AN: Whoo, drabble time. Still working on Hitchhiker, but this idea hit me, so here's a bit of fluff for Maddie/Optimus. Yes. These are going to be short. And hopefully sweet.
Transformers Drabbles
Safe Place
The best thing in the world, as far as Maddie was concerned, was napping on Optimus' chest as the Autobot recharged. A small pillow and a blanket was all that she'd drag up there to keep her comfortable as she snuggled against metal plating, right above her love's spark. Where she could just faintly hear the pulse beneath her, where she felt so close and safe, and wanted.
She stroked Optimus' plating gently, then jerked her hand back as she saw the faint blue glow of his eyes. 'Ah, scrap.' She thought. "I didn't mean to wake ya." She felt more than heard his response, the words lost in his muttered reply. She grinned softly, realizing the Prime was only half out of recharge, and quickly falling back into it. His hand moved, shifted to cover her, and she curled back up, one hand reaching up to curl her fingers around one of his.