AN:- Part of the Five Years On AU verse… But not really because I'm pulling in Young Justice!Dick into this. Based on a pic by TwinEnigma called "what is even going on". Seriously, it's good, in fact all her pics and stories are good so why don't you head on over to her place and look. Cos this is going to be a full story with basis in that 'verse. If you get a little confused don't worry, I'll try and explain things as I go along. The easier version of this is simply, head to my profile and read Five Years On: The Series. Remember to drop a review by : ) I think maybe the Prologue and the first chapter would be up today.

Prologue: Between Worlds

The world between worlds always looked a little different each visit. Sometimes it was a wood with pools. Sometimes it was a kaleidoscope of colours with portals. Sometimes it was a mirror store… And sometimes, it was this. A simple concrete hallway interspaced with doors.

A black figure walked through this hallway, checking each door for the world he was after. He had appeared in a flash of light out of one door, and now, another joined him.

This wasn't meant to happen.

Nightwing wasn't supposed to have followed me here. Sure, I came here first but time in the world between worlds always ran a little differently. Still. I am the Deleter, and I have a mission.

Kill off Dick Grayson.

I had already failed once at the root, I didn't anticipate the sheer number of people willing to protect my target. But the other chance I have – the version, the portal I was headed for – wasn't as experienced. Wasn't even fully grown.

But Nightwing wasn't supposed to have followed me.

Damian was glad the Deleter hadn't gone yet. It made the job of stopping him easier. He marked the door he had appeared out of with one Wing-Ding and raced after him.


The blank faced – save for a white line where the mouth should be – villain turned around.

"Too late Nightwing! I am 2 doors away from my destination and nothing you can will stop me!"

It was true, Damian supposed as he ran down the hallway. He was a little far away. But time in the world between worlds always ran a little differently so maybe if he could just…


Deleter had covered the last to steps to bring him up to the doorway to Earth-16. The maniacal grin appeared once more.

"Too late Damian! You're too late!"

But both vanished in the flash of light through the door, Damian quickly marking it with two Wing-Dings.

And the world between worlds grew silent again. Save for a shift to a wood with pools and the almost inaudible snuffling of a guinea pig with a yellow ring tied to its back.

AN:- So... who spotted the references? :P. If you're here from Five Years On: The Series, hi again! if you're nwe. I hope you can put up with my headcanon. So tell me what you think and hopefully I'd have the first chapter up later today :D.