This was ironically completed about twenty minutes after midnight. Don't own Evangelion, Shinji Rei or the other guys in this, but I do own this little piece of angst so I hope you enjoy.

Five Seconds to Midnight


Give her back!...Give her back!...I want Rei back!

I see her now...'Rei! Grab my hand!'

...Does she hear me? Does my voice reach her?

I swear...I'm not going to run away anymore...I'm not going to rely on others to solve my problems...


...NO! I'm going to be the one who saves Rei...She's so close, I can already feel her breath against the skin on my neck. But this atmosphere...It's so hard to advance through it...Like liquid cement, I feel like my lungs are being crushed with each breath.



It's no use Shinji. There's no need to save me...

After all...I can be re-cloned...

Please Shinji...Don't waste your strength... not worth saving...


I refuse to back down...I've come this far...I'm not leaving here without you Rei!


Just this last barrier between the two of us...Gotta break through it...But it's so hard and thick, like dense water but impervious like a steel door. But Rei is just behind it, crouched in a ball and looking a glowing infant waiting to be released from its mother's womb.

They're all watching me outside...I can hear their eyes and see their voices; Katsuragi is urging me on...


Ristuko seems worried about something, as are the other scientists...Perhaps they just weren't prepared to see me grow up...




Please don't do this! Your hand...your face...melting away in this volatile field...This is all my fault...I let myself become consumed by the Angel, and now I'm the one punishing you for my recklessness...

They can always remake my physical form...Shinji, I am just a mere cell, a cluster of DNA stripped from a larger pool of life...So why are you throwing away your life for this one cell...

Do this cell of me?

Or are you hoping to prove something to your father by doing this?...


Your hand burns...Like an iron rod reaching out for me...

If I grab your hand, will that cool your heart?

I think...I would like to be saved afterall...


Time is running out. 'GUUEEAAARRGGHHHH!-!-!-!-!'

Rei...take my hand...please just take my hand...

I will suffer in this hell until I feel your fingers wrap around mine...


Who cares about the others. They used us as their pawns, never considering our own feelings and needs...

...He made me try and kill Asuka...

...He never bothered with me until the Angels started showing up...

Perhaps...the Angels were trying to tell us something after all...

Rei...Please give me those wings...


Yes...I will...





And with as much amibguity as Rebuild 2.0 ended with, I'll leave mine there too. Now let me feed on your opinions...hmmm yes-yes...give me that honest review...