link and Sheik in turn.

"I'm here now," a voice said from the doorway, and they saw Zelda and Malon standing.

"Hey," Sheik said, pulling her to sit with him.

Zelda sat with Link, and Malon passed her the baby. "I can't wait till we have kids," she whispered to him, and he smiled at her.

"Neither can I," he muttered. "You look like a natural holding him."

She handed him the baby, whose name was Mark, and he smiled down at him. Thinking about his future with Zelda, he looked at her. She was smiling at Mark.

Mark started crying suddenly, and Link was ripped out of his reverie. He looked at Cremia helplessly, and she smiled, taking Mark.

"He's probably just hungry," she said, taking a bottle out of her bag. She put the bottle in mark's mouth, and he started drinking.

"He's so adorable," Zelda cooed, watching Mark.

Three Weeks Later

Day: Saturday Time: 10:00 AM.

"Hi Zelda," said a nervous looking Lulu. "You can get your make-up done over there," she said, pointing to a table, "You can change over there," she said, pointing to a curtain, "And your hair over there," pointing at another table.

"Okay," Zelda said. "I'm so nervous; I have butterflies in my stomach."

"You'll do fine," Lulu assured her. "I just hope I'll do as good. I once saw a T.V show, and two people were getting married, and the man said a different girl's name."

Zelda gave a nervous giggle, and went to change into her dress. When she stepped back so everyone could see her, Lulu's eyes went wide.

"You aren't supposed to upstage the bride on her wedding day," she said, grinning at Zelda, who smiled nervously.

"Right, sorry," Zelda said distractedly, sitting at the table to get her hair done.

"I was joking," Lulu said. "You look wonderful."

Zelda moved to the make-up table, and one of the woman started applying mascara.

When she stood up again, Lulu stared at her. "I was joking," Lulu said, putting emphasis on the word 'was'. "But now I think you're trying to upstage me."

A few minutes later, Lulu's father came down and told them it was starting in a few minutes.

Zelda walked down the aisle with Jappas, Mikau's best man, and stood, watching as Lulu walked down the aisle as well.

"Try not to take her lines, since you already outdid her with the dress," Mikau whispered to her, but he was smiling. Zelda giggled, just as Lulu stood next to her.

Day: Saturday Time: 1:00 AM.

"You looked amazing up there," Link muttered to Zelda as they watched Lulu dance with her father.

"I kept being told I looked better than Lulu did," she said, leaning against the wall.

"That might be because you did," Link said, nuzzling into her neck, arms around her waist.

"Shut up," she said, kissing his cheek. "I guess this is pretty much the end of our little journey, huh?"she said, looking into his eyes.

"Nah," he whispered, "It's just the beginning." And he kissed her.

I think I pulled a decent ending out of my hat of magic tricks.

Right, so, tell me what you think. I am planning on a sequel, but I need to take a break first. I'm going to try and finish writing my other big story, and maybe a oneshot or two.

Please review.