Hello everyone. I honestly don't know where to start. Some of you are aware that I lost my dad to cancer in December of 2013. I had a brief moment of coming back to my writing a few months after everything happened, but I had a bad breaking point once the next Christmas came around, even though it was the second Christmas without him, I felt I was still in so much shock of it all, the following Christmas felt worse. I guess all I can say is that I am very sorry, and that I just lost my interest to write again. Losing him was the worst thing I could ever go through, we had such a wonderful relationship! But I've returned to reading some of my favorite stories i discovered when i first started reading on FanFiction and it helped with my muse a little. If you're still interested in following the story, I'm very happy to hear that, and I'm sorry I've been such a terrible updater. I hope there are still some of you out there that will be excited to see this update. My life has changed for the better. I met the love of my life and we got married in September of 2017! I also created a Facebook page. Przybyszewski FanFiction. Check it out and give it a like. I won't ramble on anymore, here is the chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter 7: There's something there

"Lissa! He. saw. me. naked!"

Lissa nearly spit out her drink, bringing her hand to her mouth to keep the wine from spilling all over her front. She swallowed, bursting into a fit of giggles.

My eyebrows furrowed, giving Lissa a light smack with my napkin.

"It's not funny Liss!"

She just continued to laugh.

"I'm sorry Rose, I'm sorry!" She wiped a tear from her eye. "It couldn't have been that bad!"

"But it was!" I cried. "I had my avocado mask on and everything! How could it get any worse than that?"

Lissa was still trying to stifle a laugh, but she was able to finally calm herself down to respond.

"Rose, you still have your job there, correct? So it's obvious it wasn't that bad for him if ya know what I mean, eh?" She winked and nudged me.

I gasped. "Oh please, Lissa! He was probably mortified."

"I strongly doubt that Rose. I really do."

I raised an eyebrow at my smirking friend. I rolled my eyes, downing the last gulp of wine and motioning for their check. Lissa shook her head, motioning for the check to be brought to her instead.

"Don't worry Rose i've got this one. Your birthday is coming up next week. I can't have you paying for stuff like you insist on doing most of the time!"

I sighed, giving in to Lissa's request as she paid the tab and we got up to say our goodbyes. A quick hug and one more joking remark from Lissa about my incident the other day, and I finally got her to stop laughing. I stuck my tongue out at her as I got in my car and made my way home. I wasn't entirely sure why I was still freaking out over the subject, Dimitri and I actually had a really nice chat after it happened, both of us enjoying a glass of wine as we talked I smiled and giggled to myself as I remembered the smile on his face when I started to laugh after what he had said about my ex, Adrian.

That smile sure could light up a room...

I pulled into the driveway, surprised to see not only Dimitris car but a couple others blocking my usual spot.

"Oh shit that's right, it's Saturday. The game is on today!" Dimitri was having a couple friends over to watch the game as usual. Due to some of the work loads they were all dealing with they had not been able to get together in the last couple of weeks.

"I'm sure today will be crazy." I said as I stepped out of the car, making my way inside. The noises coming from downstairs only confirmed my assumption. I laughed, kicking my shoes off and heading into the kitchen to grab myself a beer.

I haven't watched a Penn State game in quite some time. Maybe I'll join them.

I made my way to the basement door, the sounds of rambunctious cheers and the guys laughing getting even louder as I opened the door. I made my way down stairs, all four of them not even noticing that I entered as they had their eyes glued to the TV screen. I had to stifle a laugh, so I took a sip of my beer.

"So Dimitri," Dimitri's friend Ivan started to say as he somehow managed to draw his attention away from the TV screen to look at Dimitri. Dimitri have a small 'hmm?', but didn't even bother to look at him.

Ivan asked him a question, but it was muffled over the sounds of Eddie and Mason cheering as Penn State scored a field goal.

"What?!" Dimitri replied. Ivan went to yell back, but as he yelled the rest of the noise died down.

"I said, when are you going to ask Rose on a damn date already?!"

I froze.

I must've made an audible gasp because all four of them stopped, slowly turning their heads to lock eyes with me. Dimitri jaw dropped, his cheeks burning red. And I'm pretty sure with how warm I felt I was looking the exact same.

Eddie and Mason started to smirk, Ivan tried his best not to laugh.


I immediately looked down at the floor. "Hey! I-um...was wondering if I could join you guys in watching the game?"

There was a long pause, Dimitri still too embarrassed to say anything. Ivan finally nudged him in the ribs, causing Dimitri to yell out.

"Ouch! I mean, yeah. Yes! Of course you can join us Rose. Please, take a seat. Make yourself comfortable." I made my way to the recliner just to the right of the couch. I tried my best to act normal, giving him my usual smile and thanking him. I took another sip of my beer, scooching around in the chair to get nice and comfy.

The air slowly started to feel less awkward. We were all getting into the game, and Dimitris friends were thoroughly impressed with my knowledge of football. Not just with the basic rules of the game, but knowing the rankings and history of certain college teams.

"Rose," Ivan said. "How did you become such a football fan?" He asked before taking a big gulp of his beer. It was halftime, and the rest of the guys had gone upstairs to stock up on more food and drinks.

"My dad was a die hard college football fan." I replied.

"I grew up in Ohio, so my family members were all die hard buckeye fans. When I got accepted to Penn State, my dad was of course supportive and proud, but it was hard for him during football season." I chuckled. Ivan nodded his head in understanding.

"I definitely couldn't just start rooting for a whole different team after that long." He said.

"In the end, my dad was always a big ten fan, so when it came down to bowl games or a national championship where a big ten team was playing, he would root for them."

"Even Michigan?" Ivan asked as he chuckled.

I laughed as well. "Even Michigan."

"It seems like you have a wonderful dad in your life." I smiled at Ivan at his kind comment but my smile had faltered just slightly, enough for him to notice.

"I'm sorry Rose, I wasn't trying to upset you.."

I helped up my hand. "No no it's okay. My dad was wonderful, he was the best. Unfortunately..." I trailed off, playing back the moments in my head when I realized that my dad wasn't going to pull through with his short battle with cancer.

"What happened..if you don't mind me asking."

"It was a rare form of appendix cancer. He was having some flu symptoms going into the late summer and it turned out he had a softball sized tumor on his intestines. The biopsy revealed it was stage 4...I..."

Ivan placed a hand on my shoulder rubbing it gently. "No need to continue. I'm very sorry to hear about your father...but we don't want to put you in a sad mood. Half time is almost over, and your dad would want you sitting here with us, taking back a couple more beers and enjoying the game." He smiled and I smiled back.

"You've got a wonderful heart, Rose. And I'm very glad you're here to help my brother in law. He needs a woman around the house."

The rest of the guys made their way back to the basement as the game resumed.

We had a blast for the rest of the game. And me...probably one too many beers.

"Interference?! Are you kidding me?!" I shot up from my chair and yelled, just a hint of a slur in my voice. The guys watched me highly amused, it was taking a lot for them not to burst out laughing.

"This ref is a load of bolo—*hiccup*—Bologna."



The game had ended, Penn State had won by a last minute field goal kick. Eddie, Mason and Ivan had said their goodbyes as I gathered up the last of the cups and cans to throw them in the trash. I descended down the stairs to the basement once more and I stopped about half way down when I saw Rose.

She managed to curl up her entire frame on the leather bound chair next to the couch, her arms wrapped around her legs. A faint snore could be heard as I made my way over to scoop her up into my arms. Her brow furrowed slightly as her sleepy subconscious adjusted to the change in position. I somehow managed to make my way up both sets of stairs with her in my arms. The moment I set her down on the bed she started to snore again.

I have to admit that is pretty cute...

I made my way to my own bedroom, removing my jeans and t-shirt and tossing them in the hamper. I climbed into bed and followed Roses suite pretty quickly.


"Daddyyyy! Baba let me have a cookie with breakfast!"

"Oh did she now?" I looked over at my mother, who was in no way fazed by my chastising look.

"I'm a baba, Dimka, it's what I do. You must get used to it."

I chuckled. "Yes ma ma." I leaned my head down to kiss my mother's head before she smiled and turned to leave.

Kira was in her playpen while Laila was curled up on the couch watching The Little Mermaid. I sat next to her with a book in hand, engrossed in the most recent western I had picked up from the local library.

Rose made her way down the stairs, making her way into the living room as she stretched and stifled a yawn.

"Morning, sunshine!" I chimed. She smiled sheepishly at me, no doubt the memories from last night coming back.

"Good morning." She replied quietly, taking her seat on the reclining chair.

"Did you sleep well?" I asked. I watched as the shorts she wore were still on her yesterday, they rode up slightly as she sat, and I had to jerk my gaze back to my book.

Her legs...they're so...no. Inappropriate, Dimitri!

"Is that..." her voice took me out of my inner thoughts. "A western?" I smiled and nodded, and all she did was laugh.

"What is so funny?"

"Now that brown duster I've seen you wear when you head to work makes a whole lot more sense." She replied, giggling even more.

"Westerns get a bad rep, you should at least give one of them a chance before you form an opinion."

"Not a chance, comrade."

Comrade...did she just call me comrade?

"I don't know where you came up with that nickname..but I like it!"

She smiled. "Me too."

"Rose...you've been doing such a wonderful job these last few weeks. I would love to treat you dinner this week. I know your birthday is coming up soon."

She immediately perked up. "That sounds lovely, thank you so much, Dimitri!"

"You can run the girls to their Babas house Friday afternoon before I get home from work. Be ready at about 6:45. I'll handle the reservations."

She smiled even bigger. "Sounds like a plan."


I was rushing down the hallway of the building I worked in. My long strides with my 6' 7" frame were hard for Ivan to keep up with.

"Hey Dimitri slow down!"

"Every damn time Evans holds a meeting it goes 20 minutes over...I'm gonna be late!"

"Oh yeahhhh your big date!"

"It's not a date, Ivan. It's just to show some appreciation for all the hard work Rose has been doing. Plus her birthday is tomorrow, it's just a nice gesture to show that her efforts do not go unnoticed."

Ivan rolled his eyes and shrugged as we entered the elevator. "Whatever you say..."



"Rose for heaven's sake will you relax? It's just dinner." Lissa in her attempts to calm me over FaceTime we not doing much good.

"Yes. Dinner...with a Russian god, who just the faintest smile from makes my legs wanna give out!" I rummaged through my clothes, trying to find anything I deemed suitable for this dinner tonight.

"When it doubt, go red or black. It always goes so well with your complexion." Lissa said.

I remembered the dress I had bought as a gift for myself a while back after the rough break up with Adrian. It was a little black dress with a keyhole cutout at the bust as well as shoulder cutouts as well, similar to a batwing sleeve. The fabric was comfortable and stretchy, letting it hug my curves perfectly as I slipped it on. I fixed my hair into a messy but elegant bun at the top of my head, letting a couple strands of hair frame my face. I stuck to doing some subtle makeup around my eyes, but I decided to indulge a little and found my favorite ruby red lipstick to apply.

Deciding to be practical. I opted for flats instead of heels, not really in the mood to parade around in those feet killers today.

"What do ya think?" Lissa nodded in approval.

"Gorgeous! I love!" There was a pause as we both heard Dimitri enter the house.

"Rose! I'm back. So sorry I'm late. Are you ready?"

"Yes just a moment!" I called down before turning to my phone propped up on the nightstand.

"I'll see you later, Liss."

"Have fun!" She said before winking and disconnected the chat.

My heart started to pound.

It's just a friendly dinner Rose, relax.



I hung my duster in the mud room, making my way to the mirror that sat on the wall in the hallway going towards the kitchen.

Down? Or tied back? A simple decision I can't even make. Come on Dimitri it's dinner!

I decided to leave it down, running my hands through it a couple times to fix as I pulled it out of its holder once again. I adjusted the sleeves and collar on my blue dress shirt. Due to the meeting running over, I hadn't been able to change, but thankfully my work attire was appropriate for the restaurant we were going to. I also had my suit jacket for work, but the summer humidity told me that was a little much for this trip. So, along with the blue dress shirt, I had black dress pants, a black belt, and shiny black shoes.

I heard Rose descend the stairs, and I made my way back towards the front door to meet her.


My breath hitched as she descended the stairs and I stopped dead in my tracks. She look wonderful, just wonderful. It was simple yet stunning, and I had no doubt in my time that woman could work any little black dress she decided to wear.

She smiled up at me as reached the bottom, a small blush creeping on her face when I didn't answer her initial question.

"Dimitri?" I shot out of my daze and blinked.

"Are you ready to go?"

I smiled and nodded, leaning over to open the front door.

"After you.."


Le Jeune Chef restaurant was a favorite amongst the locals. It was a small upscale restaurant not far from the university campus, well known for their wine selection and most of all, dessert. The dinner choices were nothing to complain about, but several times I had gone here on dates when I first dated Elena, I always had my mind fixated on their raspberry cheesecake and baklava.

I held a hand out to help Rose out of the car which she delicately took. We linked arms and made our way inside, jumping ahead just for a moment so I could open up the doors for her.

"Thank you." She said as she stepped inside. The moment I followed her, a familiar voice called out to me.

"Belikov! My friend! It's been too long!"

Aleksandr, the owner of the restaurant came towards us, a bright over the top white smile on his face that stood out against his tan skin, his arms outstretched.

I smiled, pulling him into an embrace and patting him on the back.

"Alek, so good to see you, my friend."

"It's been too long мой друг you mustn't stay away so long."

I smiled, rubbing the back of my neck. "I know i know. It's just been a bit busy with the girls and going bad to work with everything that happened with Elena." My voice grew quiet. Aleks smile faded a little.

"I know my friend I know. It's very good to see you, you look great! And this...who might this be?" His attention was focused on Rose now, taking her hand in his and stepping back to get a good look at her.

"That's Rose. She's been helping me look after the girls since I've returned to work."

"Beautiful. прекрасный!" Alek replied.

"Come come, I saved the perfect seat for you both."

The table was seated by the big bay windows towards the right of the restaurant, giving a view of a small creek with bushes and bushes of flowers. The sun was just beginning to set, and the view was beautiful.

I glanced at the wine menu, eyeing a tasty Chardonnay I knew myself and probably Rose would enjoy.

"How about a bottle of this?" I asked, turning the front of the menu for her to see, my finger pointing to the selection.

"That sounds perfect. I'm glad you and I both have the same taste in wine." She laughed.

I don't think she realizes how beautiful her laugh really is.

"You think the wine will be good, wait until you try their baklava. It's to die for, it's the sole reason I decide to come here most of the time."

"We haven't even ordered our drinks and you are already talking about dessert, comrade?"

"The sweet tooth is strong with thing, I can't help it."

"Westerns and Star Wars?!" Rose laughed even more. "You're turning into even more of a dork than I had anticipated.

I flushed at her teasing. "Aww don't worry, comrade, I'm just playing around.

Dinner was delicious, and the anticipation waiting on our dessert to arrive was killing me.

"You might want to push that mouth closed before you start drooling on this table cloth, comrade." Rose said as the huge plate of baklava and two slices of cheesecake reached our table.

I reached out to grab a piece, holding it out for Rose. "Take a bite."

"I will let me jus-"

"Eat it."

"Dimitri I'm going to." She giggled. She took the piece, popping it in her mouth. After the first couple of chews, her eyes grew wide.

"Holy shit." She said, holding her hand near her face as she finished chewing. "You weren't kidding."

"I told you so."

We finished off our bottle of wine, both our bellies full from the unreasonable amount of baklava we consumed. We slowly made our way to the car, doing our level best to stay awake with the food coma we were in.

We entered the house and I immediately kicked off my shoes, plopping myself down on the couch to rub out my feet for a moment. Rose made her way to the opposite end of the couch, removing the hair band from her head allowing her think dark brown hair to cascade down past her shoulders and frame her face. I watched her intently as she ran a hand through her hair, removing the earrings and setting putting them in her clutch.

"Dimitri I had a wonderful time tonight. Thank you so very much."

I smiled. "You deserve it, Rose. You've been a wonderful asset to this home. I have just one more thing for you before we turn in." I stood up and strode up the stairs to my bedroom, grabbing the blue velvet box from the nightstand. I returned, holding the box out to Rose as she stood.

"Happy birthday, Rose. Laila picked it out."

She opened the box and gasped. A round, natural sapphire surrounding in shimmering diamonds sat at the center of the box. She removed it from its case slowly, holding it up in the dim light.

"It's beautiful..."

"Laila had mentioned blue was your favorite color, and I knew that September's birthstone was sapphire so it worked out perfectly. I'm glad you like it."

She placed it back in the box, setting it down on the table next to the couch.

"Dimitri this is so kind I can't.."

"It's okay Rose. I'm happy to do- -"

My words were cut off when her lips met mine.

My eyes widened, freezing as I couldn't figure out what to do.

For the love of god Dimitri kiss her okay.

My eyes slowly closed, my shoulders easing as my arms slipped around her back, pulling her closer. She had her arms around my neck, standing on her tip toes to kiss me harder.


My mind began to trail off, but the thought of where this may go brought me back to reality.


"No." The last 'no' was audible as I lightly pushed rose away and took a step back.

"Dimitri I'm sor-"

"Please don't." I cut her off, she looked genuinely hurt.

"I can't. I can't do this...not to Elena. I- -I need to go to bed."

Rose opened her mouth to speak, but nothing came out.

I turned and made my way up the stairs quickly, chastising myself for what I just allowed to happen.

I knew I gave her the wrong impression. Damnit, Dimitri!

"Goodnight..." I heard her soft voice say, clearly trying to hold back tears. She had made her way upstairs as well, looking at me from the door to her bedroom.

"I'm sorry." She managed to choke out before slowly closing her bedroom door. I sighed, closing mine as well, making my way to the bed after discarding all of my clothes except my boxer briefs.

I'm not ready...I'm not ready...Elena I'm

So sorry...

I curled up in my bed, chastising my actions. For my unfaithfulness to my wife and for giving Rose the wrong impression. It took my mind a while to settle before I drifted off into a deep slumber.

Elena is my only love...


Well there we have it. Rose made the first move. Was that the reaction you were expecting from Dimitri? Or were you surprised? I'm going to create an album in my FanFiction page on Facebook for this story so I can post photos of outfits, hairstyles, etc. I'll be posting photos of Dimitris outfit, roses outfit, hair and birthday necklace from this chapter. I hope you enjoyed!!

прекрасный- beautiful

мой друг- my friend