The first time it happened it was fast. He'd been there less than a week.

Their names were Michaela and Anthony. They were nice people. Asked him questions about himself. It was when they asked "So, Blaine. Did you have a girlfriend at your old school?" that things went wrong. Blaine had calmly and unthinkingly responded "Oh, no, I'm gay."

Sheila had been there to pick him up the next morning. Turns out Michaela and Anthony were very religious and conservative. Blaine hadn't been there long enough to find that out. He'd barely even unpacked.

The second time it'd happened it took a little longer. About two months.

Blaine remembered his first night there the father, Joseph, had been apprehensive. Blaine had even heard him whisper to his wife, "But I thought you wanted a kid." It all was downhill from there. The mother, Grace, had been a nice woman but Blaine could tell he wasn't what they wanted. They were a young couple, they wanted a young child. Blaine was too old for them.

Joseph's dislike of him was clearer with every day that passed. Towards the end he barely spoke to Blaine except to yell at him or tell him to do something. Blaine understood they wanted a young kid, but he wanted his life back. It was hard to get what you want.

It was so painfully clear he was not welcome until finally one day Sheila showed up, smiling sadly at Blaine. "We have a new home for you, sweetie." She'd said and Blaine knew what that meant.

Joseph and Grace had asked for someone else. Blaine wasn't what they wanted so they were just going to return him for a newer model. He was too old for anyone to actually care about him so why should they keep him?

Blaine grew more bitter after that. No one would ever want him. His parents had left him behind, the first foster parents didn't even give him a chance, the second foster parents did and even then they didn't want him. It hurt. It hurt knowing that no one would ever want him.

There was only one person who would, and he was on a different continent.

Blaine didn't bother to unpack when he made it to the new home. The new parents Donna and Al weren't as nice as the old ones but at least they didn't kick him out right away, but it was inevitable. No one wanted him. He was too fucked up, too old to be fixed. No one wanted a teenager, they wanted a baby they could still mold into what their ideal child, to what they wanted.

Blaine would never be what anyone wanted.

He would just need to accept that.