What happened next chapter 9.

Thank you to all the people who reviewed the previous chapter. You guys are great. Do you think you could review again?

I have never and will never own any copyrights to Harry Potter.

The classes continued and were largely successful. There were a few minor hiccups and the clothing classes had Hermione ready to pull her hair out ('was it really that hard to choose gender appropriate clothes?' she wondered 'I put signs that said male and female above the racks!') but by January they were ready to start the final testing. Everybody involved was justifiably proud of themselves. To have the whole magical population go from knowing little or nothing about muggles in September to testing in January was something to be impressed about.

During her Christmas speech the Queen made the first of several announcements that would start to introduce the magical world to their countrymen. The clock was now ticking for the magical world to be ready.

The hybrid house was immensely popular with many people, especially amongst the muggle born or raised witches and wizards, and the Weasley twins were inundated by the orders. They had to hire several new people to keep supply matching demand and this would keep the twins busy for several years to come. The first house they converted was their childhood home, "The Burrow", much to their father's, and later their mother's, delight.

By the year 2010 there were only a small handfull of people that did not own a 'muggle inspired' product. Most people were happily living in fully intigrated houses.

In mid-January Hermione scheduled her classes to test in groups of 10. They had 30 minutes to familiarise themselves with the house and then another 30 minutes to take the tests.

Hermione was pleased that everyone that she had tested so far had passed with good marks. There had been a few close calls and accidents that had her worried but, even if it was only by one point, they had passed. Then it was time for the final group. Owing to an odd number of students there would be one group of 3. This was the Malfoy's turn.

Hermione had noticed that after the first class the Malfoy family had been paying attention almost religiously for several weeks but then slipped back into their old ways and rarely contributed or paid attention in the classes.

'They were warned about the consequences.' she thought to herself. 'I can't make them study so it is their own fault if they fail.'

In the house, after the familiarisation time, she asked Draco to turn on the TV. He picked up the remote control and turned it on and then was so startled by the loud heavy metal music clip, pulled out his wand and blasted the machine apart.

"Was that wrong? Err...sorry." He muttered.

Lucius managed to set fire to the radiators in the bedrooms with an 'incendio' charm when asked to turn the heat up and Narcissa somehow made all the plumbing turn into Swiss cheese while running a bath.

'How the heck did she do THAT?' Hermione wondered in amazement. 'I better not tell the twins about this one.'

Soon the Malfoy family left, all confident that they had done well. Well… that was how Draco had explained about a speechless Mrs Potter.

'We must have done so well we scared her.' Smugly thought Lucius.

Hermione was standing in the door way watching them leave. She turned and looked at the ruined house in horror. The carpets were sodden, all of the electrical items in the house were either billowing orange smoke or throwing sparks, several walls had holes in them and there was a strange neon pink goo dripping from the kitchen ceiling.

'All of this damage in less than 15 minutes?' she shuddered. 'I am NEVER teaching them again! Let someone else have the breakdown!'

In April the entire Magical community had finished the course and had taken their final exams. The results were posted to each person informing them if they had passed or not. Of the whole country only 18 people had failed and had to retake the classes. They were scheduled for 4 classes a week for 6 weeks. All 3 Malfoy's were on the enrolled list. Hermione had privately appealed to Arthur so that she would NOT be the one to lead the class this time.

"Ahh… here are our results. We know we passed so just throw them in the fire, dear." Said a smug Lucius. "Now, how are we going to present ourselves to this 'queen'?"

Owl were sent to Malfoy Manor Repeatedly but were ignored by the family. They did not realize that these letters were the fines for missing the classes.

In June, the day for reinvesting titles to magical people had arrived. When it was his turn Lucius Malfoy knelt at the feet of Queen Elizabeth and prepared to make his oath. He believed that he had worked out how to give the oath without any magical backlash or problems. But that all went out the window as the Queen began speaking.

"Mr Malfoy, yes I deliberately called you MR, owing to your crimes against the non-magical world, your insistence on keeping your bigoted attitude toward Myself and anyone born without the gift of magic, the disregard you have already shown toward the new laws governing the use of magic and the abysmal failure, by yourself, your son and your wife, in the 'muggle living' classes I hereby strip you of your title Lord of Whilt and am making it known that from this day forth you, will be known to all as MISTER Lucius Malfoy. This decision is final!"

As the Queen turned away Arthur Weasley stepped forward. "Mr Malfoy, Heir Malfoy and Mrs Malfoy. I regret to be the one to tell you this ('well, no, I don't. I am enjoying this!' Arthur thought) but owing to your repeated failures to attend classes and the fact that you have made no attempt to pay the subsequent fines, I am sorry to say that the matter has been given over to the goblin debt collectors. They have the authority to seize any monies, goods and properties that you may have and if the amount in insufficient then you will be remanded in a goblin workhouse, where you will live until your debt is repaid. Shall we go to Gringotts and make the necessary arrangements?"

After being assessed as owing a grand total of G2,506,509,250 (or G835,503,083 for each individual) the Malfoy manor was seized and sold, their vaults were confiscated and all three were sent to work in the goblin mines until the debt of G1,853,576 was repaid. Unfortunately, all 3 died before the money was paid in full. Draco Malfoy only had G32 remaining to repay when he died aged 147.

The magical world was revealed in full by the end of 2004 and the cures that magical medicine could make in deadly diseases, like cancer or AIDs, resulted in an easier transition than many expected. From time to time some people, both magical and muggle, tried to protest against the integration but the majority of people would come to be happy with their new found neighbours.

Many centuries later Arthur Weasley was still remembered and often celebrated as the wonderful leader who reunited the magical and muggle worlds so successfully.

The end.