An hour later JJ woke up and immediately put a hand on her forehead "Ouch! My head hurts" she exclaimed
"You shouldn't have to drink so much honey" said Will raising his voice so that JJ could hear him as he gave her some aspirin.
"Ugh. Darling could you please keep it quiet my head it's going to explode" she said trying to ignore the pain in her head. "Where is Spence?" she asked looking around for him.
"He said he's gonna go and change before the triathlon" answered Will.
"O men the triathlon I totally forgot about it. What are Emily and Penelope doing here?" she asked confused.
"You don't remember?" he asked her. "No sorry I remember that we drink something green" she answered him and stood up to grab a glass of water.
"The green fairy" said Will with small smile. "What" she asked confused.
"The green fairy, that is the green think that you drink" he said. And swallowed the aspirin.
"I guess it was Garcia's idea of drinking that think huh?" JJ asked.
"It's all her fault honey" Will said laughing a little.
"Please let me wake her up" JJ pleaded "It will be my sweat revenge on her for making me drink that green fairy" JJ said. Will nodded "Alright darling just don't be too rude to her after all she's the one that is looking after Henry while we go out" Will said giggling a little so did JJ.
JJ then grab a glass of water and stood over Garcia and without warning she field her with the water. Garcia jumped out of the bed and so did Emily.
"Ugh.. JJ are you out of you're mind. Why did you do that? Asked Garcia as she run her hands over her face.
"That is for making me drink that green fairy last night" JJ said while laughing at Garcia and Emily who too have water all over her face.
"And you mister how could you let her do that to us?" asked Garcia pointing at Will.
Will threw his hands in the air in surrender "Why suddenly I'm guilty one?" Will asked while laughing at the two women before him.
"Because you let her to that" answered Emily.
"Well you shouldn't have making my girlfriend to drink so much" shouted Will.
"Wow, Will not so loud please my head is killing me" said Garcia softly.
"Yeah! Mine too" said Emily.
"I will gave you some aspirin wait" said Will and left the room and came back seconds after that with aspirin and water. "I hope you girl don't mind me stealing you're keys and going to you're places" he said as he hand them the aspirin.
"Why did you go to our places?" they both asked in once.
"To grab you some cloths to change we don't have much time the triathlon will start soon" he answered.
"The triathlon I totally forgot about it" said Emily. "Yeah! Me too" said Garcia rubbing her temples.
"Will you're a life saver" the both women said "Thank you so much for letting us stay here, for getting us cloths and aspirin" said Emily.
"Yeah! That's my man always taken care of everyone" said JJ and then kissed Will.
The girls then changed and got ready to go to the triathlon to cheering Hotch.
They were still with a killing hangover, but they promised Hotch that they will be there.
Will kissed JJ "Have fun at the triathlon" he said and got back in the house to Henry who was still sleeping.
At the triathlon everyone was cheering except JJ, Emily and Garcia.
"A couple of hours, a couple of hours you guys came home in 6 in the morning" Reid yelled so that they could hear him.
"Why are you yelling Spence?" JJ asked "My head is killing me" she added.
"Yeah! Mine too and that cheering crowd isn't helping much" said Emily.
At that time Derek, Rossi and Jack were cheering and yelling.
"Hey jack plug your ears for a minute" said Derek the boy did what he was told.
"What did you drink last night ladies?" asked Derek.
"The green fairy" answered Emily. "And it was Garcia's fault" added JJ.
"Alright, alright it was my fault just please someone stop this people from cheering especially this one" Garcia said pointing at Reid who was cheering and yelling.
"At this moment Hotch finished the triathlon and the team started yelling and the girls started rubbing their temples.
"Hey you did it daddy" said Jack.
"Yeah! I did it buddy could you believe it that's for you" said Hotch placing the medal on his son "You're poster is great" he added.
"You were great Hotch" said JJ smiling. He smiled at all of them "Thank you for being here." He said and then all of them got to the near pizzeria to celebrate.
Well that's the final chapter. Hope you like it.
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