Sorry for not updating for long but I was really busy with my other stories but now the chapter's up so I hope you enjoy it and please R&R. Also I forgot to mention that Tamara in the dub is Tamao in the Japanese and sub and Corey is Kororo.

The awakening day felt warm on the face of the young brown haired boy who lay on the luscious emerald grass in the middle of the yard. The golden sun rose from its peaceful slumber as its rays spread across the world gently reaching into the homes of all living creatures on the planet.

The boy that lay on the ground however didn't even budge as the warmth hit his face. His clothing was slightly torn in a few places and his face was still wet from sweat after the previous day's work out. His orange headphones lay a couple of centimetres away from him.

"Hey Yoh, are you alright?" Chocolate eyes flickered open at the sound of the curious voice.

"Morty, oh yeah I'm fine," Yoh forced himself up into a sitting position beside his small friend.

"That's good, I was worried what happened?"

"One of Pirika's special trainings" The shaman answered as he reached out for his headphones and placed them on his head, before forcing himself up.

Morty sweat-dropped at the sound of more training, that his best friend had to endure.

"Anyway I'm going to wash and get changed" With that said the brown haired walked away towards the house, stumbling from time to time.

Morty stared at Yoh for a while longer before he realised something and searched around the yard, "Where's Amidamaru?" He questioned quietly but he was interrupted when he heard the upcoming voices of the two blue haired siblings.

"Put your knees higher, and now one-two-one-two" The commanding voice of the female rung through the air and the exhausted cry of her brother filled the atmosphere soon after.

Morty stared at the entrance for a bit until he could see the two figures approaching. Trey had his arms chained up behind his back with his snowboard balancing on his head, the boy kept thrusting his legs up high into the air and Morty couldn't help but laugh quietly at the awkward scene. However he soon noticed that Corey his tiny guardian ghost wasn't with the pair.

"Oh hi Morty have you seen Yoh?" Pirika asked as they walked into the yard and while she stopped in front of the short boy Trey stood in place, still thrusting his legs up, his upper body swinging all around in order to keep the board balanced.

"Actually he went to get dressed" Morty answered, Pirika thanked him before she walked she pushed her brother forward and towards the house.

Morty was about to follow when he heard Tamara telling her spirits to stop arguing. The young lad turned around and saw the trio walking through the entrance, the pink haired holding shopping bags most likely with food for their journey.

"Huh… Hello Morty" The girl said as she noticed the 'dirty blonde' haired.

Morty greeted the lass and her two ghosts before he jogged over to help her carry the bags.

"Tamara do you know where Amidamaru is?"

Tamara looked surprised but nodded before replying "Anna said that the boys rely on their ghosts too much so she tied them up and took them with her,"

"Where did she go?" Morty questioned.

Tamara shook her head her pink hair flying around with the wind which suddenly picked up from the gentle breeze which was present only a few moments ago, "I don't know" The girl admitted.

Morty gave a quick nod and the humans along with the two ghosts walked into the large house where they could hear Pirika's barking coming from upstairs ordering the two shamans around.

The pair exchanged glances and grinned before walking into the kitchen where they began to unpack the bags, and much to Morty's surprise even the two childish ghosts laid their bags down and helped to unpack.

"Now get to the yard and I want fifty laps followed by one hundred push ups, now go!" The sound of footsteps running down the stairs could be heard as Yoh who now had clean fresh clothing on and Trey run past the kitchen and out of the front door, with Pirika casually walking after them.

The bluenette however walked into the kitchen before grabbing an apple off of the counter and exiting again, "You four hurry and make breakfast" She said quickly before leaving.

"At least Anna's not here," Morty whispered under his breath before getting to work.

Breakfast without Rio to help took longer than expected but finally it was finished. Morty helped Tamara lay the food out on the dining table before calling the hard working shamans and their trainee in. Yoh and Trey immediately stopped what they were doing and raced to the table where they had boiled egg and warm bread with butter awaiting them.

"Let's dig in!" The duo exclaimed without much thought as they bit into their food, crumbs flying all around.

Morty couldn't help but wonder when the last time Yoh was passionate about eating and when he last acted so carefree especially after all he went through in the previous tournament.