5 times Jim and Spock slept next to each other out of 5 different reasons …

and 1 time out of love.

The first time…

was due to an accident.

"I don't understand how you always get yourselves into this kind of trouble but obviously you got some talent in that."

Jim rolled his eyes while sitting next to Spock on top of a biobed in sick bay, extending his wrist just as Spock so that Bones could examine the damage. At the same time he couldn't help himself but leer at his wrist and secretly agree with Bones that the current scenario might be one of the weirdest he could imagine. Even if he would never say it out loud.

He watched Bones shake his head for the probably 1000th time during the last five minutes.

"Whatever this thing is – it definitely has a firm lock on you both."

"Obviously this 'thing' as you like to refer to is a parasitic plant, Dr. McCoy, which had sought for another host after it had been cut from his bole. And just as obviously it had found a new host in the Captain and myself."

Spock's controlled and emotionless lecture didn't seem to improve Bones' mood a bit.

"You don't say! Really? I would never have discovered this by myself."

"Therefore I found it logical to let you participate in my conclusions."

He had to smile while he watched Bones bending forward again, examining their wrists and mumbling 'damn hobgoblin'.

But then he leered at his wrist again which was entwined by a green climber. The same plant entwined around Spock's wrist and connected their wrists inseparably to one another. He had visited Spock in the science labs to check on the latest advancements. Spock had analyzed some plants' samples they had collected during their last mission on Helcos IV. He had looked over Spock's shoulder in interest and Spock had explained to him what he hoped to find in those samples when he had suddenly felt something touching his hand. Instinctively he had looked down the moment a green extension of a big, foreign climber had entwined around his right wrist. Spock's fine hearing obviously had heard the plant's rustling because the Half-Vulcan had turned around immediately, analyzed the situation and reacted at lightning speed. With his Vulcan strength he had grabbed the extension of the plant which had entwined around his wrist and separated it from the plant. But instead of destroying the extension the extension's rugged end had wrapped itself around Spock's left wrist, connecting their wrists together. Spock had tried once again to break away the extension from their wrists but like a parasite the extension had bored itself into their skins with little barbs and suckers. In addition Spock's attempt to free their wrists from the plant by force had caused them some serious pain. Therefore they finally had agreed to contact Bones.

"Why don't you store plants like this one locked in a cupboard or whatever, Commander? And why did you allow Jim to come near this plant in the first place? You know perfectly well that Jim's a trouble magnet."


His interjection was ignored by both, Bones and Spock, who measured each other with those odd looks, obviously ready to continue their previous encounter.

"The plant has not shown any peculiarities so far, Doctor. A development like the one at hand could not have been foreseen."

"That's no excuse. In Jim's company you have to count on the unforeseeable as you should know by now."

"I'm still here in this room and I'm perfectly able to hear you."

But once again his injection was ignored. Instead he saw Spock raise his right eyebrow while watching Bones.

"I would appreciate it, Doctor, if you would stop your illogical and irrational accusations and elaborate on the best therapy and your plans of action."

He watched Bones finding his CMO-attitude again with Spock's words. From 'Let's-treat-Jim-like-a-child-'cause-really-how-he-arrived-adultship-is-beyond-me' to 'Damn-right-I'm-the-CMO-here-so-don't-mess-with-me' in one second.

"Obviously the plant attached itself with barbs and synapses to your skin, nerve system and blood circulation. We need surgery to get the plant off of you. Unfortunately my knowledge in Vulcan neurology is limited. Therefore I can't rate the effects the plant or its removal will have on your telepathic abilities, Commander. I will contact an old friend of mine, Dr. M'Benga, who'd lived and practiced on Vulcan for many years and who has great knowledge of Vulcan physiology and neurology. After I have spoken to Dr. M'Benga I will perform surgery. That will be tomorrow morning. Fortunately the plant's no serious threat to your health yet so I'm sure you'll survive.

Totally aghast he starred at Bones.

"Tomorrow morning? And what are Spock and I supposed to do until then? With this … thing around our wrists?"

Unimpressed by his words Bones simply shrugged.

"What about sleeping? Guess that's all you can do now anyway because – just in case I forgot to mention it earlier – you both will stay at sick bay so I can have a regular look at your vital functions while I speak with Doctor M'benga. Just in case."

And with these words Bones left Spock and him alone without allowing another discussion. For a moment they both stayed silent. But then he met Spock's calm and stoic gaze.

"And now?"

He watched Spock raising his eyebrow just a bit.

"Although I am reluctant to admit it Dr. McCoy may be right in this special point. It would be a logical decision to stay at sick bay this night as long as we are not provided with trusted knowledge about the effects the plant may have upon our respective organisms."

Jim sighed.

"I suspected you would say that."

Spock's only response was his eyebrow which shot even higher.

Jim broke the silence again.

"So – are you tired?"

"Vulcans require about 42.68 % less sleep than humans as you should know."

But then Spock's eyebrow slipped back into place.

"Nevertheless we should consider to use the remaining night time for sleep as it would be the most logical and effective option until the surgery in the morning. The plant around our wrists limits our possibilities to use our time in a more efficient way."

"I take this as a YES."

And without waiting for another reaction he fell back on the biobed and pulled the obviously surprised Half-Vulcan with him. He tossed and turned a bit until he found an almost comfortable position on this back. Then he turned his head to meet Spock's gaze again who had also laid himself next to him in the meantime. Their hands, connected through the plant, laid between their bodies. The plant gave their hands just enough space to avoid direct skin contact and he bet that Spock was very grateful for that. Especially since Spock had laid himself at the very end of the bed, obviously anxious to put as much space between them as possible.

For a moment he let sink in this weird, somehow surreal situation. He had never been short of fantasy. He could imagine a lot of things. He could imagine discussing for hours with his stoic First Officer and kind of friend. Or playing chess with him the whole night. He could imagine beaming with Spock to foreign planets, discovering new worlds, making peace or kicking some rebellious aliens' asses. He couldn't imagine a better First Officer and kind of friend to experience the best adventures. But he had never imagined ending with Spock in one bed.

But before the situation could become uncomfortable at last he broke the silence again.

"So – good night, Spock."

Spock turned his head to face him and for a surreal moment which matched the surreal situation in an absurd kind of way he found himself caught in those dark eyes – the most human part in Spock's otherwise so emotionless, Vulcan face.

"Good night as well, Captain."

Spocks clinical words got him out of this moment and suddenly he was grateful for that. Instead he shook his head amused and exasperated at the same time.

"Captain? Seriously, Spock? Come on, we're sharing the same bed at the moment so call me by my given name for once, will you?"

And in this moment he was sure to see an amused glint in Spock's human eyes.

"As you wish, Jim."

He smiled.


Then he turned away his head, closed his eyes and murmured:

"Computer, lights to 0 %."

And in the darkness he fell asleep soon in spite of the foreign, warm body next to him.