Okay, couldn't resist starting a new story! I hope you like it! Please review!
What Happens in Vegas.
"Seriously, how did you manage to convince Stan to let us have the weekend off?" Mary questioned her partner as they strolled into the hotel.
They were meant to be transporting a new witness from Las Vegas to Albuquerque but there was a change of plan at the last minute. When they arrived in Vegas, they were told they were not needed and Marshall had somehow got Stan to agree for them to stay put and have a much needed vacation.
"What can I say, I'm the favorite." Marshall shrugged. "Besides, now we have no witness, there is nothing on the schedule so why shouldn't we take some time off when we can?"
"Well, whatever you said, thank you…I could do with a weekend with nothing to worry about but where we're going to eat and just how much liquor I can handle." Mary replied as they stood, waiting at the check-in desk. She was also looking forward to spending some time with Marshall. Since he had found out about her engagement, things had not felt the same between the two of them and they only got worse when he discovered she told Raphael that she worked in Witness Protection.
"There's a pretty cool aquarium here…"
"Oh no, buddy…I'm not leaving this hotel…They have a pool here, right?"
"You know, you can sit by the pool, eat and drink at home?"
"Yeah but here I haven't got a crazy family to drive me mad." She commented as they stepped up the check in desk.
Marshall shot her a look but turned her attention to the receptionist. "HI, we have a reservation under the name Marshall Mann?"
"Just one moment." She smiled and then started tapping on the computer. "Two adjoining rooms?"
"You sprang for two rooms?" Mary questioned and patted his arms. "Good going, partner."
"Hey, don't mention it…" He gave the receptionist a smile before looking back to Mary. "You owe me $160."
"We'll discuss it over dinner." She claimed snatching the key cards off the desk just before Marshall had chance to grab them.
"Thank you." Marshall turned back to the receptionist before following Mary to the elevators.
"So, how about we get settled in and then you can buy me dinner in an hour." Mary said as she pressed the button for their floor.
"What makes you think I'm buying you dinner?" He asked.
"Come on, Marshall…We go through this every time…You complaining about always paying but deep down you love to because of your warp way of thinking that no girl should have to pay."
"No, every time you try and convince me that's the reason when in actual fact it's because you're a taker not a giver." Marshall replied as they stepped off the elevator and walked side by side down the corridor. "And anyway, you're not a girl."
"Whatever, Doofus." She said as she unlocked the door to her room before tossing Marshall his keys. "See you in an hour."
Marshall rolled his eyes before letting himself into his own room.
In an hour's time they were back down stairs, waiting for to be seated at the hotel restaurant.
"You couldn't have booked a table?"
Marshall glared at her. "I believe it was me who sorted out the rest of this little vacation…How was I supposed to know they would be this busy?"
"Huh and here I thought you knew everything." She shot back. "But seriously, I hope you're not attached to your arm because I'm going to start eating it if they don't seat us in the next five minutes."
Marshall ignored her and instead picked up a broacher, advertising the local tourist attractions.
"Oh god…"
"Mare, have some patience for once, they'll seat us when they can." He said without looking up.
"We got to get out of here."
He looked up in alarm at her tone of voice. "What is it?"
He turned and looked in the direction she pointed. "Is that...?"
"Tom Donnal? I haven't seen him in years…" Marshall started walking towards the man when Mary pulled him back. "Hey…"
"Let's go."
"Mare, what's going on?" He asked in surprise at her reaction. "I thought you liked Tom?"
Tom Donnal was a Detective for Albuquerque PD before transferring three years ago. Marshall had worked with him a few times, just liked they did with Bobby and he was a nice guy. He transferred not long after Mary had become his partner but they had met a few times.
"Oh crap! He's seen us." She glared at him and then grabbed his hand. "Follow my lead."
"What?" He frowned in confusion, looking down at the joined hands.
"Shhh!" She gripped his hand almost painfully but then stepped closer to him, cuddling up to his side.
"Marshall Mann?"
Marshall looked up from Mary and saw Tom was stood in front of them, grinning.
"Tom, hi…" He held out his free hand to him. "How you been?"
"I'm great, how are you? Still in New Mexico?"
"Yeah, nothing much has changed." Marshall replied and then gestured to Mary, who was holding onto him tight. "You remember Mary, right?"
"Of course…It's nice to see you again." Tom smiled at her. "So, you guys are still together? That's great. How long has it been now?"
"Almost four years now." Mary answered, smiling up at Marshall, which just confused him even more.
"Wow, that's really great." Tom grinned.
"I can hardly believe it myself…" Marshall said dryly causing Mary to grip his hand tightly again.
Tom opened his mouth to say something else when someone behind Marshall caught his eyes. "Uh, excuse me for a minute."
They watched him walk across the room towards a blonde woman and one of waiters. Marshall waited until he was out of ear shot before turning to Mary.
"Want to explain what all that was about?" He asked.
"What? It's nothing…" She shrugged.
"We've been together four years?" He questioned.
"It wasn't a lie."
"No, but I get the impression he thinks we're more than just partners."
"Alright, I may have implied we were in a relationship…"
"I'm sorry?"
"He kept asking me out and wouldn't take no for an answer…"
"And I somehow ended up as your boyfriend?"
"I was trying to let him down gently!"
"When have you ever done anything gently?"
"I had just transferred and was trying to turn over a new leaf…New job, new house, new partner…That damn juice diet!" She threw her hands in the air. "I thought I'd follow you example and try to be nice to people!"
"Your definition of being nice is lying to someone about your relationship status?"
"I didn't say I was good at it." She glared at him. "Besides, I didn't even occur to me that we would still be partners four years later and run into him."
"Why carry on with the lie?" He questioned. "Why not just say we're not together?"
"Oh and how pathetic would I like, admitting I lied about having a boyfriend?"
"Since when do you care about what people think?"
"Look, what's the big deal? It's not like we're going to see him again."
"Hey guys, our table is ready and it's big enough for four if you would like to join us." Tom appeared behind them.
Mary spun around to look at him but before she could answer, she saw a grin slowly growing on Marshall's face and turned to shot him a warning look but it was too late.
"We'd love to!" Marshall accepted, putting his arm around Mary's shoulders.
"But we can't intrude on your night…" Mary added, trying to inch away from her partner but he held her tightly to his side.
"Oh, you wouldn't be…We never get chances to spend time with other couples." Tom replied.
"Besides, you were just saying you were so hungry you were going chaw off my arm…I wouldn't want to lose a limb." Marshall said, still grinning. "Come on, honey…It'll be fun!"
"Right, that's settled then…" Tom clapped his hands together. "Follow me."
"You are so dead!" Mary muttered as Marshall pulled her along.
"Is that how you speak to your boyfriend of four years?"
"I think we're heading for a very immediate break up."
Marshall held his hand over his heart in mock hurt.
"This is my wife Lilly…" Tom introduced when they reached the table. "Honey, this is Marshall and Mary, I used to know them when I was in New Mexico."
"It's nice to meet you." Lilly smiled and shook hands with the two of them.
"You too." Marshall replied politely. "It's nice of you to allow us to join you."
"Oh please, I see this guy all time." Lilly gestured towards Tom, jokingly as they all took their seats. "It's nice to talk someone else for a change."
Marshall chuckled and even Mary smiled but Tom just ignored her as he ordered a bottle of wine.
"So, how long have you been married?" Marshall questioned.
"Two years now." Tom shared a smile with his wife. "We met just after I transferred to California."
"What about you two?" Lilly asked. "Have you been together long?"
"Coming up to four years now, right, babe?" Marshall asked as he looked at Mary with a smirk on his face.
"Yeah, about that." Mary glared at him.
"So, you both still in the Marshal Service?" Tom questioned. "I thought it would cause a problem when partners start dating?"
"It's frown upon but we have an understanding boss." Marshall replied as the waiter returned with wine. "Besides, no one else would last five minutes as her partner."
"Oh you say the sweetest things…" Mary said mockingly, reaching for her glass.
"That's a lovely ring…How long have you been engaged?" Lilly asked.
Mary looked down at her left hand and realized she was wearing her engagement ring. "Uh, a couple of months now."
"Well, congratulations…Now, we got something to celebrate tonight." Tom grinned. "Have you set a date?"
"It's a bit difficult with work and everything…" Mary commented.
"And we want something big and fancy…The wedding Mary has dreamed of since she was a little girl." Marshall reached over, placing his hand on top of hers.
Mary looked at him and gave him a fake smile. "Also, Marshall's mother would kill us if we never…it's important to her and Marshall cannot disappoint his Mom…I mean, she goes crazy if she doesn't speak to him every day."
"Yeah, well…what can I say? I'm the perfect son." Marshall shot back, playfully.
"Are you ready to order?" The waiter re-appeared, cutting off Mary's comeback.
Once they had all decided what they wanted, Lilly and Tom excused themselves to go make a phone call home to check with his Mother, who was babysitting their daughter.
As soon as they were alone, Mary kicked Marshall hard, under the table.
"Ow!" He glared at her. "What was that for?"
"You're enjoying this too much!"
"Oh come on, it's just a bit of fun!" He grinned. "Besides, you got us into this mess."
"God, I can't believe I have to act like I'm engaged to you."
"What's with the ring anyway? I thought you didn't like wearing it when you were at work?"
"Raph gets all crazy if he sees me not wearing it…It's easier just to put it on to keep the peace…I must have forgotten to take it off again."
Marshall raised an eyebrow. "Why haven't you told him you don't like it?"
"It's an engagement ring that he chose…I can't tell him that."
"Mare, you're meant to wear it for the rest of your life…do you really want to be stuck with something you hate forever?"
"What I really want his not to having this conversation right now." She replied. "And I would also really like it if my fiancée, fake or otherwise would stop trying to embarrass the hell out of me!"
Marshall grinned. "Where's the fun in that?"
"Just remember, I have just as much embarrassing crap on you as you do on me?"
"I very much doubt that…"
"Mumbo classes, origami…"
"Why would that embarrass me?" He asked.
"Oh god, I forgot you are such a geek!"
"And you're marrying me." He grinned. "That makes you, my geekette."
"Call me that again and I'll rip your tongue out of your throat."
"Again with the violence….I'm telling you I won't put up with it when we're married!"
Mary leaned in closer to him but before she could do any bodily harm, she felt his lips on hers. After a few stunned seconds, she pulled back and stared at him opened mouth.
"Hey, sorry we were so long." Lilly said, sitting down.
"But looks like you found a way to entertain yourselves." Tom teased, lightly.
"Everything okay at home?" Marshall asked, changing the subject and trying not to laugh at the look on Mary's face.
"Yeah, she's fine…Doesn't even miss us." Lilly sighed.
"It's the first time we've left her." Tom explained. "But it hasn't seemed too scarred for life."
"Mary, are you okay?" Lilly frowned, looking at her in concern.
"What?" She finally turned from Marshall to look at her and then shook her head a little. "Sorry, I'm fine…"
Their starters arrived before anyone could say anymore. As they ate, Tom told them all about what he had been up since leaving Albuquerque. By the time their mains arrived, they were all relaxed and having a good time. Both Mary and Marshall had stopped trying to embarrass each other and just enjoyed the night.
"We should meet up tomorrow." Tom suggested as the four of them entered the elevator at the end of the night.
Lilly rolled her eyes. "Honey, they came away to spend some time alone…They don't want us crashing their vacation."
"How about we have dinner again?" Mary asked, surprising Marshall. "We can go somewhere outside of the hotel?"
"That sounds great." Tom grinned as the elevator stopped and they all stepped off.
"We'll meet you downstairs at 7:30?" Mary said, leaning closer to Marshall when he wrapped his arm around her shoulder.
Marshall glanced down at her as she discussed tomorrow night with Tom and Lilly. They had all drank quite a bit of wine and he knew that was the reason why Mary allowed him to hold her to him.
"Well, we'll see you tomorrow then." Mary stopped outside Marshall's hotel room.
Marshall opened the door and Mary followed him inside. When the door was closed, he turned to look at her.
"What?" She asked.
"You want to meet them tomorrow as well?"
"You didn't have a good time tonight?"
"No, it's fun…I'm just not sure what you're up to."
She rolled her eyes. "Nothing, Marshall…It's nice to have dinner with people who you can have grown up conversation with and not worry about a fight breaking out."
"Okay." He shrugged a little but not entirely convinced.
"Well, I'm going to bed." She headed for the adjoining door to her room but paused before she passed him to lean up and kiss his cheek. "Thanks for a great night."
Marshall's eyebrows rose as he watched her carry on to the door. "Uh, you're welcome."
"See you at breakfast." She said before closing the door behind her.
They spent the next day not doing much at all despite Marshall's attempts to get Mary to go to the aquarium but she refused to move from the pool side. When it came time to meet Tom and Lilly, the two of them had already had a few drinks in the pool bar.
"So, where do you guys want to go?" Tom asked.
"I heard about a sports bar down the road that has good food and good beer." Mary suggested and then glared at Marshall when he groaned. "What?"
"A sports bar?" He questioned. "We've been steadily drinking since 3 this afternoon, do you really think going to a sports bar is a good idea?"
"When we're on vacation I do."
"Sounds good to me." Tom agreed and slung an arm around Marshall's shoulder. "Unless you're worried about not being able to hold your drink?"
"Oh I can hold my drink." He insisted. "I've had a lot of practice keeping up with Mary over the last four years!"
"Then why are we still standing here?" Lilly asked. "Let's go."
"This is a bad idea." Marshall muttered as he grabbed Mary's hand, following the other couple out of the hotel.
"Oh lighten up!" She rolled her eyes.
Four hours later, Marshall was wishing he had gone with his gut feeling and not let them drag him along. He gripped onto the bar as the room swayed a little and tried to focus on what Tom was saying. Out of the four of the, Marshall knew he was the less drunk but he knew he wasn't far behind them.
"You know, I never believed her…" Tom shouted over the music to be heard.
"Mary." Tom gestured to the table where Mary and Lilly were waiting for them to return with the drinks. "When she turned me down and said it was because she was dating you…I thought it was just an excused."
"Really?" Marshall laughed nervously.
"Yeah but I can see I was wrong." He continued. "You two are great together…You can tell you're crazy about each other."
"Uh, thanks, Tom…"
"I mean, that way you talk and look at each other…"
"We better get back over there before they get bored of waiting." Marshall grabbed all four bottles of beers.
"Yeah, I'll be right over."
Marshall nodded and stumbled once as he walked over to join the girls.
"I was just about to send out a search party." Mary commented, taking two bottles from him and handed on to Lilly.
"You could always go get your own next time." Marshall replied, sitting down.
"That's what I have you for." She said before downing half the bottle of beer in one mouthful.
Marshall sighed, shaking his head a little and placed his own bottle down, deciding someone needed to stop drinking.
"Here we go." Tom appeared, placing a tray on the table.
"Tequila shots!" Mary cheered, throwing her hands in the air.
"You know, I was thinking…if planning your wedding is driving you crazy…why don't you get married here?" Tom said, dropping down into his seat.
"What?" Marshall looked at him.
"Get it over with." He replied. "It'll be a lot cheaper and less stressful."
"Get it over with?" Lilly repeated, slapping his upper arm. "Romantic!"
He smiled at her innocently. "I never meant it like that…"
"We can't get married here." Marshall shook his head.
"Why not?" Tom asked.
"Yeah, why not?"
Marshall turned and stared at Mary with wide eyes. "You are not serious!"
Mary shrugged. "I've heard worse ideas."
"That's the drink talking…" Marshall shook his head slightly, watching as she downed a tequila shot. He had to close his eyes when the room spun and he felt the sudden urge to throw up. When he re-opened his eyes, he saw Mary was stood over him, with a second shot glass in her hand.
"Marshall…" She sat down on his lap and pressed the glass to his lips. "Just relax and have some fun."
She tilted the glass, forcing him to swallowed the liquid. He grimaced at the taste and shook his head again. "I told you coming here tonight was a bad idea…"
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