Standard disclaimer applies.

A/N: I just want her to be cute for a little longer…

A Beautiful Illusion

A Beelzebub Fanfic

Oga x Hilda

A wife.

She turned that phrase in her mind over and over, noting how her cheeks heated up at the thought of it. The word alone felt... special. Her mother-in-law had taught her what a wife was and truthfully…

It was a little embarrassing. It wasn't the duties (which she accepted) or the fact that she belonged to someone else or the fact that she had a child with the man she now called 'husband' - it wasn't all that.

It was the fact that it was him. Hers.

She let the boy sitting next to her slide into her vision. It was lunchtime and they had come up to the roof for a little privacy – apparently the roof was known as 'Oga's Haunt' and hardly anybody came to disturb them. He was placidly eating the lunch she had made for him, occasionally talking to their child.


Her cheeks heated up more. She read in a book (that Misaki gave her) how babies were made. Strangely the idea of that happening between them made her stomach tie up in knots and yet stabbed daggers into her heart.

Why, if we have a child together… why doesn't he seem to like me very much?


She jerked out of her thoughts and saw Tatsumi was looking at her. "Y… Yes?"

"You're not eating," He gestured at her lunchbox. "Something wrong?"

Yes. You. Me. Us. "N-No. I was just thinking…"

"Did you remember something?" His eyes lit up eagerly and her stomach sank. "… No. I'm sorry Tatsumi."

The light in his eyes faded and he shrugged before returning to his own lunch. Hilda felt like she had disappointed him so badly. What was I like? Why do you like 'her' so much but not me? "Tatsumi…?"

He paused and looked at her. "Yeah?"

She bit her lip and suddenly smiled. "Let me hold Belze while you eat."

He passed the demon baby over to her without a murmur of protest and she cradled Baby Belze happily, occasionally stealing glances at the man she had come to love as her 'husband'. She supposed he was good-looking (if he dressed up a little) but that wasn't quite why she had taken a liking to him. He's a good father, her mind whispered. That's what's important. That's the only thing that matters. She could see how much he cared for their child despite them not being married and her crashing unannounced into his life (according to Misaki).

"You're a little cold to him though. I always wish you could be a little… I dunno… loving?"

Misaki's suggestion rang in her ears and Hilda unconsciously hugged Beelzebub tighter. Maybe that's the reason why I lost my memories, to be a better wife to Tatsumi?

"Adah?" Beelzebub patted her cheek comfortingly and Hilda forced a smile. "I'm alright, Belze. Don't worry about me."

She looked up and with a jolt realized Tatsumi was staring at her. She found that she couldn't breathe. "…Tatsumi?"

He held out his hand and she stared at it, wide-eyed. "What is it?"

"Your lunch," He said bluntly. "If you're not eating it, better not waste it."

Relief and disappointment washed over her as she handed her lunchbox to him. As he turned away to resume eating, she heard him mutter; "It's a waste of damn good food."

Her heart soared at the compliment and she giggled slightly as she kissed Beelzebub. Just a little longer. I want to feel like this a little longer… please.