Hey guys, this is just a start so don't hate, this is a love story no flames please.

Review or no updates.

Don't own the Hunger Games, never have never will.


I never planned on falling in love. After all I have so many things to think about, but the funny thing about love is, no matter where you stand with it, it finds a way to break through everything. It finds a way to trap you in forever.

I can remember the first time I saw him, it was the reapings three or four years ago, I was around twelve. I took one look and I was in love with a boy I only saw on the television, with blonde hair and blue eyes. All I knew was that I needed to find him.

His father was a victor from two, years ago I was certain that the boy would volunteer just like his father had and I dreaded the day when I would see his cocky walk as he strutted onto the stage.

Im in love with a boy named Cato.

Three years ago-

"Primrose Everdeen" Effie calls out sugary sweet from the stage, her wig still slightly off balance from the hug a drunken Haymitch Abernathy just failed at giver her before he stumbled off the stage face-first. The fall rendered him unconscious and she uneasily continued with the reaping.

No, it's only her first year. I promised her. It's just a dream, wake up Katniss wake up. My mind screams at me as my face turns to a mask of horror. "No, No" I scream frantically, the tone of my voice surprises me as I run towards Prim. She latches onto my waist as I try to pry her from me so I can push her behind me "I volunteer, I volunteer as tribute" I scream again.

"No Katniss" Prims screams come as Gale pulls her from me. He whispers something softly to me and gently pushes me towards the stage. I can see the look in his eyes, I can see the panic. Already he is mourning the loss of his best friend. He already knows he will never see me again.

Everything is a blur as I walk towards the stage. My body is there but my mind isn't. My mind is far away thinking of everything I will never do again. I will never hold Prim in my arms and quiet her as she sobs from a nightmare; I'm never going to hunt in the woods with Gale, trade at the hob, Im not going to be there to see that my mother stays with Prim and don't mentally check out on her again.

It finally sinks in as I shake hands with the boy, he's the bakers son he's never had to struggle a day in his life, it sinks in that I am never coming back. The people of the district know it too because as I look out at them they silently press three fingers to their mouths and hold them out to me. It's the silent sign of goodbye.

My mother, Prim, and Gale visit but I don't listen to anything they say. I'm too busy making silent goodbyes in my head.

The ride to the train goes by in a flash with Effie chirping happily along the whole way about what a treat we are in for. I hate her already. I'd like to take one of her long nails and stab myself with it, but I have a feeling that doesn't exactly go with what the Capitol wants.

I look over at the baker's son Peeta and remember the day he threw the bread out at me as I sat crying leaning against the tall tree. That was one of the few times I cried, much less in front of anyone. I can see it clear as day. His mother stood screaming at him as she yelled about burning good food. Nonchalantly he had tossed them out at me and hastily turned running back into the bakery after giving me a pained look.

"Katniss" a voice startles me and I look up at Peeta he has obviously been trying to get my attention.

"You know you don't have to ignore me" he sighs leaning back in the chair disappointed that I still show no sign of recognition on my ivory toned face.

"Fine, I'll just go find Haymitch then" he gets up quickly and stomps out of the room obviously angry. I don't care though, I sit still staring straight ahead even when the others come in for dinner, I don't talk, just stare despite Peeta's occasional provoking glance.

I finally look up when the reapings start; there is a boy who cockily volunteers from one and a girl with a weird name, something like Sparkle or Glitter. Finally district two comes up and I look hopefully to the screen, I'm longing to see my cocky boy, the arrogant one I see every year, the only boy to ever catch my eye.

"I volunteer" I voice yells out and my eyes sweep the crowd for the source of it. Then I see him and my stomach drops and I have the urge to gag.

I've watched him for so long, now I'm finally going to meet him. Just not in the way I would like. In a few days my mystery boy is going to be chasing my like a maniac through an arena, plotting my death.

I just want to drop over dead already.

Review if you want an update or PM for ideas