Author's Note: Thank you for the reviews, please review more though! I will try to update every week day and once or MAYBE twice on the weekend. Thank you for the suggestions I'll be sure to use them in this chapter:3
Disclaimer: You know the drill ;)
Chapter Three
"Annie wake up" I hear Finn's voice whisper. I open my eyes to the darkness of the room. After the mall not much happened and I went to bed early. I could tell it wasn't morning but Finn was standing by the bed.
"What are you doing Finn?" I ask rubbing my eyes and sitting up. I looked over and Leslie is still asleep.
"I have a surprise; put your swim suit on. No arguing it's my birthday" Finn smiles and leaves the room. I don't want to fight with him so I go put my blue swimsuit on and brush my hair. I look in the mirror ad realize my hair has turned back to jet black. I guess the die Leslie used was temporary. I slip on some shorts and sneak out of the room. I see Finn in his board shorts smiling at me.
"Come on" He whispers as he grabs my hand and leads me to a staircase going up. I don't know how many fights we go up because the stairs are spiral.
"Where are we going" I ask while we are going up.
"Shh it's a surprise" he smiles still holding my hand. We finally get to a door and Finn pushes it open and we are on a high balcony outside that overlooks the ocean.
"Come on" Finn smiles and leads me down a ladder, what are we doing? We finally get to the ground and Finn starts leading me off and finally we are walking on the beach hand in hand.
"Finn what are we doing?" I ask laughing a little.
"Going somewhere, it wont take much longer" He smiles at me. When he smiles my stomach seems to warm and I'm sure I blush. We finally get to a cliff and Finn leads us up to the top. I look over and it's beautiful.
"Finn this is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen" I say staring at the ocean.
"It comes a close second for me" Finn says.
"What is the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?" I ask, if it is better than this I want to see it.
Finn cups my face in his hands and smiles, "You Annie, you're the most beautiful thing I have ever seen" he says. I blush and smile.
"Really" I smile up at him.
"Yes, really" He smiles then let's go of my face. "Let's jump" He says looking over the edge of the cliff.
"Are you crazy" I almost yell, is he trying to kill me?
"Annie trust me, there is water. I'll be with you, we can jump together" He says grabbing my hand. We interlock fingers and I feel that heat in my stomach again.
"Together" I smile and Finn counts to three then we jump into the water. The water is surprisingly warm and beautiful blue. I open my eyes underwater and see Finn smiling.
I swim closer to him and we wraps his arms around my waist, still under water. I loop my arms around his neck and we stay like that, staring into each other's eyes.
We finally come up for air and move to a section in the water where our feet will touch the bottom but water still surrounds us. We stand still interlocked.
"You have beautiful eyes" I smile up at Finn blushing slightly.
"I was just about to tell you that" He laughs softly.
I smile and Finn traces my cheek with his and then traces my lips, then cups his hand over my cheek. I lean into the warmth of his hand. Finn cups my face and lifts my face up to see his. I can see the sun turning pink are orange shades signaling sunrise and I look into Finn's sea blue eyes. I bring my right hand up to touch his cheek gently. He pulls me closer to him, our bodies pressed against each other I could feel the heat of his skin against mine. I bring both of my hands around his neck and Finn wraps his hands around my waist. I can smell his cologne being this close, it smells sweet and inviting. I look at his hair shimmering in the faint sunlight. Everything feels and looks perfect, the air grows comfortably warm and I lay my right hand on Finn's chest. His chest is coated in muscle and warm to the touch. I look at him intensely studying my face and I start to feel a little self conscious but then our eyes meet and I can't pull my gaze from his.
Finn slowly brings his face closer to mine and looks into my eyes questioning. I nod knowing what his eyes asked, he wanted to kiss me. He pressed his lips to mine and I did the same. Everything seemed to stop and nothing mattered but us, right here, right now. His soft lips pressed harder against mine and I never wanted this to stop.
Leslie's POV!
I woke up and couldn't find her and Sebastian couldn't find Finn so we went looking. We checked every room in the house and decided to go outside and check. We searched the pool, the beach and I remembered the cliffs so we ran off looking for them.
When we finally saw them they didn't see us. They were standing in the water interlocked, Sebastian giggled and I yelled off the cliffs to them.
"Well look-y there Finn and Annie making out" I yelled. I could clearly see Annie blush like she always did and Finn blushing too.
Finn's POV!
I finally got a real kiss with Annie, alone and what happens? Leslie ruins it. I can see Annie blushing and I blush a little too. Were we really making out?
Annie and I walk back onto the beach with Sebastian and Leslie and we all sit down, Annie and I staying close with Leslie and Sebastian following suit.
"So are you two official now?" Leslie smirked. I didn't know the answer because I didn't exactly ask Annie liked I planned to, we just kissed but it felt like so much more. I look to Annie and she gives me the same questioning look I give her so I decide on what I must do.
I take Annie's hand in mine and look her in the eyes, "Annie will you be my girlfriend?" I ask and she blushes but nods her heads and smiles. Sebastian whoops and then I think of something.
"So are you and Sebastian dating?" I say getting Leslie back but sadly she brushes it off.
"Yup" She smiles. Then Leslie gets a devilish smile and opens her mouth to talk.
Annie (Cresta)'s POV!
I heard the door bell ring and walked from the kitchen to the door. I opened the door to see Finn's Cousin Hannah.
"Hi Hannah, set your bags down and I'll get them later. Why don't you join most of the kids outside? In fact I'll walk you out there" I smile and Hannah agrees. She sets down her bag and we walk outside starting small chat when on the beach I see Finn and Annie kissing, or making out and Sebastian and Leslie doing the same thing.
"Finnick Ryan Odair" I scream enraged. Finn and Annie pull away both heavily blushed. This will end here and now.
Author's note: Cliff hanger I know! But don't worry I'll update tomorrow possibly later today