It is me once again, Viperwatcher. After going dark for so long, I AM BACK! With a new story on board! Honestly, at this point, I'm glad that I still can write fics. After scrapping idea after idea, I finally decided to take a break from it all and just relax. And relax I did; which is why I've been gone...for like what? A month or so? I don't know. Rest assured, I am not dead. For those of you who do know me, you know where I usually am at. Heck, if you know where that is, you can even contact me, since I am VERY active THERE.

Brushing that all aside. NEW STORY! WOOT! I am feeling a bit sad that my stories aren't getting much attention as they used to. *sigh* Oh well. As long as they are readers, and they leave reviews, I am happy.



So yeah. After thinking things down, writing it all up, I finally came down with something...different. I wanted to write something close to what I know, but at the same time unique to the point that it differs from your usual story. And before you think, NO. This ain't another "Human-goes-to-Dragon-Realms" fic that I normally am capable of. Very far from that. So like I was saying, the tone of the writing here is reminiscent of my fic "A Human's Verve".

You could even say that this is somewhat of a soul sequel to it.

Well enough chit-chat from me. I think it's time I let you guys read the story for yourselves.

There may be some plot holes that I may have overlooked, I apologize in advance. I tried my best in making all the canon characters stay in character, but I had to improvise at certain points, since I really couldn't imagine how would they react.Lastly, Spyro fanfic fans who are reading this, please take note. I am not a pro at writing so don't expect me to be great because I'm not. Got that?

So with all that said and done, I present the 1st chapter of my new story,

Legacy of Legends

Disclaimer: I own nothing except my characters. Other canon characters are owned by their respective companies.

Exclaimer: To people who don't like the story, just don't read it.

Special Thanks to Alec the Dark Angel for being my beta for this story.

Chapter 1


The sky above them proved to be a useful omen.

She couldn't believe the extent of the things she had done.

After all, she had single-handedly carried a full grown dragon on her back, all the while flying in a narrow hole, in an effort to escape their certain death trap. It was unheard off, but not impossible. After all, she had done it. She lied down as she rested on the soft green grass. Not that she was sceptical, but she certainly accepted death when it seemed that all hope was lost. Of course, the entire world was splitting apart, and only one dragon seemed capable enough to stop it.

The Legendary Purple Dragon, Spyro; the one lying next to her, still sleeping; it must have taken a great toll on him to procure a strong enough power to piece the entire world back together. This rest was well earned and well deserved; for both of them; for her, Cynder and for him, Spyro. She lied down, suddenly surprised at how exhausted she really was. Now that she had time to reflect, she realized that she and Spyro had been battling their way and trying frantically to survive ever since they had been released from the crystal. They only had gotten a short time of rest, when they had reached Warfang.

And now that peace was evident, she welcomed sleep with open paws.

0 0 0 0 0

Spyro couldn't remember when he had regained consciousness, but when he did, he nearly jumped out of instinct. As the memories flooded back to him, he realized he was no longer inside Malefor's Lair. Nor was he in any sort of danger whatsoever. He was, however, outside, much to his surprise. He sighed, noticing his efforts weren't in vain. He knew it was a long shot, but it had felt right. When the moment came, he summoned all of his power, and tried to stop the inevitable end. The gamble paid off, and here he was, standing at the Dragon Realms he saved. He looked to his left, and saw his companion. Cynder was sleeping faintly right beside him, a smile on her maw. Spyro couldn't have asked a better companion to have. She was the best partner he ever had. For now, she just let her rest, as he stretched and flexed, checking if anything had been broken when he had fought the Dark Master.


The name sent shivers down his spine. The last time he had seen him, he was being dragged down by the spirits of the Ancients, and no doubt getting sealed off to wherever place he was sent. No, that wasn't the thing that scared him. It wasn't Malefor's actions that scared Spyro. It was who Malefor became. It scared him how Malefor had said, that the fate of the Purple Dragons was to bring the Great Cleansing. To literally destroy the world; it contradicted everything Spyro stood for. Was it true? Was Malefor speaking the truth? Or was he lying?

The question could only be answered by Malefor himself.

Whichever the case was, Spyro prepared himself for the worse. If it had come to the point, where the darkness that existed inside him, begun to unravel, he'll surely fight back. He had fought it and was successful before. What was to say he'd fail now? Where it mattered most?

Spyro's musings was stopped when he had heard a faint stirring behind him. Turning around, he saw Cynder now slowly waking up.

"Good morning sleepy head," he said, walking towards her.

"Look who's talking. I'm beginning to think Sparx wasn't lying. You are very heavy Spyro," she retorted. Spyro however was confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I had to carry your sorry rump out of that cave, and into the forest. That's what I mean."

Spyro smirked, half annoyed, and half enjoying the somewhat poor insult. Cynder stretched, coughing slightly.

"How are you feeling?"

"Nothing I can't handle."

"That's good to hear."

Cynder went over to the side, and looked at the cliff edge. She had specifically chosen this area for them to rest, since no one would be able to disturb them, if they were to fall asleep for a long time. They were high up, and the only way to get to them was to fly.

"Where are we anyway?" asked Spyro looking around.

"We're near Twilight Falls."

Spyro nodded. "Oh."

"Well, let's get going then, we want to get to Warfang before night fall." Cynder spread opened her wings, and prepared for flight.

"Right behind you."

A few moments later, the two dragons were soaring up at the sky, gently gliding over the wind currents that made flight easy. Spyro noted how comfortable it was to fly. Without the chain that bound the two of them together, manoeuvring was so easy now. With Cynder leading the way, Spyro glanced at the side, looking at the horizon. The sun was now beginning to set. No doubt that there little rest atop the cliff edge was far longer than he had thought.

"You'll think we'll make it before nightfall?"

Cynder looked back. "I doubt it."

"Well, let's find a place to camp out, before its night."


0 0 0 0 0

The minutes ticked by, as fast as the fire before them burned. Night had now fallen and the two dragons were lethargically positioned beside the fire Spyro had made. True to the prediction, they hadn't made it and so decided to just camp out for the night. Twilight Forest wasn't exactly a dangerous area, so it was okay. And as for the location of their campsite, they need not look for one.

"Honestly Spyro, I didn't think of this," commented Cynder.

"Me either. I guess it was by chance I happened to see it when I was looking for a spot."

The two dragons were at the same exact location they had camped out before. When they were with Hunter the Cheetah; the very same location they were knocked out, as they were ambushed by the cheetahs in the surrounding area.

Spyro smiled. "But at least now we know that we won't be getting hit by any knockout balls."

"Yeah…that really hurt…"

Cynder stared at the burning fire before her. Finding she was bored, rather than sleepy. She had been sleeping for most of the day, so she still had enough energy to keep her going. They only stopped for the night, since it was a bad idea to venture out during the night. Spyro on the other hand, rested his head on his paws, as he lied down beside Cynder.

"You're awfully clingy," said Cynder looking at him.

Spyro looked surprised at her. "Oh, sorry; force of habit."

Yes it was force of habit indeed. When they had slept for the night back at Warfang, Spyro was forced to sleep close to Cynder. The chain that had bound them together, dictated to them so.

Cynder giggled. "Not that mind or anything."

Spyro raised a brow, and resumed his position back beside her. At that moment, a cold gush of wind blew by, making both of them shiver from the cold. The small campfire before them nearly got blown out, but managed to sustain itself. Thinking rationally and the gentleman he was, Spyro used his wing to cover Cynder partly, and press her up close to him.

"W-what are you doing?"

"Keeping you warm."

Cynder had to admit it to herself, what Spyro did made her cheeks go red.

"T-thank you…" she replied timidly.

"You're welcome."

That was when Cynder noticed that Spyro was staring at her.

"What is it?"

"It's nothing…" he trailed off. "I'm just happy you're here by my side."

"I'll always be by your side Spyro, no matter what."

However, the peaceful moment had reached its end.

A snap of a twig broke the silence between the two of them.

In complete sync, Spyro and Cynder turned their heads to the direction where it came from. In a flash, they got up to their feet, and prepared themselves for whatever it was. Spyro glanced at Cynder, who nodded back. Cynder opened her maw, and summoned a glob of acid. With striking precision, she chucked it at the brush before them, a splash evident as it hit the ground.

But the splash wasn't the only sound they heard. Along with the crackling of the acid, a voice was also audible.

"Oh my go—OW!"

Clearly Cynder hit her target with one hundred percent accuracy.

"What is this stuff! OW! That burns! OW!"

The brush before them shook violently, as the acid burned it down. Spyro and Cynder just watched, quickly glancing at each other once, before turning their attention back to the brush. A few seconds later, a dragon, stumbled out. This, the two did not expect. From the dim light they had, Spyro could tell that he was an electric dragon. His yellow scales glowed under the light of the fire. The dragon was nursing a paw before it looked up and noticed the stare of the two dragons.

"Eh…hi?" He said, with a sheepish grin on his face.

Cynder voiced the question that was both on her and Spyro's mind.

"Who are you?"

The dragon smiled broadly. Standing up, he puffed out his chest. "Zaze is the name; Zaze the dragon."

"And what are you doing here?" asked Spyro, raising a brow.

"That…" Zaze looked down, a sudden change in his demeanor. "I don't know."

Cynder cocked her head, lowering her guard. It was obvious that this dragon was friendly.

"You don't know?"

Spyro did the same. "Why is that?"

"Well it's a long story…" trailed Zaze.

Spyro glanced at Cynder. She nodded at him.

"We have the time. We're willing to listen."

Spyro turned around and positioned himself beside the campfire; Cynder right behind him, returning to her position beside him. The new comer sat back down across from them, seemingly relieved that there was a source of warmth before him.

"So Zaze, what's your story?"

Zaze sighed, and then looked the two of them both in the eye.

"That's just it. I don't have a story. Aside from my name, I don't remember anything else about me. I don't who I am."

Author's Notes:

Yeah. Zaze has amnesia. I did it again. Deal with it. I love me them amnesiac dragons. Having them have amnesia is both beneficial for me, in a writer's perspective, which is why I did it.

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