Pre-Slash rating based on future chapters

Disclaimer: I own nothing…..sad but true.

Gibbs opened his eyes and listened. He wasn't sure what woke him but he knew something was wrong. Then he heard it again, someone was walking outside his house. Their unbalanced footsteps were coming closer. Gibbs reached for his weapon, prepared to deal with the intruder. Then he heard singing and recognized the voice. With a sigh, he closed his eyes again and waited for his inebriated guest to come in.

Tony was trying to be quiet, but as he tripped on the stairs, he knew Gibbs would have heard him. "Damn," he groaned. He had hoped to sneak in and pass out before Gibbs realized he was there. Not that he'd ever managed to sneak up on his boss. But he didn't want to hear a lecture tonight. He just wanted to sleep and lately, Gibbs' house was the only place he could relax enough for that to happen.

He opened the door and walked in warily. Seeing Gibbs asleep on the couch, he stopped in shock. He'd expected him to be coming out of the basement with an annoyed look on his face. He watched his boss for a minute wondering what to do next when his voice caused Tony to nearly jump out of his skin.

"What the hell are you doing DiNozzo?" Gibbs didn't need to open his eyes to know he'd scared his senior agent. "You plan on standing there watching me all night, or you gonna tell me why you're here again, drunk?" He looked up at Tony and saw the younger man trying to walk over to his loveseat without bumping into anything.

"Jeez Boss, you nearly gave me a heart attack. I was trying to be quiet. Didn't want to wake you up." DiNozzo threw himself down on the loveseat and snuggled in to make himself comfortable. He yawned widely and closed his eyes, apparently hoping Gibbs wouldn't notice he hadn't answered his question.

No such luck. "DiNozzo, you've been here three times this week and two times last week. You gonna tell me what the hell is bothering you or am I going to have to head slap it out of you?" Tony sighed and looked over at Gibbs. Again his boss surprised him. Instead of the anger he expected, there was concern in Gibbs' blue eyes. He looked up at the ceiling not knowing what to say. "I wish I knew what to tell you Boss. I just feel...lost right now. I don't know what to do or how to make myself snap out of it. I can't sleep, and even when I do I wake up drenched in sweat, I can't breathe, my heart is racing and I'm screaming. I can't even remember the dreams." Tony ran his hand through his hair and looked over at Gibbs. "I sleep here and I don't dream and I..." Tony stopped and looked away again.

"And you what?," Gibbs asked softly. Tony covered his face with his hands and answered, "I feel safe here."
"Have you spoken to Ducky?"
Tony sat up quickly. "NO!"
Gibbs looked surprised by Tony's vehemence.
"I mean...I would rather not Boss. I just don't want anyone else to know." Tony looked over at Gibbs sheepishly not sure if he would order him to talk to Ducky.
Gibbs thought for a moment, studying DiNozzo as he came to a decision.
"Ok DiNozzo, I won't make you talk to Duck right now, but this can't continue. You can't get shitfaced every night, and if you keep showing up here in the middle of the night I'm gonna end up shooting you."

Tony was relieved that his Boss wasn't forcing him to talk to Ducky but he was still worried. "Are you telling me I can't come here anymore?" Before Gibbs could respond he continued hurriedly, "I mean...I get what you're saying and I am trying to figure this out, and I promise I won't get drunk again, but if you could just let me come over here sometimes I promise I'll-"

"DINOZZO" Gibbs interrupted his babbling agent, "I'm not saying you can't come here. But if you need to sleep here then just stay here for awhile. It's better than trying to sneak in and will keep me from killing you."

Tony just looked at him in shock. "Really Boss? Wow, I don't know what to say. So, do you make breakfast?"

Gibbs glared at him and Tony smiled. "Seriously Boss, thanks."
"Shut up and go to sleep DiNozzo." Gibbs closed his eyes and Tony happily followed suit. Once Gibbs heard his breathing slow down and even out, he opened his eyes and looked over at the younger man.

He wondered what was eating at the younger man. Concern for him caused a welling of emotion but he pushed it down. Gibbs didn't allow emotions to overtake him anymore. Caused too many problems...and pain. He couldn't help caring for his team, but there were limits that kept him safe. He knew letting DiNozzo stay here was asking for trouble, but he just couldn't send him away, especially after he'd let Gibbs see the pain behind his eyes