1 The First Kiss by Skye Rocket

Disclaimer: I don't own Danny (a girl can dream, can't she?!), and I don't own you either.

A/N: Okay, you and Danny go out on your first date, mmkay? Have fun, and bear in mind that I'm so beyond bored right now.

And now we're moving along…


The sun had fallen and the sky had faded to black. You were wearing your white dress with the short sleeves. The summer breeze chills you a bit. You turn to your date.

"Ooh, it's a little chilly out here, isn't it?" you ask. Danny smiles. He slides his worn leather jacket off of his shoulders and wraps it around you. It half-swallows you up and you giggle softly as you push your hands out the sleeves.

Without warning, Danny's hand drops from where it was smoothing his hair. He intertwines his fingers with yours and smiles. You can't help grinning back at him. His hand is soft and warm and you love being there with him.

The grass is wet with the freshly fallen rain. It was great that it had stopped raining, even for one day, you think. Crickets in the dark night chirp merrily as if to some silent beat that only goes to cricket ears. Your feet are pecked with small blades of grass through your sandals.

The moonlight shines down on you and Danny, your lovely date as he walks you home. The two of you smile, and your hands, held together, swing back and forth with each step. It's perfect, you think to yourself.

You turn onto your street. The date is almost over. You don't want it to end, and you are already making plans for your next date. That night, the dashing young pilot took you out to eat and dancing.

He was such a gentleman, and the whole night it seemed like the two of you couldn't stop laughing. You hope in your heart that he'll take you out again. Even tomorrow. The whole night, you kept stealing glances at those amazing eyes of his.

You reach your door. Uh oh, this is the big moment. The two of you stand to face each other on your front porch. He looks into your eyes. You can't help staring back.

"I had a great time tonight," he says in his soft, gentle voice. You grin.

"Me too," you say lamely.

"Do you want to go out again Thursday?" he asked. A tremendous weight is lifted from your shoulders.

"Sure!" you reply happily. There's a sort of awkward pause. And then it happens.

Danny leans forward. You do too. Your lips meet. His lips are warm and soft. You could kiss him all day, and it feels like you do. Finally you break the kiss.

"Good night," you whisper, and walk through the door. You sigh happily and slump against the wall. That's when you realize, you've still got his jacket.


Well, didja like it? I know it was short, but hey. Well, please review. Be kind (please rewind. Erm, sorry)!

Until Next Time,

Skye Rocket