A/N: I am so incredibly sorry for the obnoxiously long delay in this continuation! I'm just about done with nursing school and things are hectic. I'm on a 2.5 week break right now, hoping to finish this story in that time! Just a quick little disclaimer, I am no doctor and this is pretty dramatic, a bit overzealous maybe, but like I said in 3, it makes for a good story. Chapter 5 is currently in the works, so expect that maybe this weekend or early next week! Again, I apologize and enjoy!
Daytime TV sucks, Andy thought to herself as she flipped through the channels. She'd grown tired of the talk shows and soap operas that graced the small screen during her five weeks in the hospital. She looked around the room, it was a mess. Sam had his clothes all over the place, there were stacks of ridiculous magazines on every flat surface and empty take out containers over-flowing from the garbage can. I need to clean this up. She sat in the bed, staring at the mess. Or I could just make Sam do it when he comes back. She heard a knock at the door and Traci walked in. Yep, Sam can do it. "Hey Trace!"
"How're you feeling?" she asked, setting down the bouquet of flowers and handing Andy a card.
"I mean, I feel fine. I know I'm not fine, but I feel like I am," she said, opening the envelope, "...they were talking about letting me go home until last night."
"What happened last night?" Traci asked, sitting on the chair next to the bed.
"They had a lot of trouble getting the bleeding under control, hence the blood," she said, pointing to the bag of blood hanging on the IV pole. She opened the card, everyone in the division had signed it. It was the third or fourth one she'd gotten from her fellow officers, "...you guys really don't have to keep sending me stuff."
"They miss you, Andy," Traci said as she started to pick up Sam's clothes.
"Trace, put the shirt down," she said firmly, Traci dropped it and put her hands up, "...Sam made the mess and you can bet your ass he will clean it up!"
"Yeah, where is Swarek at anyhow? Jerry said he never leaves your side," Traci asked as she sat down on the chair by the bed.
"I sent him to work, he was starting to drive me crazy and Frank was starting to threaten his job," Andy said, digging in the bag of snacks she had near the bed.
"Threaten his job?"
"Yeah," she said, opening up a bag of strawberry fruit snacks, "...he gave him a little slack because things with the UC op went south, but he's been off for five weeks. Frank said if he didn't come back soon, he wouldn't have a job to come back to."
"Frank would never bag Swarek," Traci said.
"I know that, but Sam doesn't. At this point, I'm pretty sure Frank would do anything I ask him to," Andy said with a grin and Traci shook her head with a smile, "...don't get me wrong, I love having Sam here but he doesn't like being here anymore than I do, the only difference is he has a choice."
They sat in silence, ignoring the elephant in the room; Andy had been moved to an ICU. Traci kept glancing toward the crash cart that sat behind the IV pole. She hadn't spent much time in hospitals, but she knew it wasn't exactly protocol to keep a crash cart in a patients room, "...you can ask, it's okay."
"How bad is it, really?" she asked, a look of fear flooding her face.
"It's conditionally bad. If they can keep the bleeding under control, we won't have a problem."
"...and if they can't?" she breathed.
"I could die, the baby could die. I'm trying to think positively."
"Why didn't Sam tell us how serious it was?" Traci asked, panicked.
"Honestly? I don't think he really gets how serious it is. Sarah and I keep trying to down play when we talk to him about it," Andy answered, "...I'm just trying to keep myself calm and that means I can't have an even more over-protective Sam around. In this situation the less he knows, the better."
When Sam walked in Andy was asleep, she must've been watching a movie because the credits were rolling to some sappy song. The last thing he wanted to do was wake her, so he stepped back out and made his way to the cafeteria. The nurses and hospital staff were all familiar with Sam, Andy and Baby Swarek at this point, so he always had to make small talk with people when he ventured from the room. Sam wasn't a small talk kind of guy. He grabbed the paper, some food and made his way to his hidden corner. It had the perfect lighting and a he could sit with his feet up without fear of repercussions. Just as he was about to delve into the sports sections he heard, "...Code Blue room 6005. Code Blue room 6005."
Before the announcer got the first "five" out of her mouth he was half way to the elevators. His palms were sweaty, his heart was racing. That was Andy's room.
As the elevator opened, all Sam could see was the chaos of doctors and nurses in and out of Andy's room and just before he reached the door, they were wheeling her out with a nurse on top of her performing CPR, "...what's going on? What's wrong with her?" Sam shouted as a nurse stepped back and pulled him away from the bed.
He watched as they disappeared around a corner, "...that's my wife. What the hell is going on?"
"They're taking her to the OR, they're going to do a C-section to get the baby out and then they'll do everything in their power to save your wife. Please, Mr. Swarek, just sit and wait until someone comes to get you, I promise they will."
And so it began, the waiting game. It killed him to be in the dark but there was nothing he could do. He could have had a play by play from the OR, he wouldn't understand it so he sat there, twiddling his thumbs for an hour and a half when the nurse he spoke to earlier came and got him.
"Do you want to come meet your son, dad?" she asked.
"My son? He's here? It's a boy? I'm a dad?" Sam questioned, with a slight smile.
"Come on," she added, nodding her head to the door. Sam followed her to the NICU where he spotted the islet with blue blankets and Baby Boy Swarek on it, "...do you want to hold him?"
"Do I ever," he said. The nurse gave him a gown and handed him the baby.
"He's 4lbs and 14inches long, he hasn't needed any supplemental oxygen. Did you and Andy pick out a name?" she asked.
"We did. If he were a girl he would have been Lucy but this little man, he's Logan. Logan Dean Swarek. How's Andy?"
"She's still in surgery. The doctor will be out shortly to talk you, but you are more than welcome to sit here with your son."
"Thank you, really."
"Your welcome and congratulations."
Sam sat there, rocking his baby boy. He's perfect.
He must've fallen asleep rocking Logan, because he woke up to the doctor calling his name, "...are you Sam Swarek? Andy's husband?"
"I-I am," he answered.
"Okay, well, why don't you go ahead and give the baby back to the nurse and follow me, we need to talk."
Sam handed Logan back to the nurse, who proceeded to lay him back in the isolette. He took off the yellow gown and followed the surgeon to a conference room down the hall, "...take a seat," he stated as he untied the surgical cap from his head.
"How's Andy? Can I go see her?" Sam inquired, the panic in his voice was obvious.
"Mr. Swarek..."
"Sam, you can call me Sam."
"Okay, Sam, Andy, she lost a lot of blood. When she got in the car accident there was a slight abruption we detected in the placenta, something we'd been monitoring but all seemed to be well. The blood had been reabsorbed and the only problem at hand appeared to be the previa. However, things change. Andie We ran into several complications, both during the delivery of your son and after. She had multiple blood transfusions but for now she is stable. She spent a few hours in the PACU so that we could closely monitor her, we would have come to find you sooner, but the NICU nurses said that you were sleeping and we couldn't let you in the PACU but now she is in her room, and you can go see her but I need you to understand that we're not out of the woods yet. Andy needs to stay calm, she needs to take it easy. She will be in the hospital for several more days, and your son probably longer. I'm going to need your help in getting her to understand that."
"Absolutely, anything, can I please see her now?" he asked anxiously.
"Of course, I'll take you up there."
Sam quietly stepped into the room with a bunch of blue, "It's A Boy" balloons. He set them in a corner and sat down next to Andy, grabbing her hand. Ice cold. Ghost white. Something isn't right. "Andy? Andy? Wake up," he shouted frantically. Sam pulled the call light out of the wall, he'd watch the nurse do that before when she needed help right away. In seconds four nurses were in her room, "...she's cold, she's cold, something is wrong."
"Andy? Andy, sweetie, can you hear me?" the nurse shouted as she rubbed her sternum to see if she would regain consciousness. Another nurse lifted up her gown to find a thoroughly blood soaked dressing at her abdomen and a pool of blood on the bed.
"Get Dr. Rayburn in here now!" she shouted to one of the other nurses. Sam stood in the corner, watching helplessly as they all surrounded his seemingly lifeless wife. One of the nurses walked to the other side of the bed and Sam ran up to her spot. He grabbed Andy's hand and put it to his lips.
"You can't do this to me, Andy. You can't. I need you, our son needs you. We said forever, and forever is longer," he whispered, a tear fell from his eye.
"Get her into the OR now!" Dr. Rayburn demanded when he walked into the room. Sam tried to hold onto her hand but once they reached the OR door he was pushed out of the way and all he could do now was wait. It was back to the waiting game.
A/N: I also apologize for the medical terminology, didn't realize how overwhelming it was until I uploaded this on here! Comments are always appreciated, but if you want to be nasty take it somewhere else, please & thank you :)