The castle halls echoed with the pattering of running feet and the delighted squeals of children. Prince Derek, son of Crown Prince Eugene and the Lost Princess Rapunzel, ran out of the castle and into the back courtyard. He paused and hastily glanced around the enclosed area: over the fountain; at the doors. He spotted an open door and grinned. He dashed off just as his friend, Thomas, entered the courtyard through one of the side entrances. Thomas spotted Derek and ran after him.

"Derek! Derek! Wait for me!" Thomas hissed loudly.

At the open door, Prince Derek turned around and smilingly waved Thomas in. They giggled and rushed around the room, looking for places to hide. In the end, Thomas hid in a cabinet above a counter along the back wall and Derek hid under a table against the wall to the left. He pulled the tablecloth down a little and waited. His heart beat in his chest and he puffed slightly. Father won't find me here, he thought proudly. He held his breath and smiled as footsteps approached the open door.

The doorway darkened and Derek threw aside the tablecloth, pouncing out and shouting, "BOO!"

The man who had walked in was carrying a glass orb and when Derek shouted, he started so badly that he tossed the orb into the air. Derek suppressed his laughter as the man juggled the orb in the air, trying to catch it. He caught it and rolled his eyes in relief.

"Oops. Sorry Mister Farren." Derek giggled. His laughter bubbled out and more came from the cabinet.

Farren was the royal advisor. He had advised King Alfred and his wife Queen Isabelle and now he would advise the Lost Princess Rapunzel and her husband Prince Eugene. He was a stern man, older, with graying black hair and a hawkish nose set beneath calculating brown eyes. His mouth was always pressed into a thin line and he constantly seemed to be ever-so-slightly frowning. He turned his stern gaze upon Derek who looked at the ground and shuffled his feet.

"Master Derek," he intoned. His voice, despite his appearance, was warm yet stern. "If I have told you once, I have told you dozens of times before. The rooms here are off limits."

Derek frowned guiltily. A giggle burst from the cabinet. Farren's gaze drifted to the partly open door.

"And you Thomas."

The giggling stopped.

"You should know better. Your family has worked in the castle for years. Now climb down from there and both of you out, please."

Just then, the patter of boots running in the courtyard made everyone face the door. Eugene Fitzherbert - he had stopped going by Flynn Rider, except on the rare occasion - stood at the door, panting. He leaned against the door lintel and took a deep breath. Looking up he saw Farren, Derek and Thomas. The latter two were snickering profusely.

The Prince Eugene cleared his throat and stood up straight, pulling down on his vest to remove the wrinkles.

"Farren. Er, thank you for finding them."

Farren raised an eyebrow. "Indeed."

Eugene stood there for an awkward moment before clearing his throat. "Well. C'mon boys, the tutor's looking for you."

The two boys groaned and squeezed past Eugene into the courtyard. Eugene grinned, embarrassed, at Farren.

"I'm sorry Farren, I'll, uh, have a talk with him."

Farren walked to the counter and closed the cabinet Thomas had climbed out of. "Yes, do that."

Eugene hesitated a moment, then shrugged before turning to leave. When he had turned, Farren's voice stopped him. He looked over his shoulder.

"He's an adventurous lad, Highness. I would advise you to keep an eye on him."

Eugene turned his head to watch his son Derek and Thomas splashing water in the courtyard fountain.

"As you know, the king is sick. Master Derek will one day become the crown prince. We wouldn't want anything…untoward happening to him."

Eugene's face grew thoughtfully worried. Farren, in a way, was right.

"Rapunzel and I…we'll, er, we'll have a talk with him." Eugene said.

Farren grunted approval. "Good."

Farren did not turn, but listened as Eugene left the room. He examined the orb in his hands. It had been a close thing when the young Prince Derek had frightened him. He put the orb on a small tripod pedestal next to a big book on the counter. He did not want anything to disturb his plans.