Erin let out another little sigh as she adjusted her robe, and Penelope rolled her eyes a little as she looked over at Alex. The other woman stifled a giggle with her hand before shaking out her shoulders and getting to her feet. "What has you sighing, Erin?"

"I don't know. I guess I'm worried that David will decide that he'd rather not be married to me for the rest of his life, and that I'll get down there and he won't be waiting for me. I know, it's ridiculous, but feelings have never been rational, have they, Lexie?"

Alex shook her head as she stood next to Penelope, watching her apply Erin's foundation. It was difficult to do her makeup with her talking so much, so she pulled back, waiting for Erin to look at her so that she could explain. "I think that Penelope wants to finish working on you so that she can do her own makeup."

"And yours, Lexie. Don't forget that was part of the deal."

The woman blushed a little as she nodded, and Erin laughed before letting her face slip back into a neutral expression, allowing Penelope to put the finishing touches on her look. She had requested something understated and elegant, and she just hoped that she had given Erin exactly what she wanted. Letting out a short huff of satisfaction, she stepped aside and allowed Erin to look at her face. "I look beautiful."

"You look like the queen you are, Erin. That's what I was going for, at least."

"Then you did an excellent job." Penelope blushed as she turned and began to rummage around in her makeup kit for clean brushes and motioned for Alex to take a seat where Erin had been. The woman nodded and Penelope smiled at her before sweeping her hair out of her face and gently pinning it back with a few clips so that she wouldn't get makeup in it as she worked. Since their dresses were a deep purple bordering on black, she worked out a suitable color story for them, giving Alex a smoky eye look, knowing that she would go a little crazy with glam and glitter for her. It was so easy to chat with Erin as she worked, and then she stood and cracked her back before turning and doing her makeup, listening to Erin and Alex talk while she did that.

Finally, they were ready to dress, and Penelope slipped out of her robe before stepping into her dress, allowing Alex to run the zipper up her back before doing the same for her. "All right, Erin, are you ready to get into your dress?"

"Yes." Penelope and Alex smiled at each other as they lifted the heavy weight over Erin's head, allowing it to fall gently to the floor. As she fixed the way that it draped over her body, Alex began to do up the buttons. Soon, they were finished, and then Penelope was fixing the veil into Erin's hair, arranging it so that it floated around her shoulders and down her back. "Oh, my friends, I never thought that this day would arrive."

"Neither did I," Penelope responded as they brought Erin over to the mirror. "When you first stepped into my little group, I never thought that we'd have such a wonderful friendship. The fact that I get to add Alex to my friends is the cherry on the top. I love you both," she said, pursing her lips to keep from crying already. She knew that that would happen during the ceremony, and she wanted to keep her makeup decent for the time being.

A soft knock came at the door, and Penelope hurried over to see who it was, smiling widely at the photographer as she beckoned her in. "All right, my partner is with David and his party, so I thought I'd check and see if you were ready to take a few pictures."

"Of course," Erin replied as she took a seat on the bed. Penelope watched as the photographer worked with Erin before bringing Alex and her into the pictures she snapped, arranging them just so, taking care to make certain they remained looking elegant and beautiful. "May, may I have a few of just me and Peneope?"

"Certainly!" She blushed a little as Erin took hold of her hand and drew her into a tight embrace, grinning at the camera. "Smile, Penelope."

She nodded and did as asked, still wondering why she had been singled out. "You're my best friend, Penny," Erin whispered in her ear. "You did so much for me, and I want to commemorate this moment in time with you by my side as my maid of honor."

"All right, as long as you take a few pictures of just you and Lexie."

"Of course."

The photographer managed to take what seemed like a thousand pictures, but Penelope made certain that she took a few snaps with their phones, so that she could change her wallpaper to keep this moment close at heart. "I'll follow you down to the library."

Penelope glanced at the clock to see that it was indeed time to start heading down and drew in a deep breath. Picking up their bouquets, she handed out Alex and Erin's before gesturing for the woman to lead the way. Then she followed, leaving Erin to bring up the rear. Hotch and Reid were milling around the closed doors, and she smiled as she went up to Hotch, setting her hand on his upper arm. "Are you ready for this?" she asked lowly.

"Of course," he replied as he turned to look at her, a warm smile on his lips. "Though how Anderson ended up as the officiant, I'll never know."

"He's a good friend, and Erin needed a way to honor him, so he offered."

Hotch nodded, though she noticed his gaze caught by something. Following his eyeline, she grinned to see that he was staring at Erin. "Love looks good on you, Erin," he said as she came up to their side.

"Thank you." She cleared her throat, and Reid and Alex opened the doors to the library before starting down the aisle made between the chairs filled with their friends and family. She gave Erin's daughters a small smile as she passed them to take her place next to Alex, watching for Erin to start down the aisle. It seemed as if all the air in the room stilled as the music shifted and she started towards them. And like Hotch had said, love radiated from every bit of her being, and Penelope allowed her tears to roll down her cheeks, knowing that it was pointless to try and keep from crying.

Once Erin reached her side, Penelope gave her a small nod as they turned to face Anderson. He had a cheeky grin on his lips as he looked them all over before starting to go through his opening speech. And though Penelope had heard much of it the previous evening at the rehearsal, it moved her that much more now that it was real and happening for Erin. After everything that she had been through in the last two years, after how she had fought to get back to a place of normality, this seemed like the culmination of everything that she had been working towards.

She started a little when Erin shoved her bouquet into her hands, and she nodded a little as she took firm hold of it, trying to focus on the vows that Erin and David were sharing. There was something so beautiful about the look David was giving his soon to be wife, and not for the first time did she find herself overwhelmed at being allowed to share in their special day for them. Finally, the rings were placed on their fingers, and then Anderson was wrapping the ceremony up. Penelope drew herself to her full height and handed Erin her bouquet back before they started down the aisle and out of the library.

Penelope and Hotch followed them out into the garden of David's mansion, the tables already set up for their guests. As she helped Erin spread out her gown so that she could sit, she watched everyone else come out and find their seats. Erin looked up into Penelope's face before tugging her down into the chair next to her. "I'm the fourth Mrs David Rossi now."

"You are! I'm so happy for you both." Erin nodded, a fresh bout of happy tears rolling down her cheeks. Penelope rummaged around in the pocket of her dress for the handkerchief she had placed there earlier, pulling it out and lightly dabbing the tears away so as not to muss up the woman's makeup. "This is the perfect ending that I never imagined happening."

"I know. But here I am, deliriously happy, with the best friends a woman could ask for by my side as I marry the love of my life. My girls have reconciled with me. And life is so good. I am no longer in extremity, and I only hope that this peace lasts for the rest of my life."

"From your lips to God's ear, my darling," David said as he leaned over, picking up her hand and kissing it softly. "And now, to find Kitten someone who makes her heart sing as much as you make mine."

"Oh, I'm certain they're closer than we think, David. We just have to get them both to open their eyes," Erin replied as she glanced around him. Though Penelope didn't know who they were looking at, she knew that they only had her best at heart, just as she had always had for Erin. And that thought filled her with another wave of love as she knew that their future was impossibly bright.