Maternity Ward


It was the week after me and Dimitri had slept together in an old guardian cabin, and when I went to the gym for practice he looked nervous.

"Dimitri what's wrong?" I said worried.

"Rose!" he said sounding close to tears. This couldn't be good Dimitri never cried. He then continued on to say "I'm taking Tasha's offer to be her guardian." The tears were pooling in my eyes. I couldn't take it anymore I turned and ran out with tears running down my face. I ran all the way to the cabin locking the door behind me, I threw myself on the bed and cried. I must have fallen asleep cause the next thing I knew I was having one of Adrian's dreams. From behind me I heard Adrian say "Rose where are you everyone's looking for you?"

"Adrian just go back and tell everyone that I'm okay I just want to be alone." I said.

"Okay but if you don't make an appearance tomorrow the big bad Russian's gonna break down your door." Even at the mention of Dimitri I burst out sobbing. "Rose what's wrong? What did I say? Please talk to me."

"Adrian just go, I don't want to talk." I sobbed out.


A couple of seconds after I told her I was leaving she turned around and ran out crying. I'd never seen her react to anything the way she did just now. I decided to go and pack my stuff. While I was packing my phone rang it was Adrian. "Hi Adrian is there something you wanted?" I asked. "Yes actually there is, do you know where Rose is?"

"No I don't I haven't seen her since practice this morning. Why?" i was worried now.

"Well I talked to her in a dream to ask her where she was. I happened to mention your name and she burst out sobbing." I hung up without another word, I left my bags on my bed and ran out of my room heading for the one place her friends wouldn't look for her 'the cabin'. What I didn't expect to see was Rose leaning over the railing throwing up. I rushed to her side pulling her hair out of her face and rubbing her back till she was done. "Rose let me take you back to your room so you can rest." I said and she agreed, but when we got there all her friends were there.

"Dimitri did you know they were here?" She asked. "No my Roza I didn't."

"Rose what did he just call you?" Lissa asked. "I called her Roza and to be specific I said 'My Roza'."

"Dimitri why would she be your Roza though?" she questioned but before I could answer Rose said "I'm going to get changed, brush my teeth, and going to bed."

Once Rose was gone I told them of our feeling for each other and why I was leaving. I didn't tell them about us having sex though. And then I could hear Rose getting sick again, so I got up and ran into the bathroom. I went and sat next to her holding her hair and rubbing her back. At first I didn't notice the others; they were standing in the door watching me take care of Rose. It was then that I realized that she was naked; grabbing the nearest towel I wrapped her in it.


I was about to get in the shower when I felt like I was going to be sick again. I made it to the toilet just in time. The door burst open and Dimitri came over and sat next to me and like the last time he held my hair while rubbing my back. It was only after he wrapped my towel around me that I notice we had an audience. I was weak and probably needed a shower. I asked my friends to leave and that I would talk to them tomorrow. Once they were gone I said "Dimitri could you help me with my shower because I'm too weak and I stink."

"Yes Rose I will but you need to know that I'm only leaving because I don't want to ruin your chances of becoming a guardian if someone found out I could go to jail and you could be expelled."