Chapter 8! Ahh I'm so excited and I'm so happy you guys are reviewing! I added a one shot earlier tonight. Hope you guys check that out(; Anyway hope yalls days are great!

No copyright intended.

I open my eyes when I hear someone calling my name.

"Katniss? Kantiss wake up we have to be at school in an hour."

I stretch and realize it was Peeta's voice speaking. I get up and follow Peeta out of his room. Once we are down in the kitchen he hands me a glass of water and puts a bowl of food in front of me. After eating in silence for almost ten minutes Peeta finally speaks up.

"Can I kiss you?" He asks with blushing. I look up from my empty bowl and smile at him. "Um... Peeta I don't think you need permission to kiss your girlfriend." I say.

"Girlfriend...right. Just making sure it wasn't a dream." He sighs exhaling before reaching across the table and pulling my face to his. After at least a few good minutes I decide we need to get ready.

"Yeah well as much fun as this is..." I say smiling. "I don't have clothes for school."

He raises his eyebrows at me and smirks. "Well I was enjoying the whole 'Katniss dresses like a boy' thing going on..." He says eyeing me.

Now it's my turn to blush as I am still wearing his sweat pants and T-shirt. He sees this and starts laughing. "Don't worry you still look beautiful to me." He says sincerely.

"Yes well if you're done making fun of me I do need clothes!" I half yell at him.

"Aw did I hurt your feelings? Well come on lets go scavenge my brothers rooms for clothes that their ex girlfriends might have left." He replies cockily.

I get up and follow him to his brother's rooms. After looking for fifteen minutes all we could come up with was a pair of jeans. I slip them on finding them to fit perfect surprisingly. I walk out of the bathroom and Peeta smiles at me.

"Well I see that worked out. See all my plans are not failures!"

I cross my arms over the baggy T-shirt and raise my eyebrows.

"Sorry to point out a flaw in your plan Mr. Perfect BUT I still need a shirt." I say with a hint of teasing in my voice.

"Ahh the dreaded but!" He sighs with fake exasperation. "Well..." He continues going to his closet. "I don't really have small shirts so... how about last year's wrestling hoodie?" He turns around holding it up expectantly. He knows I don't have a choice because there is no way I am going to school with a knee length dirty T-shirt on. I remember him doing good in wrestling the previous years of school. He only ever came second to his brother. I sigh and hold my hands out. He tosses it over to me and I slip it over my head. To my surprise it actually fits quite comfortably. I turn around and look in the mirror hanging on his wall. I look like I do every day. Just in clothes that weren't my own.

Peeta looks over at me and walks up to grab me around the waist. I lay my hands over his as he rests his chin on my shoulder. "You know... I think that you might just be the most beautiful thing I have ever seen in my whole entire life." He says looking straight in the eyes of my reflection in the mirror. I laugh at him.

"Oh really? Jeans and your sweatshirt. Cute? I don't think so."

He backs up a few inches from me making my frown. "I didn't say cute. I said beautiful and I was talking about you. Not your clothes. Although..." He takes my hand and spins me under his arm so I'm facing him. He points to the mirror behind me and I look over my shoulder. He pulls my braid over my shoulder revealing the back of the sweatshirt. His last name was across the back in big white letters. "I could get used to that." I look back up at him and he is smiling so big I can't help but wonder if his mouth is going break off.

"That really makes you happy doesn't it?" I ask.

"More than you know." He whispers to me. I lean up on my toes and kiss him.

He smiles into the kiss before breaking away. "Time for school." He says winking at me.

He takes my hand and we walk down stairs where he pulls too brown bags out of a cupboard. He smiles and says he made them this morning while I was still sleeping. We walk out of his house and walk to school hand in hand. We talk about pointless things all the way to the building but when we get to the edge of the school yard I realize everyone was staring at us. I stop and Peeta notices and turns to face me. He puts his lunch bag on the ground before putting his hands on either side of my face and kissing my forehead.

"It'll be okay. Whispers aren't knives. They won't hurt you." He whispers looking into my eyes. I smile weakly at him as he picks up his lunch but instead of taking my hand he puts his arm protectively around my waist. I sink into his side and try not to pay attention to the obvious looks. I keep my eyes trained forward the whole way to my locker. I open it up and stick the lunch Peeta made inside. Before I say anything he plops his in there right beside mine.

"I'll come find you before lunch." He says smiling. I just return the gesture before turning back and organizing my locker a little bit. Peeta wraps his arms around my waist and once again, repeating what he did earlier, puts his chin on my shoulder.

"Are we going to stand like the all the time?" I ask laughing slightly.

I feel him smile into my neck. "I hope so...It's quite comfortable."

I laugh again shutting my locker after I grab a note book, pen, and my school bag from inside. I turn around to face him and put the backpack straps over my shoulders. He smiles walking around me putting one hand on my waist turning me to face him again. He leans against the locker and pulls me closer. I stand over his legs that are spread out under mine allowing him to be at my height. He intertwines the fingers of both our hands.

"So after school today we need to go buy some ingredients for the bakery from the hob." He says kissing one of my knuckles.

"Mmm okay." I say smiling. "Can we go get me some actual clothes from my house since your dad doesn't get home till Friday and it's only Wednesday?" I ask him hoping I can go check in on my mother and Prim.

"Of course we can." He laughs looking up. "But first I have to teach you how to make cookies so we can surprise your sister." He says looking back down at me smirking.Thinking about my sister being happy and getting a sugary treat we could never afford literally launches me into Peeta's arms. I lock my wrist around his neck and nod feverishly. His hands snake around my waist, taking their time to touch my whole entire side on their way to my back. This sends chills up my spine and my breath hitches.

I remember where we are when I hear someone clear there throat. I release my grip on Peeta and whip around and find myself face to face with none other than Gale. Our faces only inches apart and I can't move because I am shocked at how close we are. Finally Peeta grabs me with one hand by my waist and pulls my back into his chest hugging me from behind. I look up to see the look of hurt and jealousy plastered on Gales face.

"Well, well, well." He says glaring at Peeta. "When did this happen?" He asks raising his eyebrows.

Peeta keeps his grip on me but keeps his eyes locked on Gale, his lips unmoving. I look between the two staring at each other and decide to speak up.

"It doesn't matter Gale. It just matters that it did." I say trying to make him realize that he can't change this situation.

"Yeah I figured when I saw you two all over each other since you walked into school this morning... So Peeta, What's Delly gonna say?" He asks smugly.

I know Delly and Peeta dated a year ago and that they're still friends. If I'm being honest I don't mind him still being friends with her because I know that they've been friends since they were small and it's not my place to intrude on a lifelong friend ship. So I just smile and grab one of Peeta's hands from my waist and lock our fingers.

"I'm sure Delly will be just as happy as she always is." I say. Peeta still stands frozen behind me, eyes locked on Gale.

Gale smirks at Peeta knowing he got the rise out of Peeta he wanted.

"Yeah well nice talking to you Katniss." He says before winking at me and walking away.

I turn around to face Peeta. He continues to stare straight above my head. I sigh and reach up and grab his face.

"What happened Peeta? I thought you two were best friends?" I ask

He exhales and clothes his eyes. "We had a...disagreement." He says cocking his head slightly.

"About?" I push trying to figure out why they had just acted so cold toward each other.

He opens his eyes and they bore into mine. "He doesn't like that he didn't get to you before I did when really, I didn't get to you. You kind of came to me." He says kind of sheepishly.

"Well he can get over it. Even if he 'got to me first' I wouldn't have liked him either way!" I snap.

He rubs his hand up and down my back when the warning bell rings and we both know we need to get to class.

We go through the day as normal. Once it's time for lunch I wait for Peeta and he shows up like he said. When we get to the lunch room all eyes are once again on us. We're the abomination of the status quo. Town and seam. Rich and poor. Popular and not so popular. Peeta puts one hand on my back and guides me forward. When we pass a table full of town girls I hear some of they're whispers. Things like "I bet she didn't have any clothes because she's so poor and he had to lend her some. He just feels bad. There is no way he would date HER." Or when we pass a group of guys not far off those whispers aim at Peeta. "Why the hell does he get the hot, hard to get girl? I tried her more than once and she doesn't give up. He's probably paying her."

My fists start to clench and I seem to stop walking because Peeta is half dragging me forward. When we finally get to a table on the far end of the lunch room we sit across from each other. Not a moment later Gale decided to make an appearance.

"Hey guys! Mind if I sit here?" He asks walking towards us. I'm not going to be rude and say no, so I look to Peeta and see him staring down to his lap playing with his fingers. I look back up to Gale who's waiting for an answer. I smile at him as best I can.

"Um sure Gale." I say and he decides to sit on my side of the bench.

"So how was your day?" He mocks flinging his arm over my shoulder.

"Just fine." I say picking up his hand and placing it back on the table.

He laughs and Peeta suddenly mutters something.

"I think I'm going to go finish my home work." He mumbles and gets up and walks away.

I stare after him mentally cursing him for leaving me alone with Gale.

"So just me and you huh?" He ask smirking. I roll my eyes and get up and sit in Peeta's previous seat across from him. I continue to eat the food Peeta packed for me while Gale blabbers on. I decide I don't want to deal with his antics any more.

"Look Gale." I say interrupting his talk on something irrelevant. "I don't know what is up with you and him but you guys were best friends and I'm not having any part in your ways to make him upset."

He looks up at me and his eyes look hurt. "You don't know what it's like to watch your best friend get the girl of your dreams."

"Gale, trust me I'm not anything special." I say trying to ease this for him.

"That's where you are wrong my friend. You are very, very special. I will show you that one way or another and I will always be fighting for you." He says looking me straight in the eyes and then getting up and walking away. This rubs me the wrong way and I practically sprint out of the cafeteria. Once I'm in the hall way I slow to a walk and look around for Peeta. I just walk around the school for a few minutes before I look out a window and spot him sitting under a tree. I find a door and make my way towards him.

When I am about two steps away I stop because I know he hears me. Without turning to face me he reaches his hand up. I take it and he pulls me down to settle between his legs. I snuggle into him enjoying his warmth. He wraps his arms around me and I smile to myself.

"Peeta can we go home early? I don't want to go to next class."I ask hopefully.

"Katniss..." He sighs. "I think you can handle another hour. Besides we have this class together and I'll cover for you if you fall asleep."

I think about this and decide I probably shouldn't miss too much school.

"Well... Can I keep this then?" I ask pointing to the sweatshirt on my body. It truly was comfortable and I kind of liked wearing his last name.

"You can have that for as long as you want." He replies laughing.

"Good." I say twisting my head up to smirk at him. "Because I wasn't going to give it back."

He grins and leans down to kiss me.

"Come on." He says. "Lunch ends in five minutes." I stand up and extend my hand to him. After I pull him to his feet we walk hand in hand to last class.

When we get there we take two seats next to each other in the back corner. When we sit down the girl sitting in front of us whispers something to her friend and then turns around to face us.

"So you two are a thing now?" She asks. "Odd..." The other girls says after her.

I just nod my head at them and return my attention to the front. They still insist on conversing though.

"I was just wondering why you were wearing a sweatshirt with his last name instead of yours." She asks raising and eyebrow smirking at me. I look down not knowing what to say but this time Peeta actually decides to speak up.

"Well it will be her last name one day too so I don't think it really matters." He says to them.

Shock crosses her face and she gives him a weird look before very quickly turning around. I look up at Peeta and he just smiles at me.

"That better be a promise..." I mutter looking down. I was hoping he didn't hear me just admit that but of course he did, he always does. He leans down to whisper in my ear.

"Katniss Everdeen, I will not stop until your name is Katniss Mellark." He breathes before kissing my temple and looking back to the front leaving me a bit shocked.

I couldn't focus for the rest of class because I was just imagining the future like I've done a million times. Only for the first time I allowed myself to add Peeta. It was nice actually allowing myself to let him into me. When the bell rings I look over to find Peeta standing waiting for me. I get up and we walk to my locker. After we get our stuff we head toward the hob to get the stuff for the bakery.

When we walk up I see Sae and smile at her. After a few more steps I almost trip over my feet because there he is in all his glory standing next to the bakers supplies. Cray. I manage to keep my feet steady and my breath even. I look up and Peeta looks normal which means he hasn't seen him yet. I allow him to walk me all the way over to the table my heartbeat quickening with each step. When we arrive he drops my hand and starts to sort through some things. When I think that maybe we will go un-noticed my nightmare comes true.

"Bread boy is that you?" Cray calls out. "Where's your father haven't seen him around?" I look over to find Peeta frozen with a bag of something in his hands. He slowly puts the bag down and closes his eyes. After a few seconds he opens them and forces a smile onto his face.

"Yes it's me and he is away on business. Can I help you?" Peeta asks almost scarily. Cray's expression falters for a second before he slowly replies.

"Um... No I just had a question for him is all." He says looking uncomfortable. Peeta shifts his weight to his other foot and Cray looks straight past him and into my eyes noticing me for the first time. My breathing stops and I don't dare move. A sick smile crosses his face as he looks me up and down.

"Nice to see you... Out and about." He says smirking at me. "You look a little more grown up. happen?" He asks sarcastically. Peeta reaches out an arm and pulls me into his side. Peeta smiles at him and through clenched teeth speaks. "You have lost a customer."

Cray laughs and looks him dead in the eye. "She was worth it." He says steadily.

Peeta's hands ball into fists and I put my hands over them and try to unclench them. He speaks in a slow whisper now making sure no one will hear. "You will not speak to her, you will not walk near her, you will not touch her, and hell don't even look at her. If you do and I find out I will tear you limb from limb and hide your body so far away no one will ever find you. Got it? Nice talking to you." Peeta says the last part raising his voice slightly so the others around think it was just a friendly conversation.

Cray just stares at us as Peeta takes my waist and leads me out of the hob.