OMG! I'm writing a fanfic! Okay, sooooo….I decided to write my own Naruto fanfic about my fave game ever (Truth, Dare, or Kiss?) and my fave Naruto couples! Soooo….excited!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto! (Sasuke might though!)

Sasuke: What?

Me: Oh, nothing, nothing! ;)

The sun was shining our favorite blonde-hair, blue-eyed ramen lover made his way through the streets of Konoha.

I'm so excited for my day off! I wonder what we're going to do at Ino's house! Will Sasuke be there? Hmm…Sasuke's been acting weird lately, I hope nothing's wrong! What if he's sick? Maybe he has a fever, or maybe he got hurt the other day when I punched his hard, toned, sexy…AAAHH! BAD THOUGHTS, BAD THOUGHTS!

Naruto walked into Ino's house, shaking his head free of the perverted images that floated into his mind, feeling ready to hang out with the other ninja (ninjas?) that had populated Ino's room.

Sakura, Ino, Tenten, Temari and Hinata were huddled in a corner debating whether Karin's hair was naturally red or not while Shikamaru, Choji, Gaara (^_^), Kiba, Neji, Kankuro, Lee and Sasuke were lounging around the room, half asleep.

"HEY! I WANT SOME RAMEN!" Naruto cried his usual greeting as he walked through the door, his face slightly red as his gaze lingered on Sasuke for a moment.


"Hi Naruto-k-kun!" Hinata replied, although she'd gotten over her crush, she still stuttered a bit when talking to the young-Kyuubi vessel.

"Hey!" said Temari and Tenten in unison, while Shikamaru and Neji just nodded their heads in acknowledgement. Gaara stared (sexily as always!) before adding his "Hello"

Choji added a muffled greeting between munches of the chips he'd been sharing with Kankuro (Choji SHARING?), while Lee leapt up to embrace Naruto in a Youthful hug.

Sasuke stared at the boy, his eyes snaking down his body before replying: "Hn, the dobe finally decided to show up?"

As if on cue, an angry (scary) Sakura appeared behind Naruto, ready to attack.

"Naruto! You've kept us waiting for hours! Don't you have any sense of time?" She yelled, as she forcefully pounded Naruto's head.

"Aah! Why Sakura-chan?" he wailed weakly as he slumped to the floor.

"Get up Naruto!" Ino replied annoyed appearing with an empty bottle in hand, "It's time for some fun!"

Nobody liked the glint in her eye as she walked back into the room.

Well...that pretty much sets up the story, that's all I'll do for now! Be ready for some major fun! (Maybe some lemon eventually ;P) BIG MAYBE THOUGH!