Important: During this chapter,

Remus speaks in Italics
Peter speaks in Normal Text
Sirius speaks in Bold
James speaks in Underlined

Disclaimer: We don't own anything.


Sixth Year

Is it just me, or does Remus look like he hasn't slept in days?

Studying getting intense, Moony?

No I... well, never mind what I was doing.

Okay, am I the only one who finds that suspicious? Girl problems?

No, no, no, people don't always look crap because of girl problems, Peter.

AHA! He admits he looks crap! That is the first step to confessing!

So are you going to tell us why, or will we have to continue listening to Sirius's dramatics?

HONESTLY. I am trying to focus here. Please, just drop it.

Do my eyes decieve me? Is Remus Lupin getting... mad?

Remus, you know we will never just drop it. So save us all some time and tell us what's wrong.

You know, the idea of Moony getting mad is kind of scary.

Yeah, you should be scared of me. In fact, I think all of you should be scared of me.

Either you're speaking some kind of mysterious language, or you've lost your mind.

The thing is, I think you all should stay away from me.

Well, that's unexpected.

What do you mean, stay away? DOowe smell? I take baths quite frequently, thank you very much!


See, that's not possible because I am, in fact-

DON'T YOU DARE JOKE AROUND, PADFOOT! I could have killed you Sirius, last Sunday I could have killed you, don't you get it? For once, just listen to what I am saying without joking around.

The day that happens is the day that I change my name. Honestly Remus, do you think any of that matters?

Shut up, Sirius! And we told you not to think about that, it was just an accident. Besides it was all Padfoot's fault, he made you attack him. He makes everyone want to attack him. There's something about him, I just can't put my finger on it.

Is it his face? His casual attitude? Who knows?

That's not relevant. I could have killed you and I could have hurt any of the rest of you too. It was my doing that landed you in the Hospital Wing.

Are you kidding me? Sirius got out of doing work for a week! In fact, he was free to leave after a day, he just pretended to be hurt most of the time!

You don't have to keep doing this: covering up for my actions with humour.

Honestly, Remus. Stop. We aren't doing anything for you. When you screw up, we'll let you know. Until then, stop ruining our fun!

Yeah, don't flatter yourself! We aren't even doing this for you, we're doing this to have mess around. Honestly.


No, really Moony, drop it.

Alright, I'll drop it. But if this time you break any of my rules-

You mean the rules dictating how we should behave when we break the rules?

-Or mock them, I will kill you all. On purpose. Got it?

It think I speak for us all when I say, agreed.

A/N: Reviews/Feedback of any kind is appreciated!