
WARNING! This story is rated M for a reason! There is a strong lesbian theme throughout, along with explicit lesbian sex. Read at your own risk.

DISCLAIMER! I do not own any part of the K-On! franchise. Ownership belongs to Kakifly, Hōbunsha, and Kyōtō Animation.

Chapter 2: Past Becomes Present

"In 150 meters, turn left," the voice in Yui's Bluetooth receiver intoned. She complied with the electronic instructions, wincing as her car cut the turn a bit too closely.

In her eagerness, her mind had already raced ahead to her destination. Unfortunately, the fact that her focus was elsewhere was playing havoc with her driving. As the sign poles flashed by her car window a bit too closely, the near-miss brought her back to reality.

Calm down, Yui! Don't blow it by doing something stupid. The last thing you need right now is a car wreck, or to get pulled over. One more visit with the prefectural police and they'll take away your license.

The home visit with Azusa would be her first of the new term. Although she always enjoyed meeting with her students' families, she'd been looking forward to this visit in particular. Actually, it was more accurate to say she'd been beside herself with excitement for the past five days, knowing that she would finally be able to spend time with Azusa other than in passing at the kindergarten.

As she parked her car next to Azusa's apartment building, however, Yui suddenly felt nervous. It had been seven years since she'd last had a meaningful conversation with Azusa, and she wasn't sure what to expect. Her former lover could be hard to read, and through hard-earned experience Yui had learned never to take anything between them for granted.

While juggling her jacket, tablet computer, and the flowers she'd brought as the obligatory first-visit gift, Yui knocked on the front door twice. Almost immediately, it swung open, and there stood Azusa. She looked radiant, and Yui gulped at the sight of her, standing dumbfounded until she finally remembered her manners.

"S-sorry for intruding," she stammered, handing the flowers to her host. "I brought you these. They're not much, but please accept them anyway."

"Thank you," Azusa replied, sniffing at the bouquet appreciatively. "They're beautiful."

As they stood looking at each other for a moment, Yui sensed the sudden awkwardness between them. Azusa was clearly happy to see her, but she seemed nervous and preoccupied.

"Please, come in," the twin-ponytailed woman said, finally breaking the silence.

No sooner did Yui make it through the door than she heard a high-pitched squeal. She had just enough time to brace herself before a pair of tiny arms wrapped around her knees.


"Hello, Kaorin," Yui said. She gently extricated herself from the delighted girl's grasp and bent down to pat her head. The child bounced up and down in her excitement.

"Sensei's here!"

"Kaorin, at least let her get her shoes off," Azusa ordered.

Moments later, Yui found herself in a large easy chair in the living room, taking in the surroundings. It was a rather spacious apartment for two people, and was tastefully yet functionally furnished in the Western style. In addition to the chair, there was an overstuffed sofa and a coffee table. A large flat-screen TV hung on the wall across from the sofa. At the other end of the room, there was a small dining table and four chairs.

It's just the way I always imagined her living room would look. No frills, but plenty of substance. Just like Azunyan herself.

"Thank you for having me," she said, remembering her manners again.

"We're honored you came," Azusa replied. "Would you like some tea? Jasmine, black, three sugars, right?"

My favorite…she remembered!

"Yes, thanks," Yui said out loud.

Azusa headed for the kitchen, Yui became aware she was being watched. Kaori was standing next to the easy chair, wide-eyed, a goofy smile on her face. She looked as though she'd just received a birthday gift.

"I can't believe Sensei's right here in my house!" she exclaimed. Without any further preliminaries, and before Yui could react, Kaori clambered up onto her lap and made herself comfortable, winding her arms around Yui's neck and hugging her tightly. At this precise moment, Azusa came into the room with two mugs of tea and a plate with a slice of cake on it. When she saw Kaori, she scowled.

"Kaorin, leave her alone!" she demanded, placing one of the mugs and the plate of cake on the table in front of Yui. "Remember what we talked about."

"But Mama, it's Sensei," Kaori pleaded. "She always lets me do this at school."

"This isn't school. Besides, she can't drink her tea with you in the way. Maybe you can visit with her later, okay? You already had your cake, so why don't you go play in your room for a bit while Mama and Sensei talk?"

"Better do what your mother says," Yui told Kaori as she eyed the cake.

Wordlessly, the tiny girl climbed down. With a last mournful look at Yui, she disappeared down the hall to her room. As she went, Yui barely suppressed a giggle.

"She's just too cute," she snickered.

"She is, and she knows it," Azusa added. The two women looked at each other and smiled, and Yui felt the tension lift noticeably.

"Go ahead and eat," Azusa urged. "I'm not hungry, so I'll just have tea along with you."

Yui looked more closely at the cake. It was vanilla with cream icing and fruit filling. A whole, fresh strawberry graced the top of the slice.

My favorite kind of cake…does she really still remember all these little things about me?

She looked at Azusa as if searching for clues. Other than a sadness in her eyes that Yui had picked up on at their first meeting, however, Azusa's expression was unreadable. Deciding it really wasn't the time to think about such things, Yui stuffed her emotions and went into professional mode.

As she ate, she carried out the most important reason for the visit: to discuss her initial impressions of Kaori. It was a straightforward conversation. Kaori was one of the most intelligent students in the class, and she had no issues academically. Socially, she seemed well-adjusted; she was always smiling and friendly, the kind of child who drew others to her. Yui's only concern was that Kaori seemed to go through periods where she was anxious that Azusa wasn't there, and at those times she became unusually clingy.

"It's not that I mind comforting her," Yui finished, placing the empty cake plate back on the coffee table. "However, she won't be allowed this much skinship in elementary school, and I have to prepare her for that. Unfortunately, that's one area where I'm weak as a teacher, because when the kids hang onto me I just can't seem to push them away."

"Kaorin's like that because of what she's been through," Azusa explained. "And it's really my fault, I'm afraid."

Yui waited silently for her to elaborate.

"I already told you her father and I split before she was born," Azusa sighed. "It was a bad situation. I met him at an omiai. My parents were pressuring me to get married, and he seemed nice enough, like he'd be a decent provider for a family. But after the wedding, he changed. And after I got pregnant with Kaorin, he started treating me badly. Finally, he came home drunk one night and beat me up, and that was it. I kicked him out. My family actually supported me."

"Kamisama!" Yui gasped. The thought of anyone abusing Azusa seemed evil beyond understanding, and she felt a sudden anger fill her.

"Hey, it's long over," Azusa soothed, responding to Yui's flash of outrage. "I haven't actually seen him since our divorce hearing. He has nothing to do with Kaorin or me anymore, so it's really not a problem."

Azusa's words defused the brunette's wrath, and with a deep breath, she relaxed. Even though she knew it was silly, she couldn't help but feel a brief twinge of guilt over not being there to protect Azusa from her ex-husband's ill treatment. She decided it would be counterproductive to say so, and instead chose to wait for her companion to go on.

"The problem is that I have to work to support us," Azusa continued. "Because of that, she's basically grown up without parents, because I was always at work. You know how it is as a teacher. Fortunately, my aunt lives in Yokohama, not far from here actually, so she watched Kaorin during the day. Even so, I guess you could say she's got some attachment issues."

"I can tell," Yui agreed. "That's why I've been extra careful never to refuse her when she needs comfort. I just can't bring myself to do it, because I can sense she needs me. But that's not the only reason I can't help myself."

"What other reason would there be?"

I have to say it. I can't keep to myself any longer.

"Because she reminds me so much of you," Yui said evenly, trying to keep her internal whirlwind of emotions out of her voice. "When I hold her, it's like I'm connecting to you through her. It makes me feel so…happy."

Azusa's eyes widened at this statement. She blushed and looked downward at her lap, so that Yui could no longer see her face.

Oh, no…now I've done it…I've said too much…

"Sorry," Yui said apologetically. "I didn't mean to be so…forward."

"It's okay," Azusa answered. She was silent for a moment, and when she looked back up at Yui, the brunette was shocked to see tears in her eyes. In response, the emotions Yui had been trying so hard to suppress threatened to overwhelm her. She had to concentrate to maintain her self-control.

"Um, Hirasawa-sensei…" Azusa began.

"Stop," Yui gently interjected. "Let's stop the false formality. You haven't used my last name since we first met 13 years ago. Please, call me Yui, the way you always used to do. Use san if it makes it easier."

"O-okay," Azusa managed, her voice wavering. "Y-yui…san…Yui-san, you can do the same."

"Azusa-san…" Yui began, but then her words failed. The two women sat staring at each other. Yui fought desperately to keep her composure, not wanting to upset Azusa any further.

Suddenly, they were both startled by a movement at the corner of the room. Kaori entered, carrying what appeared to be an old photo album. She walked up to the two bemused women, put the binder on the coffee table, and opened it. After leafing through several pages, she found what she was looking for.

"There," she announced, poking a tiny finger at the open book.

Yui leaned forward to see what she was pointing to. It was a purikura of her kissing the cheek of a very surprised Azusa. By the look of their clothing, it appeared to have been taken during their university days. The brunette's eyes widened in astonishment. Azusa had supposedly hated that picture, claiming it was embarrassing. And yet there it was, carefully mounted on a page in one of her photo albums.

"That's you, Sensei," Kaori declared, looking back and forth between Yui and the picture. "When Mama said she knew you a long time ago, I looked in her pictures to see if I could find you, and I did."

"That's me," Yui nodded.

"Mama always says kissing is only for people who like each other extra specially, like parents," Kaori continued. "So how come you were kissing Mama in that picture? Are you extra-special friends?"

Yui stared at the child, unable to frame a reply. Azusa, however, grabbed the photo album from the table and clutched it to her chest protectively.

"Kaorin, go to your room," she snapped.

"But, Mama…"

"Now!" Azusa commanded.

Wide-eyed, the child turned and scurried off. There was a long silence, until Yui couldn't hold her words in any longer.

"That album…those pictures…after all these years, you still have them," Yui said, her voice faltering.

"I'm sorry," Azusa mumbled.

"I beg your pardon?"

"I said, I'm sorry," Azusa declared, more audibly this time. "Sorry for how badly I treated you. Sorry for hurting you. And sorry I ever let you go."

With that, her tears spilled over and began running down her cheeks. Yui was frozen in place, wanting badly to move to Azusa and put her arms around her, but not daring to do it. Her heart ached at the sight of Azusa crying, but she was too off-balance to do anything but stare.

"I never wanted to break up with you in the first place," the younger woman sniffled. "My parents forced me to do it. I had no choice. Since then, I've lived with the guilt for how badly I hurt you. It was the biggest mistake I've ever made."

"Your parents…made you…" Yui said faintly. She slumped back in the easy chair, trying to process this extraordinary revelation.

"The night before we broke up, I got a phone call from my father," Azusa continued, her voice tight as she tried to keep it from breaking. "I told him we were planning to move in together off campus for my fourth year – remember that? – and he told me that if I did that, not only would he not pay my tuition for that year, he would disown me altogether. He basically ordered me to break up with you. What could I do? I was so upset I wasn't thinking straight. When you came to me the next day – Valentine's Day – and you told me how much you loved me and how you were looking forward to us moving in together and being together for the rest of our lives, it nearly broke me. I couldn't take it. I…I was stupid."

Her tear-filled eyes sought out Yui's.

"For seven years, I wanted to tell you I was sorry, and that I never wanted to let you go," she continued. "I wanted to call you…to tell you…but I never had the nerve. And then I found out you got together with Mugi, and I was too late…it broke my heart…"

Still clutching the photo album, Azusa slumped forward and began to sob quietly. Yui, unable to hold back any longer, moved quickly from the easy chair to the couch. Gently, she pulled the album from Azusa's grasp and set it aside, and then took the crying woman into her arms. Azusa felt so fragile in her embrace, and each sob was like a knife twisting into Yui's chest. Suddenly, she realized her face was wet with her own tears.

It took several minutes for the flood of emotion to recede. Finally, Yui released Azusa. Reaching for the napkins that had come with the cake, she first dried the younger woman's eyes, then her own.

"Azusa-san, I forgave you a long time ago," she said gently. "Even though it hurt really badly, I never hated you. I could never, ever do that. There was just too much love when we were together. Besides, as hard as that was for me, at least one good thing came out of it."

"What was that?" Azusa asked, still dabbing at her eyes with her sleeve.

"I got the privilege of being with Mugi-chan," Yui replied. "Of all our friends, she was always the one on the outside looking in. Because you let me go, I was able to make her happy. In a weird sense, you were really giving her a gift, if you think about it."

Azusa opened her mouth to speak, but Yui held up a hand to stop her.

"A part of me will always belong to Mugi-chan," Yui continued. "But it works both ways, because there was a part of me Mugi-chan could never reach – the part that always belonged to you. She always knew that, and accepted it. And in time, she forgave you, just like I did. I believe she would be happy we've reconciled."

Azusa was silent for several moments.

"It must have been tough to lose her," she finally mused. "I'm sorry I didn't make the funeral. The school had me scheduled for training and wouldn't let me out."

"It's okay," Yui assured her. "The flowers were beautiful. Anyway, you're right – it was tough. It's been a hard three years. I've worked my way through the hurt, and I was just finally convincing myself I needed to move on. And then you walked through the doors of my classroom. "

She told Azusa how she had asked Mugi for a sign the morning of the first day of school, and how she believed their meeting was the answer.

"So this is like a fresh start for us," she finished. "It's like we're back where we were 13 years ago when we first met. At least it could be that way, if we let it."

Azusa was silent for a long moment, thinking. Finally, she turned her hazel eyes onto Yui, and they were brimming with tears again.

"Yui-san," she said, her voice trembling. "Do you think we could ever…get back to where we used to be? Before…that day, I mean."

As they gazed at each other, Yui felt her few remaining reservations evaporate. That baggage from long ago vanished, and suddenly she felt free, as if she had unchained for the first time in seven years.

"I sure want to try," was her immediate answer.

Azusa nodded, and began to dab at her eyes again. Yui wrapped her in another embrace, and this time she returned it. She felt so warm, so right, in Yui's arms. They clung to each other for what seemed like forever, until a voice startled them back to reality.


Kaori was standing next to them, a pained look on her face.

"I thought I heard you crying," she said. "Please, Mama, don't cry."

She held her arms out to Azusa, who pulled out of Yui's embrace and motioned for Kaori to climb onto her lap. The child did so, and promptly wrapped her arms around her mother's neck.

"Sometimes it's okay to cry, as long as the tears are happy," Azusa said softly.

Kaori pulled back and looked at her mother dubiously.

"Then these are happy tears?" she asked.

Azusa turned to Yui, and hazel eyes met chocolate-brown once more.

"Yes, Kaorin," Yui found herself saying. "These are definitely happy tears."

With unusual fussiness, Azusa brushed her hair, trying to get it just right. She was used to wearing it in twin ponytails, but tonight she decided to let it fall free, because she'd remembered how much had Yui liked it the few times she'd worn it that way.

I can't believe Yui asked me out this soon. I mean, it's been seven years since we broke up, and not two weeks after we resolve things she asks me out? You'd think she'd have waited a little longer for the sake of propriety. Oh, well, this is Yui we're talking about. She's always been a fast mover. Besides, I have to admit I'm glad she didn't wait. Really, really glad.

The reconciliation that night at Azusa's apartment had changed things radically for both women. The long-standing barrier between them had been swept aside, but the consequence wasn't simply a matter of restoring their friendship. The way was now clear for them to go back to being more than friends. Azusa wanted that desperately, and by asking Azusa out, Yui had signaled that she wanted the same.

Geez, I'm so nervous I can hardly hold the hairbrush. It's probably because this isn't just a simple dinner invitation, and she and I both know it.

She made a few last-minute adjustments, and then scrutinized the result in the mirror.

I think this dress makes me look taller and curvier. I'm sure Yui would like it – she always did like me in dark blue. Yeah, this is definitely a good choice. Just a couple more passes with the brush, and…there. Perfect.

At that moment, the knock came at the door. When Azusa opened it, she caught her breath.

Yui was wearing a fitted blouse and slacks that clung to her in all the right places. Azusa fought off the temptation to stare, opting instead to looking into those chocolate-brown eyes. They locked with her own, and her breath hitched.

Oh, my…she looks spectacular!

Yui smiled that smile, the one that made Azusa melt inside.

"You look so pretty, Azusa-san," she said. "That dress looks awesome on you."

"You look fabulous yourself," Azusa replied.

The date itself – dinner at an upscale restaurant – was a blur. Azusa couldn't remember what she ate, or even a single thing that was said. With her pulse rushing in her ears, she could barely hear anyway. The sexual tension hung heavy in the air, and she could tell Yui was feeling it as much as she was. All she could do was gaze at the brunette, captivated by that smile. It was like being wrapped in sunbeams. One thought, and one thought only, raced through Azusa's mind.

Oh, God…I want her so badly…

Sometime around the dessert course, Azusa hinted that it was a much better idea to go straight back to her apartment than to go to that new club to see the house band, as Yui had originally planned. Unlike usual, Yui had no problem picking up on Azusa's signals. She only had one question.

"What about Kaorin?"

"She's at my aunt's," Azusa replied. "We'll have the place to ourselves."

She gave Yui a meaningful look. The brunette's eyes widened with sudden understanding, and then her face lit up in a speculative smile that made Azusa's heart pound even harder.

Little else was said. There wasn't really anything further to discuss.

No sooner were they through the apartment door than Yui wrapped her arms around Azusa and pulled her close, nuzzling her cheek against the side of the shorter woman's head the way she used to do.

"It's been years since I've had an energy recharge," she sighed.

Azusa pulled Yui tighter, melting into her embrace, reveling in the familiar way their bodies fit together. She could feel Yui's heartbeat, strong and steady. It was as though she was finally home after a difficult seven-year journey, home to arms that were still as warm and comforting as ever.

"You can call me…that name, you know," Azusa told her. "You haven't called me that in so long."

"I…I wasn't sure…" Yui said hesitantly. "Is it really okay?"

"It's your special name for me," Azusa pleaded. "In private, it's okay. Yui, please, I want to hear it."

Yui put her lips close to Azusa's ear.

"Anything for my Azunyan," she whispered.

The effect of Yui's breath against her earlobe was electric, and hearing her old nickname added to the effect. Azusa felt weak in the knees, and when Yui kissed her, her train of thought immediately derailed. Reasoning was difficult, if not impossible, with Yui's lips on hers. Powerless to resist, she simply clung to Yui and let the kiss deepen.

After several moments, Yui pulled away from her, and she whimpered in frustration. Without a word, the brunette led her from the living room to the bedroom, and when they stood beside the bed, she kissed Azusa again, this time with intensity. Azusa responded hungrily, grinding her body against Yui's as the passion took hold.

After a quick flurry of clothing flying in all directions, they were on the bed in each other's arms, legs intertwined, mouths joined. The sensation of Yui's naked body on hers was glorious, and Azusa felt the tension begin to rise rapidly within her.

Suddenly, Yui broke off the kiss. Before Azusa knew what happened, she found herself on her back with Yui bridged over top of her. The brunette looked down at her with a smile of anticipation.

"Azunyan, let me," she whispered.

Yui lowered her lips to Azusa's once more. It was only a brief kiss, however, and soon her fingers, lips, and tongue ranged freely over Azusa's skin, reacquainting themselves with every sensitive spot. For Azusa, it was both agony and ecstasy as the need for release built within her with each succeeding touch.

Finally, Yui pushed Azusa's legs apart, stroking her inner thighs briefly before running her fingers up and down Azusa's nether lips. At the feather-light touch, Azusa moaned and tried to push her hips toward Yui's hand.

"Fingers…in me…" she gasped.

Yui chuckled.

"Ooh, my koneko-chan is certainly eager."

"Please, Yui!"

"Okay, Azunyan," Yui smiled. "I won't tease you."

Gently, Yui began to work her way inside. It felt so good to have fingers other than her own enter her that Azusa wanted to laugh and cry at the same time. Her inner walls clung to the invading digits, as if she never wanted to let them go.

Slowly at first, Yui began to move her fingers in and out. After several strokes, her thumb found Azusa's pleasure center. After that, all Azusa could concentrate on, the only things that mattered, were the two fingers and the thumb and the wonderful surges of pleasure they sent crashing through her.

She clutched at the sheets, arching her back and groaning as she began to feel the telltale fluttering feeling that signaled her approaching climax. Sensing Azusa was nearing her peak, Yui picked up the pace considerably, and the flutters swiftly blended together as Azusa rocketed to release. Every muscle in her body locked into place as the spasms ripped through her.

It was the most intense climax she could ever remember having. It felt as though her soul had been torn from her body and catapulted thousands of feet into the air over Yokohama, only to float back down gently on the breeze blowing off the ocean.

When she came to herself again, she was lying on the bed in Yui's arms, quivering. It was just like it had been back in their university days. Yui would make love to her, and then hold her close, caressing her gently while waiting for her to recover.

"It feels so good to have you in my arms again, koneko-chan," the brunette cooed. "I can't believe it's been seven years. It was just so…natural that it only felt like seven hours."

"Oh, Yui…I…I've missed this…I've missed you…"Azusa breathed. "Please…touch me more. I've gone without you for so long…I don't want to stop."

Yui pulled her tighter and nibbled on an earlobe, causing Azusa to shiver with pleasure.

"I could never refuse you, Azunyan," the brunette purred. "I'll make love to you as much as you want. I couldn't hold myself back if I tried."

Her fingers idly traced around the edge of the younger woman's navel, and Azusa's abdominal muscles clenched involuntarily. She felt her core begin to dampen once again as Yui pulled her into a lingering kiss.

"I…I want to…touch you this time…" Azusa gasped the moment they pulled apart. "It's not fair…I want us to come together…"

Yui silenced her with a finger across the lips.

"Don't worry," she soothed. "Just follow my lead, okay? Lie on your back for me."

After Azusa had followed her directions, Yui pushed her knees apart and crawled between them, positioning herself so her core was in direct contact with Azusa's. Instinctively, Azusa pulled her knees back and wrapped her legs around Yui's hips, the way she had always done when they'd made love in years past. Propping herself up on her elbows, Yui looked deeply into Azusa's eyes, then began moving against her in a slow, regular cadence.

It was the most intimate act Yui could have chosen. Every square centimeter of the front of Azusa's body felt as though it was joined to Yui's as they slid against each other. Each time Yui would rotate her hips forward, Azusa would push her own up to meet them. As their pleasure centers made contact, waves of electricity surged through her.

The brunette nibbled at Azusa's collarbone and neck and rained down light kisses on her face and lips, all without breaking rhythm. Azusa began to respond by running her hands up and down Yui's back and buttocks, and when she would occasionally work her hands between them to palm Yui's breasts, the brunette would moan appreciatively.

The cascade of sensations soon became overwhelming. All Azusa could do was wrap her arms around Yui and dig her fingernails into the brunette's back as the pleasure flooded through her.

"More…harder…" she groaned. "Y-…Yui…please…"

Yui responded by increasing the tempo, and Azusa arched her back, locking her legs in place as she urged the brunette on breathlessly. As Yui approached her climax, she began to whimper and moan, and the effect was so arousing that it drove Azusa straight to the edge of her own. That familiar fluttering feeling deep inside her returned, only this time it was much stronger.

"So…close…" she heard Yui gasp.

"Come…with…me…" was her response.

Yui began to shudder with release, crying out as she hit her peak. The feel of Yui arching and flexing tipped Azusa over the edge. She clung to the brunette for dear life as the orgasm ripped through her, fading the world around her to white.

When she came to herself, she realized Yui had slid off of her and was lying face up on the mattress, her breasts heaving. It looked as if she was trying to catch her breath. Azusa shifted onto her side, trying to regain her focus. For a moment, she watched those breasts move up and down, but soon her attention shifted to Yui's face. The brunette's eyes were closed, and her bangs were plastered to her sweat-soaked forehead.

She looks so utterly beautiful…to be lying beside Yui after so long…I feel whole again…like I'm where I belong…

"I love you," she said softly, reaching out to stroke Yui's cheek. "I never stopped loving you."

To her surprise, Yui responded by rolling onto her side and pulling her into a lingering embrace. Her body began to shake, and suddenly Azusa felt dampness on her neck.

She's crying!

"Hey, it's okay," the obsidian-haired woman murmured as she gently stroked Yui's back. "I didn't mean to scare you. I guess it's too soon for those words. I won't say them again until you're ready."

"No, I'm fine, really," Yui sniffled. "I'm happy you said that. Say it all you want."

"Then why the tears?"

"Because I know that somewhere out there, Mugi-chan is smiling, and that she's happy for us. I…love you, Azunyan…so much… and I'm so glad we're together again…"

With that, Yui began to sob in earnest. Azusa could do little else but hold on tightly and cry right along with her.

Kaori bounced up and down in rhythm as Yui strummed her guitar. The song they were singing together, The Hare and the Tortoise, was Kaori's new favorite.

Hello there, Tortoise, Mr. Tortoise
There isn't anyone in the world
Who walks as slowly as you do
Why is it that you're so slow?...

Yui had always loved this song. She learned it in kindergarten, and vowed she was going to sing it with students of her own someday. And she had kept that promise, teaching it to a new class of kindergarteners every year. Kaori's class was her eighth group of students to learn it.

When they had finished, Kaori clapped her hands excitedly.

"That was awesome!" she squealed. "I want to play guitar someday, like you and Mama. Can we sing another one? Please?"

Azusa looked up from her vantage point on the sofa, where she was grading math tests.

"Kaorin, let Sensei rest," she told her daughter. "You've had her running since she got here."

"I don't mind," Yui said cheerfully. "But I think your Mama's right, Kaorin. Sensei needs a break. She's pooped."

Kaori sighed with disappointment, then with a shrug turned back to the toys she had been playing with earlier. Meanwhile, Yui put her guitar back in its case and, crossing to the sofa, flopped down next to Azusa and wrapped her arms around her.

"Not now," Azusa said absently, still focused on grading tests.

"Hey, I was just recharging my Azunyan energy," Yui protested. She let go of her preoccupied girlfriend and leaned back to relax, taking in the scene before her. To her right was Azusa, fully intent on her work. On the floor, Kaori played with her toys with the same serious-minded focus as her mother.

They're quite a pair. In some ways, Kaorin is a mini-Azunyan. In others, she's so different. So much more upbeat and outgoing. I like how comfortable I feel right here with the two of them. I could definitely see myself as a part of this family…

Yui closed her eyes, content to wait until Azusa was finished. It seemed like an excellent time for a nap. As she was dropping off, however, Kaori asked a question out of nowhere that yanked her back from the edge of slumber.

"Mama, are you guys going to get married?"

Yui sat bolt upright, turning to Azusa, whose face was frozen in shock. The two of them gaped at each other for a few seconds before Azusa found words.

"Why on earth would you ask a question like that?" she demanded.

"Well, you guys are extra-special friends, and you told me that extra-special friends get married," Kaori said, her expression serious.

Azusa's mouth opened, then closed, then opened again. She appeared to be struck speechless in the face of the five-year-old's logic. Yui, more used to a child's thought process, decided to intervene.

"That's something that usually takes a long time to decide," she said gently. "Your mother and I have only been together for a little while."

"I thought if Sensei lived with us, she wouldn't have to go home every night," Kaori continued, still speaking to Azusa. "She'd already be home. Or maybe we could go live with her. Her house is nicer, anyway."

Yui couldn't help giggling at the tiny girl's frank statement. Azusa, on the other hand, was not nearly so impressed by her daughter's seeming cuteness. She was clearly flustered.

"Kaorin, stay here," she commanded. "Yui, kitchen."

Yui knew who the boss in the relationship was. Out of bed, it wasn't her. Without a word, she meekly followed Azusa to the kitchen. When they were alone, Azusa stood hands on hips, fixing the brunette with a glare.

"What have you been telling her?" she demanded.

"Nothing, Azunyan!" Yui insisted, raising both hands in protest. "Okay, well, she and I did talk about the 'extra-special friends' thing. But that was when I told her not to brag at school about how much I'm over here. She came up with the rest of that stuff on her own."

Sensing Azusa's frustration, the brunette moved quickly to her and wrapped her arms around her. With a sigh, the shorter woman relaxed and leaned into Yui's embrace.

"Why so upset?" Yui asked. "She was just curious."

"I don't know," Azusa answered weakly. "It's just…she took me by surprise, that's all…"

They said nothing for several moments. As Yui held Azusa, she wondered what her girlfriend had thought about Kaori's question.

Children can be so perceptive sometimes. I wonder what Azunyan really thinks about us living together, or…what Kaorin was talking about. It does seem a little soon, but it's funny how I don't feel any hesitation. But Azunyan? There's no way she'd even be thinking about moving in together, let alone…that…is there? I guess I can always feel her out…

"Kaorin's question was actually a pretty good one," she said carefully.

"Yeah, it was," Azusa agreed, snuggling closer. "I didn't have a problem with the question itself. Just the timing."

"So, um, what do you think?" Yui couldn't resist asking.

"What do I think?" Azusa countered. "I think it stinks that my lease has another eleven months to run, that's what I think."

Yui's eyes widened.

"Are you kidding?" she blurted.

Azusa pulled out of her embrace and turned to stand toe-to-toe with her bemused lover.

"Do I look like I'm kidding?" she asked. The expression on her face was as serious as the one on Kaorin's minutes earlier. Yui decided it was safe to take a direct approach.

"I've been thinking about…these things," she admitted hesitantly. "But I thought it was too soon, so I haven't said anything. But I would move in tonight if you'd let me."

"I was ready to move in with you seven years ago," Azusa reminded her. "Before my father got involved, my bags were practically packed. Tonight… that's too fast. But eleven months is far too long."

Yui stared at her, caught speechless for a moment. Azusa the over-analyzer, the woman who was prone to wrestling with decisions and then second-guessing them afterward, had surprised her with her sudden determination.

"Besides, Kaorin's right," Azusa continued, now smiling. "Your house is much nicer than this place."

"I could always buy out your lease for you," Yui speculated.

"Oh, please," Azusa snorted. "Be realistic, Yui. We're talking two or three million yen."

"But it's no problem, Azunyan," was Yui's rejoinder. "Mugi-chan left me some money. Far more than I know what to do with, actually. She was always so generous, and she'd expect me to be, too. I have many times more than what we'd need to cover the rest of your lease. Certainly, I have enough to provide for both you and Kaorin. If you'll have me, that is."

Azusa turned to look out the window. She was clearly considering Yui's words.

"Is that a proposal?" she finally asked.

"Heh, heh…I guess it is," Yui chuckled nervously, rubbing the back of her head. "I mean, think about it. Why move in together if we're not going to take it all the way?"

Azusa turned, and her eyes met Yui's. Suddenly, they were brimming with unshed tears.

"I never stopped loving you, Yui, and I'm not going to stop loving you," she said, her voice trembling with emotion. "And Kaorin worships the ground you walk on. Who else could hope to be as good a parent to her as you would be? So I think you know my answer."

Yui felt a sudden surge of joy and relief. Not only was Azusa declaring her love plainly, she was saying she considered Yui fit to be a second parent to Kaori. A second mother. Yui had dealt with parents for years, and she knew very well what an act of deep trust this was. She was being accepted into their family, and it made her so happy she felt like shouting. Instead, she decided to ask Azusa one more time, just to be absolutely certain she was reading her correctly.

"So…is that a…'yes'?" she asked.

Azusa stood trembling for a moment, then launched herself into Yui's arms. Her lips searched for Yui's, and when they touched, Yui felt an overwhelming sense of peace. It was as though things had finally come full circle, and she and Azusa were back to that long-ago Valentine's Day, when the future had held so much promise before fate intervened. She held onto Azusa as if for dear life, not wanting the moment to pass.

"We need to at least wait a while, for Kaorin's sake," Azusa murmured after their lips parted. "Otherwise, people would talk."

"They'll talk anyway," was Yui's rejoinder. "When two women are together, it always raises eyebrows. But you have a point. We should probably keep it low-key. Just a small reception. And I can adopt Kaorin, if you're okay with it."

"I'm more than okay with it," Azusa assured her. "And Kaorin will be really excited."

"I wish we didn't have to wait," Yui pouted. In response, Azusa's arms tightened around her.

"I know," she soothed. "But it has to be this way. For now, let's just go on the way we are. We're in a good place, the three of us."

"Yeah," Yui agreed.

Azusa pulled herself out of Yui's arms.

"Come on," she urged, taking Yui by the hand. "It's time to put Kaorin to bed. You need to start getting used to the routine."

"This first," Yui replied, as she leaned forward and pressed her lips to Azusa's once more.


− Once again, my editor and creative partner Musician74 was instrumental in ensuring this story saw the light of day. Thank you, Beta-chan, for helping me process the whirlwind of emotions that came with writing this story, and for your friendship.

− Thanks also go to Truner, whose comments in a review of In Plain Sight generated a plot bunny that evolved into this story, and to Anonymous Gun Nut, who provided fanart that goes perfectly with this chapter (see his review of Chapter 1 for the link).

− A purikura is a photo sticker produced at one of Japan's ubiquitous photo booths. (The word can also refer to the booth itself.)

− The song The Hare and the Tortoise is an insert from Season 2 Episode 8 of the K-On! anime.

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