I had this idea a couple of days ago. I originally was just going to make this a one-shot, but I kept expanding on it in my mind, so I decided to make this a multi-chapter story. As usual, this story does not relate to my other HP fanfics: Workplace Rumors, The Escapades of Three Slytherin Girls, Draco and Astoria's Infinite Playlist, Reasons Not to Insult.., and Maybe. Now, without further ado- or if I'm being really honest with you, just a little bit ado- please enjoy Chapter 1 of The Seer and the Snake!
Disclaimer: I do not own Harry Potter or any of the characters used in this story.
The Seer and the Snake, Chapter 1: Prologue
It was the last night at Hogwarts, and while the rest of the school may have been in mourning for the death of beloved Hogwarts Champion, Cedric Diggory, Slytherin House was most certainly not. Quite the contrary, actually. There was a celebration in the common room on this last night of term before the summer holidays. The Slytherins were not celebrating Cedric's death, though were not particularly in mourning either; what they were really celebrating about was the return of Lord Voldemort.
The stormy night sky and rain drops that fell like waterfalls were nothing in comparison to the euphoria that was taking place in the Slytherin common room. All of the Slytherins were celebrating, as though there was nothing more wondrous in the world as Voldemort's return. Many of their families supported Voldemort, and even the students whose families did not believe in Voldemort's or old fashioned pure –blood philosophy were celebrating without a care in the world. Oh yes, it was quite the party in Slytherin; every soul in the room was joyous and triumphant, celebrating as if it were their last night on Earth, a smile never leaving their features once. All of them were happy.
All of them that is except for one. A lone Slytherin sat by the window, looking outside as the raindrops hit the ground and listened as the thunder crackled outside, though she seemed to be the only one who could hear it. She alone appeared to be the only one not joining in the festivities.
Meanwhile Draco Malfoy was having the time of his life. The Dark Lord would soon rise back to power, and his family would be even higher in society than they were now. He loved how upsetting this was to his enemies; they definitely would treat him with a lot more respect in time, even bow down before him. As Draco took another swig of Butterbeer (Lucian Bole had went down to the kitchens and smuggled some in,) he noticed that not everyone was celebrating. He almost frowned for the first time since Diggory's death. Everyone should be engaged in this party; anyone who wasn't was, in his mind, a traitor towards Slytherin.
Draco walked over to the girl and recognized her fairly quickly. He knew her, he'd recognize her just by her hair alone anywhere: the girl had platinum blonde hair with brown streaks in it that Draco was 99% sure weren't entirely natural. Her name was Astoria Greengrass, two years his junior to himself as well as to a girl in his year who was a fellow Slytherin named Daphne Greengrass. He'd be lying if he had said he had never spoken to Astoria before, but she was not amongst his group of friends. In fact, he barely knew her well at all.
"Why aren't you celebrating?" Draco demanded of the second year, whose eyes seemed to be transfixed on looking outside. At the moment, some lighting flashed. He was about to ask again, when Astoria said softly, "A boy just died, and you expect me to celebrate his death?"
Her tone was as cold as ice, yet calm and Draco felt slightly uncomfortable when she put it that way. He had never felt any animosity towards Cedric Diggory, though they most certainly were never friends. In fact, Draco could not recall ever speaking to Cedric before his death. Still, Draco would not show that though, and replied with," Who cares about him? The Dark Lord has returned, and that's all that matters. Everything will be as it once was again."
Draco's grey eyes glistened with excitement as he spoke. Astoria's eyes however, narrowed.
"Tell me Malfoy, what is so wonderful about millions of people being scared out of their minds, genocide towards all Muggles and Muggleborns, and everyone suffering? And yes, I say everyone, because even if you're on His side, it in no way means that you are safe. Tell me, does that still sound so great and glorious now, Draco?"
Draco stared at her. She had completely argued with him, even mocked him by calling him his first name, something which he forbade anyone doing without his permission. He glared at her.
"You're such an idiot, Greengrass. Really, it's all right. I don't know why you're so concerned, Greengrass; you're sister is partying."
"That's because Daphne doesn't understand what's going on," Astoria said in a sweet voice, though her eyes told a different story." She's a party animal by nature, and she's just celebrating because everyone else is, not because of what's happened. She's celebrating because it's the last night at Hogwarts until September; there is nothing wrong with that. However, when people such as you are actually celebrating because of what has and is going to happen… well, I honestly pray for your soul, Malfoy; because if I am an idiot, which I am not I'll have you know, then you are ten times the fool I am."
Astoria stood up and moved towards the Girls' Dormitory, one hand on the door, when she called back over her shoulder to Draco, "Who's the real fool here, do you think Malfoy?"
And with that being said Astoria walked in and shut the door behind her.
Draco thought about what she said, but only for a moment, before he went back to what he was originally doing, not giving Astoria a second thought.
It wouldn't be until years later that he would fully understand what she meant.
Thanks for reading, and remember to review please! :)