A/N A couple of people asked me if there was going to be another date...the answer is yes! Though it doesn't exactly go as planned...hopefully you enjoy anyways.

Disclaimer Still don't Young Justice. ...I'm sure it's only a matter of time though, right? Right?


Friday. 7 p.m.

Wally fidgeted nervously as he waited, staring at the door as if he could make Artemis walk out just by thinking hard enough. Their last date had gone well even if she hadn't known it was a date at first and even if he had to have kidnapped her, but it was still Artemis, and Wally wanted to impress her. He rubbed his arm as he thought about the blonde archer, hoping she wouldn't punch him too many times. Then the door finally opened, and Artemis walked out. Though she was just wearing her usual civilian outfit, the speedster thought she had never looked more beautiful.

Wally offered her his hand. Artemis took it, but couldn't help from commenting, "Wow, you're actually being a gentleman. You must really like me." She was teasing, clear from the playful glint in her grey eyes, but Wally's face turned slightly red anyways. That made Artemis blush as well, and an awkward silence lingered until they got to the car. Artemis stopped, staring at the front end of the vehicle. "Wally," she asked suspiciously, "what happened to your car?"

"I kind of…crashed it," Wally mumbled sheepishly, staring at the ground.

"You crashed your car?" Artemis repeated loudly, finding herself now unwilling to have Wally drive her anywhere.

"Just a fender bender!" Wally protested.

"Do I even want to know what happened?" Artemis asked.

"…Parallel parking," Wally mumbled. "It took too long to do, and I thought maybe if I could move the car in front of me out of the way a little, it would make things easier and speed it up," he explained.

"So you rammed the person in front of you."

"Well, yes, but it was only supposed to be enough to move the thing! Not smash the back end," Wally replied heatedly, struggling and failing to defend himself. Artemis raised an eyebrow at the speedster. "Wally, you are not going to drive me," she finally said, crossing her arms.

"Would you like me to carry you instead? 'Cause I'm pretty sure you can't keep up with me on foot," Wally responded with a hint of a smirk. Artemis glared at him for a moment, but then reluctantly reached for the door handle. "Fine. I'll get in the car," she grumbled.

Why did I get in the car? Artemis asked herself, tempted to smack some sense into the redhead's apparently empty skull. They were currently stuck between two cars, Wally attempting to parallel park again. It wasn't working, as they were at a diagonal, and Wally apparently lacked the precision or patience to maneuver them in between the two cars.

"But, Artemis-" Wally began.

"No buts, Wally," she interrupted, crossing her arms stubbornly.

"It'll work this time!" Wally insisted. "I know what I'm doing!"

"No, you don't. Shut up and do it like a normal person," Artemis scowled.


"No buts!" she repeated loudly. Wally, being the idiot he was, was convinced that this time his plan would actually work; if he hit the gas pedal just right, it would move the car in front forward a little, and make parallel parking a lot easier. Wally scowled at her, then eyed the car in front of them carefully, as if calculating something. "Wally, don't you dare-" Artemis began, but was cut off as Wally hit the gas pedal.

Artemis glared at Wally. Even with a mild concussion, she had punched his arm enough times to leave a bruise that would last for a few days, speed healing or not. "Wally West, you are officially an idiot," she declared, glowering at him from the gurney in the ambulance. Though she had insisted she was fine, apparently being whacked on the head meant people would dial 911. Which in turn meant Artemis would be checked out, and apparently kept a while for "observation". Wally was fine, of course; the idiot always escapes. It was Artemis who had to have the concussion.

"Look, I said sorry!" Wally said in what sounded like an irritated tone. Artemis could tell he really did feel bad from the look in his green eyes though, and she softened for a minute. Then she reminded herself she was stuck in an ambulance on the way to a hospital, and she began scowling again. "And sorry will get me out of here, Kid Idiot?" she snapped.

"I didn't want to be spending my Friday night stuck in an ambulance either!" Wally retorted. Somehow, he had talked his way into riding with Artemis in the ambulance, though the archer still wasn't sure how.

"You can go at any time."

"Oh, and leave you behind? Yeah, right. Good try, Arty," Wally snorted. His green eyes softened as he continued to look at her. "You are okay, though, right?" he checked, obviously worried.

Artemis raised an eyebrow as she stared at the speedster. "Wally, I was raised by Shadows, been shot at so many times I've lost count, and I was fine. I just got whacked on the head. No big deal. Why are you so worried?" she asked.

"Because none of those other times were my fault!" Wally burst out. "This time is different. If I had listened, you wouldn't be sitting in an ambulance right now with a concussion!" he continued, running his fingers through his messy red hair in frustration.

"You should've listened," Artemis agreed. "But I'm seriously okay. They just want to keep me for "observation"," she added, rolling her eyes. "It wasn't even a bad concussion." Wally slowly nodded, though he still looked fairly guilty about it. They soon arrived at the hospital. The doctors were nice and all, but Wally could tell that Artemis hated it anyway. Eventually, they were all set up in a small hospital room, Artemis scowling the entire time.

Finally, Wally had to speak up. "Artemis, are you hungry?" he asked, holding his own growling stomach.

"Go find us some food, Kid Stomach," she responded with a small smile. Wally left quickly in search of some sort of edible substance; he wasn't really picky.

The archer and the speedster sat on Artemis's bed, eating the hospital food. It wasn't that bad actually; a lot better than M'gann's first attempts at cooking, anyway. "You know, that isn't my car," Wally eventually admitted.

"Whose is it, then?" Artemis asked, both curious and apprehensive about the answer.

"…Barry's," Wally confessed, giving a sheepish grin.

"You wrecked Barry's car," Artemis repeated with a straight face, before bursting out laughing. "Tell me how that works out, Baywatch," she added. Wally gave her a sour look that soon turned a bit sheepish. "I should probably tell him now, actually," he mumbled.

"Have fun with that," Artemis smirked. Wally had pulled out his cell phone to call, but was interrupted. "Wally?"


"I had fun, actually," Artemis admitted.

Wally frowned, confused. "But you got a concussion. And you have to stay in the hospital for observation," he said.

"Well, yeah, but…you took me out to dinner," Artemis offered, gesturing towards the empty trays on the bed.

"It's hospital food, Arty," Wally responded, still confused. Maybe the concussion was worse than Artemis had let on, and the archer was suffering from brain damage. "It's still dinner," she shrugged. Then Wally grinned as realization dawned on him. "You just liked it because you got to spend time with me," he smirked, looking triumphant and smug. Artemis scowled, punching his arm again. "Shut up, West," she scowled. "We aren't even dating."

"Well, in that case…" Wally began, facing her with that lopsided grin of his. "Would you like to be my girlfriend, Artemis Crock?" he asked, holding a hand out for her dramatically. Artemis scowled even as she smiled, and she took his hand. "Baywatch, did you even have to ask?" she responded, pulling him closer. At first uncertain of what she was doing, all of Wally's questions disappeared as Artemis's lips made contact with his. In fact, almost all of Wally's brain function ceased at that point.

Artemis broke the contact, leaning forward some. "The answer is yes," she added in a quiet whisper in his ear. Wally pulled back to look at her, noticing the light in her grey eyes, the way the corners of her lips curled up into that beautiful smile. Wally grinned, squeezing the archer's hand lightly. He knew Robin would most likely tease him relentlessly about this later, but at the moment, the redhead didn't care. Because he was now dating Artemis Crock.

And that made up for just about anything.

A/N Wow, I'm cheesy lately. Sorry about that...hopefully it was still good though, and not too corny or anything. ;) Anywho, please review!