Love Kills

Chapter 1

(Disclamer:I don't own anything; except my OC's (: )

A/N: For those who tuned into "Friend of a Friend" I know I said I was probably gonna do a spin off to what happend to little Dylan but I couldn't find inspiration. Anyways, I've decided to come up with another story idea, which took me a while to come up with that wasn't really used a lot. Anyways, I'm debating if this is gonna be devided into two parts. Part One to the First Movie and the Second to Fast Five(Just watched it last night, and I'm inspired.) Alright I'm gonna stop rambling. Hope you like :)

Cassie: Kat Graham.

I walk into the small restaurant, where I was meeting my boss. It was semi-crowded, which makes it a great time to have a meeting like this. I look over, and there was my employer taking a swig of beer. I swiftly walk towards his table, and sit across from him.

"Nice of you to join me for some lunch. " He said, eating a french fry.

"Just tell me who I'm killing now." I hissed, avoiding having a casual conversation. He nodded, and handed me a folder. I open it, and a picture of a guy was clipped to it. Dominic Toretto was his name.

"Works in a garage with his crew." He began. "He's a well-known street racer, and will probably be hard to kill silently."

"I love a challenge, James." I said, slyly.

"I know you do but he'll break you in half with his bare hands. We both know that my boss won't like it. " He informed.

"Before I fully commit to doing this, how much is the pay? The usual ten 10,000?"

"Nope, not even close." He said with a chuckle. "Big money this time."


"1.5" He answered.

"Million?" I asked. He gave a small nod.

"I'm just as astonished as you are." I look down at the file. "You're not even that good."

"I beg your pardon."

"Don't get me wrong, You get the job done but your work is somewhat amature." He said.

"Then why don't your boss hire you instead?"

"Because there's a deal between the two of you." He answered.

"My sources tell me that you're in the same situation as me. With me, I can walk around and do my own thing. Meanwhile, You have to answer his every phone call and forfilling his every need, in other words you're his bitch. So, James, you're the last one to call the kettle black." I said.

"Look, My boss said if you gave him half that you'll get back what you want and you'll get your life back. " He said.

"No bullshit?"

"No bullshit. Kill him, and you'll get what you want." He confirmed.

"Alright, tell your boss to give me a couple days." I said, rising from the table.

I open my closet doors and turned on the light. My clothes were neatly put away on the walls. I grabbed an outfit for tonight. White tanktop with black skinny jeans and black boots. I'm going racing tonight.

After putting the outfit, I grab my car keys and walk into my living room.

"Where are you going?" Alex asked. Alex is my roomate, and she pretty much knows what I'm doing along with the reason.

"I'm going street racing tonight." I answered.

"Dude, Do you even know where the race is?" She asked.

"No but I'll figure it out."

"Let me come, and I'll bring you to where it is."

"How do you know where it is?" I asked.

"I go every so often to find a boyfriend." She answered. "I'm overdue for a new one."

"Alright, hurry up." She squealed and ran into her room.

"So your job is to kill Dom?" She asked.

"Yes," I answered, looking at the road ahead.

"Dude, You know how hard it is to even talk to him?" She said.


"He's probably the hardest guy to talk to or even get near at that. I've tried flirting him up, and I pretty much failed."

"Well, I'll make him want me." I said.

"How will you do that exactly?"

"You'll see." I replied with a smirk. "Do you think this car is fast enough?"

"Yeah, it's pretyt fast." I could feel her eyes on me, and I quickly turned to look at her. "You're not."

"I don't know what you're talking about Alex."

"Cassie, You're gonna lose." She said.

"Thanks for the confidence boost." I said.

"He's really good, and so are the rest of the people in his crew."

"We'll see about that." I said. I pulled into the parking lot, and there's tons of cars parked. Girls are dancing, and guys are just watching them; admiring their assets.

"Park right there." I nod, and parked into the spot. We both get out of the car, and look around.

"How would I exactly get his attention?" I asked.

"Race someone." She said, checking out someone.

"Fine." I said. I looked around, and I notice a guy staring me down. I gave a small smile, and looked away. Perfect. He walks over towards me, and stands next to me.

"I've never seen you around here before." He said.

"You can say I'm new to this, my friend dragged me here." I lied.

"Well, I'm Jesse." He said.

"Cassie." I said, shaking his hand. He looked at my car, and smiled.

"That's a nice car you have there." He said. I looked over my shoulder at me 1969 Cadillac DeVille.

"This old thing? This was my very first car that my father gave me." I answered.

"Well, I'd like to see what you got." He said.

"I've never raced before though."

"Don't worry, I'll go easy on you. If I win, I get to have your car and a date with you. If you win, I'll give you 5 grand. " He said. "Meet at the starting line in 10 minutes, dollface."

"See you there." I watched as he walked away, and as Alex walked towards me.

"Who was that?" She asked.

"Jessie, He's gonna race me." I said, getting into the car.

"What? I've seen him hanging around Dom." She said.


"You're gonna lose, Cassie." She practically yelled.

"No, I'm not." I assured. "Tell me where the starting line is, and I'll most definitely win."

"Over there," She said, pointing to the spot. "Why do I feel like I need to find a ride home?" I turned on the car, and drove to the starting line. Jessie was in the next car over, and I smile.

"Ready?" He asked.

"I apologize ahead of time for not being so good at this." I said.

"Just make sure you wear something nice for our date." He teased. I looked ahead at the person standing between our cars. Everyone around me is cheering, and I could see Alex with a pissy look on her face. The female raised the cloth. I gripped onto the wheel, and reved up the engine a little. She dropped it and we were both off. He was ahead of me by a lot. I put it in full throttle and I went right past him; winning the small race. I drove back to the line, and Jessie stared at me. "I thought this was your first time?"

"It was." I lied. I've gone to the race tracks before to kill someone. Made it look like an accident.

"What was that?" Alex asked, giving me a hug.

"Would you like to meet my crew? I think they'll take a liking to you." Jessie said. I nodded, and grabbed Alex's hand. As we got closer, I spot Dominic sitting on a car with two guys next to him.

"Jessie! What was that?" One of them asked.

"I don't know, but this is the girl who beat me." He said.

"Cassie." I said.

"And I'm Alex, Cassie's friend." She added. She's more excited than I am.

"I'm Dominic." Dom said, putting his hand out. I switfly put mine out as well, to shake his hand. He's more attractive in person, which is gonna make it a little bit harder to kill him.