Titanic on Twitter

Kind of upset since I couldn't use the "at" sign. I had to italicize all twitter names instead. Oh well :/ This is pure crack and rated for naughty language.

Caledon Nathan Hockley
Got $$$ and you know it. Steel Heir. Deal.
Philadelphia USA

Rose DeWitt Bukater
Art lover. Famous actress in the making. "Everywhere I go I find that a poet has been there before me." – Freud
Southampton, England

Jack Dawson
Portrait artist. Naked French girls, where you at?
Under a bridge

Ruth DeWitt Bukater
Where ever you wish you were… you poor person.

Spicer Lovejoy
Former Pinkerton's detective. Right hand man to my bf Cal. Do you need some assistance leaving my presence?
Behind you… boo.

Fabrizio De Rossi
Guido 4 life.
Not Italy

Jack: Just freakin won tickets on the #RMSTitanc YES! #winning

Fabrizio: Jack_Dawson I go to America! #goodbyebtchezzz

Rose: Should I wear this dress or the one the one with the stripes? #helpplz (Twitter picture)

Rose: Screw this. #BoardingInJustMyUnderwear

Cal: Rose_95 I wouldn't mind that, sweet pea ;)

Rose: TheRealCalHockley Since when did you follow me… how did u even know I had a twitter account?

Cal: Rose_95 I had Spicybaby search ur history (heart)

Rose is now following TheRealCalHockley

Rose: TheRealCalHockley Why the hell does ur handle have 'the real' in front of it?

Cal: Rose_95 Because some smartass took the name CalHockley and just tweets about how dumb I am :(

Rose: TheRealCalHockley Whatever. It's time to go. #leggo

#TitanicMaidenVoyage is trending

Cal: RT RMSTitanic: RT to win a free life vest! We have plentyyy.

Ruth: Driving to Titanic with Spicybaby #fml

Lovejoy: You do know I follow you, right? Ruth_DB #rude

Cal: Sweet. Ten minutes on this thing and I have 50+ followers. #swag

Rose: TheRealCalHockley you have three followers. Including me. And Ruth_DB. And Spicybaby. That handle beyond disturbs me btw.

Cal: Oh look! I can see Titanic! everyone

Rose: TheRealCalHockley -_-

Ruth: Getting on now #joy #jk #fml

Jack: We're the luckiest sons of bitchzz n the world! Fabri_DeRossi

Cal: Just posted a new pic on instagram xx

Picture: Cal making the duck face next to an unamused Rose. Titanic is in the background.

#GodSpeedTitanic is trending

Fabrizio: Jack_Dawson I see the statue of liberty #ItsJustReallySmallLol

Rose: RT EmoQuotesAreEmo: "No 1 understands what ur going thru. But you." – unknown

Ruth: RT BruceIsmay: This ship is UNKSINKABLE. The name Titanic was chosen to convey her enormous SIZE!

Rose: BruceIsmay penis.

Bruce Ismay: SigmundFreud You on this ship? RT for a "yes." #confusedlol

Jack: RT TommyRyanisIrish: Typical. First class dogs come down here 2 take a shite.

Cal: Has any1 seen my fiancé? #TimeToBuyThatLeash xD

Rose: Killing myself now #notkidding

Ruth: Rose_95 Don't be out too late, dear.

Jack: Just saved some chick's life and being accused of rape #awesome #not

Cal: Omg this little steerage bitch.

Rose: Jack_Dawson Follow me?

Jack: Rose_95 Sure. See ya tomorrow. Meet me on third class deck?

Jack is now following Rose_95

Rose: Jack_Dawson All right, Mr. Dawson.

Rose is now Following Jack_Dawson

Cal: I am looking forward to dinner tomorrow Jack_Dawson Rose_95

Cal is now following Jack_Dawson

Lovejoy is now literally following Jack_Dawson

Cal: Just gave my fiancé the present. #SheLovesItOfCourse

Rose: I think I saw classier jewelry on the collar of a dog. #puhhlease

Cal: I WON A FREE LIFE VEST! #TimeToThrowItOverBoard #UnsinkableShipDuh

Molly Brown: Dis ship cray! #yeeehaw

Ruth: UnsinkableBrownAwwwYeahhh Pleasure to meet you today -_-

Molly Brown: Ruth_DB #rude

Ruth: UnsinkableBrownAwwwYeahhh #newmoney

Rose: Spitting like a man w/ Jack_Dawson! :D #DidNotLearnThis #InFinishingSchool

Jack: You still kinda spit like a girl Rose_95 Work on that a bit more lol.

Thomas Andrews: RT Jack_Dawson: To making it count! – Very well said tonight, Jack.

Jack: TAndrews Thank you, sir.

Rose: Funny how some guys think they're commanders of the universe…

Cal: Rose_95 It's funny how some men DON'T #bahahaha

Jack: Rose_95 So… do u wanna go to real party?

Cal: Spicybaby Find her…

Jack: Rose_95 Come Josephine in my flying machine!11! #drunktweet

Rose: Jack_Dawson And it's up she goes UP SHE GOESZZ11!22! #drunkertweet

Cal: #lonely :(

Rose: Jack_Dawson still smiling after last night :) So much fun! #NowBreakfastWithCal #Ugh

Cal: Yup. Just flipped a table. Thor style. #SuckIt #NewGodofThunder

Ruth: Another self inflected nose bleed #fml

Rose: RT EmoQuotesAreEmo: "The hardest choices are the ones that hurt the most." – unkown

Jack: Rose_95 Heyyy. Wut's up? #lastnightwasGREAT

Jack: Rose_95 Still practicing those spitting skills? Lol

Jack: Rose_95 You okay?

Jack: Rose_95 You can't let them do this to you, Rose! Come on!

Lovejoy: Jack_Dawson Your presence here is no longer appropriate, Mr. Dawson. #Mmmkay #GetUrBrokeAssOuttaHere

Jack: Rose_95 They've got you trapped and ur gonna DIE if you don't break free. #AndISortaLoveYou #ALot

Rose: Jack_Dawson I'm sorry.

Cal: Did anyone know that this ship is made with over a thousand tons of HockleySteel?

Ruth: TheRealCalHockley Oh? Which parts?

Cal: Ruth_DB Only the good ones, of course ;)

Rose: Why do u 2 always have 2 flirt? #WishIJumped

Cal: RT CalHockley: I'm gayyy everyone #comingout - OKAY WHO THE HELL IS THIS?

Cal: RT CalHockley: That Jack_Dawson is lookin' very very sexayyy 2nite #dayamnboiii

Cal: I will find out who u r CalHockley And when I do you'll FULLY regret making a mockery of my name. #Fuckyouuuuuu

Rose: You know… screw this. I've changed my mind Jack_Dawson. #forgiveme?

Sigmund Freud: Rose_95 You GO girl #whoot

Jack: Rose_95 Finally! Let's chill?

Rose: Jack_Dawson Come to my suite. Bring your art stuff ;)

Jack: Nm about French chicks… #BestNightEver

Rose: RT BestLoveQuotes: "I believe I can fly. I believe I can touch the sky. I think about it every night and day. Spread my wings and fly away." – R Kelly

Lovejoy: TheRealCalHockley I see them! Damn she fast, son. #wheezing

Cal: Spicybaby Damnit Spicer. GET HER. #DramaticEyeBrowMovement

Lovejoy: TheRealCalHockley I lost them. Look, just come to the room. There's something here that you'll want to see. #SpicyOut

Jack: Ummmm #score

Rose: Incase you were wondering TheRealCalHockley it's completely over between us.


Rose: TheRealCalHockley (Twitter Picture)

Cal: Rose_95 AHHHHHHHdfkdlfjdskfjqaijsj #CanNeverUnSeeThat

Ismay: RT TAndrews: May or may not have just hit an iceberg. – So What? When will we get underway?

Andrews: BruceIsmay This doesn't look good.

Ismay: TAndrews But this ship can't sink!

Jack: Going to inform TheRealCalHockley and Rose_95's mom about the berg. #KillMeNow

#IcebergStruckByTitanic is now trending

Rose: RT EmoQuotesAreEmo: "You think you know somebody, until they do something you didn't know they would do." – Justin Bieber

Jack: This is really not my freakin' week.

Cal: Mwahahaha #MoreEyebrowAction

Rose: #ReallyWishIJumped #ScrewUCal

RMS Titanic: To all passengers: Put on your life vests and await further instruction. #ButItsJustaDrill #SoDontWorry

Cal: RMSTitanic This is ridiculous.

Rose: RT TAndrews: In an hour or so… all this will be at the bottom of the Atlantic.

Jack: #HandcuffedToPole #Perfect

Cal: "Not the better half." - me #ISlayMyself

Rose: Thanks for those spitting lessons Jack_Dawson Cal should find they came in handy.

Cal: Ew.

Rose: TAndrews Message me directions to where they'd keep a man who's under arrest. #nowplz


Cal: Spicybaby Find Rose_95 I'll look for a boat that's letting on men.

Rose: Great service down here #sarcasm #steerageprobs

Jack: Running to one of the last boats left. What the actual fuck RMSTitanic?

Lovejoy: TheRealCalHockley Coming over now. I found her… with him.

Cal: Spicybaby We must hurry. It's starting to fall apart.

Tommy: Jack_Dawson just sent me and Fabri_DeRossi to find another boat. Best of luck to you Rose_95.

Cal: Rose is in the boat. #IAlwaysWin

Rose: Wow. Just jumped off a lifeboat feet above the freezing ocean. #YOLO

Jack: Rose_95 Ur so STUPID! I'm at the grand staircase.


Rose: That awkward moment when ur fiancé tries to kill you and ur new bf.

Cal: I put the coat on her! #SuperPissed

Ruth: Sitting next to second class bitches #FirstClassProbs

Molly Brown: Here's something you don't see everyday (Twitter picture)

Rose: Where I met Jack_Dawson for the first time. Who could have imaged all of this could happen?

#NearerMyGodToThee is trending

Jack: Lifeboats. Come back now. #KindOfDyingHere

Rose: Goodbye.

Cal: Any regrets Rose_95? #PerhapsChoosingTheLoser?

Rose: TheRealCalHockley You unimaginable bastard. Oh. Want to take a guess who CalHockley was all along?

Cal: Rose_95 WENCH!

Jack: Found another piece of floating debris. #MaybeThisWeekWasntThatBad

Rose: In a lifeboat w/ Jack_Dawson #blessed

Jack: Rose_95 #MoreBlessed

Cal: Rose_95 #HopeUrHappyBeingAWhore!

Rose: TheRealCalHockley I'd rather be his whore than your wife.

Rose has unfollowed TheRealCalHockley

Jack: TheRealCalHockley I think there's some ice over there for that burn.

Jack has unfollowed TheRealCalHockley

Cal: Rose_95 Jack_Dawson #MyHeartWillGoOn Bitches.

#MyHeartWillGoOn is now trending