A/N: So, guys guess what? This just might be the last chapter. Yeah, that's right. Some of you might be a bit upset. For those of you that are, I'm sorry. I'm extending this chapter; it will be both Tori and André's point of views in this chapter.
If want me to extend this chapter say 'Yes' or 'No' in the poll above my Biography/Profile. Enjoy!
André's POV
Hollywood Arts big Showcase
Tori Vega.
Tori Vega.
Tori Vega.
Her name repeated in my head as she sang. Never in a million years would I have thought that when I was sixteen years old a beautiful brunette would sing a song I wrote just to help me. I was memorized by her moves; the way her hair flowed, her hips swayed, her cheekbones were perfectly sculpted; it was like she was meant to be a star. I'm sixteen, eleven years ago I thought girls had "cooties", and now one specific girl made me think that just maybe I was in love.
When Tori Vega walked through the doors and said hello I felt like a baby, a peaceful baby in a far away dreamland dreaming of sugarplums and candy canes. When Tori Vega's lips met the boy's who had a girlfriend, and frankly all of the other girls in the school as well, I felt like I was stuck in quicksand and no matter what I'd never get out.
[Because truly, when it comes to love you can't really get out. It's a pain and pleasure you can't escape].
"Well, she is the reason I go to Hollywood Arts".
It still amazed me how caring she was. Tori Vega had it all, everything a girl would envy and everything a guy [this guy] would want in a girl.
Tori sang and performed for Trina and as the lights sparkled and flashed around her I just admired the way she was. Her smile was bright and captivating and knew I'd never forget this moment with her. Tori singing to Trina was definitely I sight to see. Trina was selfish and rude, and even so Tori still had a big enough heart to sing a song to her. Maybe, she had big enough heart to fit me in too.
As Tori sang for the producers I couldn't help but smile. Her voice was like silk. She did even better than before, if that was even possible. The way she smiled and looked in my direction made me feel as if she felt the way I felt about her about me. Tori Vega never failed to make me feel like I was on top of the world.
Seeing Beck sing a love song to Tori made me feel like it was that second day all over again. I was just Tori's friend, nothing more, but even though I knew this it didn't mean I wasn't a bit upset. Sure, I was only one that could do the music perfectly, but Tori wasn't singing to the music producer, she was singing to Beck, my best friend.
[and when you're in love with one best friend you hate to think they might be in love with the other].
He'd known he was in love with her for as long as he could remember. So, why was he going all wonky all of a sudden? "Tell Me That You Love Me" was written with Tori Vega in mind and as she sung it, it sounded like she knew that herself. Then again, Tori's an actress and he just needed to compose himself.
Tori placed herself on the piano and began to look at him in his eyes. Her eyes were pools of brown, swirls and swirls and if you didn't pay close attention to reality you could get lost forever, not that you'd ever complain.
Love itself is a complicated thing. At one point it can make you feel like you're on top of the world, at another it can make you feel like you're falling face first.
[But falling for Tori Vega was a given; and if she was complication, he'd never take the easy way out ever again].
A/N: So, did you like it? I hope so. Wait… what about the roses? THERE WERE NO ROSES IN THIS CHAPTER!
Guess that means if you want to know how André always got the roses to Tori without her seeing him you have to COMPLETE THE POLL!