I turned in my seat to see who was interrupting my beloved drama class by opening the door. I felt my eyes widen as I gazed upon the god-like man standing in the doorway. It was Grimmjow Jaeggerjaques, a famous guitarist from Germany. His tanned, toned body was clad in faded black skinny jeans, a black skin tight shirt, over that he wore a leather studded vest, finishing his outfit were some mid-calf high black leather boots with chains hanging off a silver ring at the top and attached to the heel of the boot. I gasped loudly attracting the attention of the entire class.

"Mr. Kurosaki, is something wrong?" My teacher Byakuya Kuchiki asked, mildly concerned.

I ignored his inquiry and stood from my seat still gazing at the blue-haired man in the doorway. "Y-you're G-Grimmjow Jaeggerjaques..." I stuttered in shock. I replaced the shocked look on my face with a scowl when he began to chuckle.

"Yeah, tha's me. Didn' think anyone woul' recognize me here. Wha's your name?" He asked in sinfully deep voice as he approached my seat in the back of the room, his eyes wandering over my figure, I could feel him undressing me with his eyes.

"My name is Ichigo Kurosaki." I told him, my voice stern and cold.

"Ichigo?" He rolled the word around abit. He stopped only inches from my face. "Nice name ya go' there, Berry."

"Well then Mr. Kurosaki," Vice principal Ichimaru called, forgotten in the doorway."Since Mr. Jaeggerjaques has taken a liking to you, you will be responsible for showing him around and making him feel welcome." Before I had the chance to argue he had disappeared through the doorway. "Kurosaki, please sit down. Mr. Jaeggerjaques, you may pull a chair up to Mr. Kurosaki." Mr. Kuchiki called over to us, rubbing his temples with annoyance.

"Tha' settles tha'." The bluenette pulled a stray chair up next to mine and sat down. I scowled and pulled my chair away from his before sitting down and proceeding to ignore him.

His smirk faded and he threw his arm around my shoulders, his fingers dug into my shoulder, drawing blood and staining my shirt. He pulled me close, his lips were a hairsbreadth from my ear, I could feel his breath on my neck. " It's not nice ta ignore people, Ichi."

I winced slightly and responded through gritted teeth."Ever heard of personal space?" My tone dripped with venom.

"Eh? What is this thing called 'personal space' ya speak of?" His malicious grin returned to his face as he heaved me onto his lap. "You can 'welcome me to the school' at lunch, Berry-boy." His deep voice was but a pur in my ear. He let out a loud bark of laughter as he threw me roughly back into my seat.

"Is there something funny, Mr. Jaeggerjaques?" Mr. Kuchiki asked eyeing him suspiciously.

"Ichi and I were just discussin' our lunch plans. Grimmjow replied placing a large hand on my knee.

I hope you guys like it! I edited this thing so many goddamn times.