Authors Note: Okay, a new fan fiction! I will admit, I am very hesitant to put anything Transformers up, just because I'm sort of new to the whole fandom… I watched some TFA, but I am now utterly obsessed with Transformers Prime; which is the verse this is set in.

While it is set in Primeverse, I will be bringing in some other characters who haven't been introduced into Transformers Prime. I only hope I can pull it off, ahaha.

Well, guys. I hope I'm not the horrible writer I pin myself for being (which I am, just saying...), I hope that this isn't horribly painful to read and that it at least has one or two good points.

I hope to kind of make it into a longer story; something that isn't a one shot like my usual works, but I'm not sure. I guess we'll see what happens...

Enjoy (I hope)!

Seeking Solace

Starscream paced back and forth in the small space he had in his cell. As per Megatron's orders, Starscream's presence on the Nemesis was not welcomed, and after cutting through waves of Eradicons, Starscream encountered the one mech he had been dreading.


Tired from the multitudes of Drones, and lacking in energon, he hadn't put up the strongest defence, which resulted in his current position. He vented air and sat down on the small block that was provided; nothing more, nothing less.

'It's nice to see they spare no expense for their prisoners...' he thought sourly. Though, the number of times he had sent someone to the brig... Starscream shook his head and looked out the bars that confined him. They seemed old and tattered but he knew one touch could fry his systems. Absently, Starscream stood up once more and began pacing.

He was an idiot for barging head first onto the Nemesis after so many months of carefully avoiding it in favour of scavenging the old abandoned mines for energon, hiding his energy signature from any Decepticon troops that may have gone through the old mine for whatever reason. He didn't really bother understanding Megatron anymore. Starscream was convinced his logic circuits were fried from the prolonged exposure to Dark Energon. Frowning, Starscream wondered how all his thoughts always ended up on Megatron. He paused.

"Slagger" he said aloud to no one in particular.

The Eradicons that had been assigned to watch over him looked to him curiously, but looked away after he sent them a glare.

Flexing his wings, he began pacing once more. The reason that he had acted so rashly had been because he felt something; a deep feeling from his spark that he had long since forgotten. He had sensed his Trine mates entering Earth's atmosphere. He had been relieved to know that they were well, but once they found out about his current predicament they wouldn't be very happy that their Trine leader had just abandoned the Decepticons altogether. He had sent out a message to the link the three shared, but he had no response. Days passed, and Starscream became impatient. They had been apart for eons – Starscream felt bitter resentment towards Skywarp and Thundercracker who managed to stay together while he was Megatron's punching bag, but as much as he was annoyed, the only thing he wanted more than a nice cube of energon, was to meet up with his Trine so they could fly together one more time.

Eventually, Starscream became fed up with waiting and had tracked down the Nemesis – which took another week or so. With his patience thinning by each passing day, Starscream became frantic. He had to find them. What if Megatron had done something to them? No, No. If they were offlined he would have felt it. Once he had finally tracked the Decepticon ship, he wasted no time formulating a plan, he only went by what his Spark told him; something he hadn't done since he had met Skywarp and Thundercracker when they were younger.

He smiled slightly at the fond memories of the three of them back on Cybertron; the fasted Seeker Trine to take to the skies. After they had bonded, the three had been inseparable. However, eons away from his Trine mates and the constant beatings from Megatron had an effect on the Seeker. He was considerably weaker and most Mechs thought him to be slightly insane – which wasn't true, but it wasn't false either. The great Air Commander Starscream had been reduced to a grovelling heap at Megatron's feet.

Starscream shook his head at the thought. Seekers were built to be the best of the best. He could take anything Megatron threw his way – and he had for years and years. Every single failure Megatron had, he took it out on the Seeker. Not once did he ever complain or whimper. Of course he had tried to get out of it more than once, and begged when he was truly desperate, but never did he say anything to Megatron. He had to take it, prove he wasn't the weakling that Megatron so often said he was. He doubted any other Decepticon or Autobot could have taken it.

No, he was the best of the best.

He stopped as he remembered that he was definitely going to be punished for daring to even go near the Nemesis – near Megatron after he had left the Decepticons.

He glanced down to the faded Decepticon Symbol on his chest that he had tried so hard to erase. Scratch marks covered the middle of his chest where he had tried to erase all evidence that he had ever belonged to the faction. Not like it did anything; he was already famous and known by all Cybertronians for being Megatron's Second in Command; and most unloyal follower.

It would be no surprise to them that he had defected, but it wouldn't stop any of them from killing him on the spot.

Starscream was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of footsteps and hushed whispers. He paid no attention to it – it was probably just the Eradicons gossiping about how their former Commander was now just stuck in the Brig scheduled for...

Starscream vented air and sank down onto the block in the corner of the cell.


After Note: Y'know...

I suck at descriptions..

Must be pretty obvious and cliche what's gonna happen..

But bear with me. I just hope I can make this fic something that will stand out.

Doubt it.

Though, I hope it's okay. ;A;

Review to tell me how much it sucks? :3