Hi guys,

Disclaimer: I don't own Vampire Diaries, or any of its characters, :(

This is much smuttier than I thought I would ever write, hope its not too bad though.

Also sorry if my Bamon stories bought you here, although I am beginning to like Damon less by the day I still believe that Bamon would be hot and Bonnie is awesome!

This is un beta'd I really need to start getting my stuff proof read, when I go back later, I notice so many mistakes :s I apoligise profusely for that.. Anyway, on with the Klaroline goodness...


Sunlight streamed through curtains into a pretty room in Vienna. Golden light sparkled everywhere, across the toned back of the man sprawled face down half hanging off the huge four poster bed. Through his dusky russet blond hair. He shifted slightly tucking his face closer into the crook of his arm shielding his closed eyes from the offencive morning sunshine. The movement caused the navy satin sheets to fall further off the bed pooling on the floor and leaving him barely covered.

Caroline lent against the door frame crossing her arms across her body as she took in the sight before her. The slight movement from the bed causing utter stillness in her, just in case she disturbed him. He was always so hyper aware of his surroundings, even in sleep it was a rarity to see him so very relaxed. He looked so young and innocent, not capable of causing even half the pain he had caused in his long life. The blue eyed vampire wondered not for the first time if she would ever get used to the feeling of her heart tumbling in her chest at the sight of him. Not that the thought of ripping his throat out never crossed her mind, the man made her mad on a daily basis but after 80 years together the love was still as strong as the day she first realised she had fallen.

"Come back to bed love" His accent washed over her and pulled her away from her thoughts. A quick shake of her head sent her curls flying. Of course he knew she was there, not once yet had she manged to sneak up on him, surprised him constantly but never successfully managed to sneak up on him.

"Good morning Nik" The blond vampire purred. Crossing the room and crawling up on their lake sized bed. Memories filling her head as she nipped at his ear.


"Come back to bed love" Klaus sat up amongst his pillows. The sheets just covering his lap, leaving his chest bared.

"…" looking like a rabbit caught in headlights Caroline turned back from the door she was trying to sneak out of. Hastily dressed, shirt buttons done up wrong, she was fully aware she was gaping like a fish but no words would form in her head let alone leave her mouth.

Klaus was now standing up never taking his eyes off her as he seemed to glide across the room. His hand reached out and took the shoes she hadn't quite got round to putting on yet from her hand and dropped them to the floor.

"This wasn't a mistake Caroline" He said in a voice so low only a vampire would have heard. Hoping the desperation he was feeling didn't show in his face, he raised his other hand to cup her cheek, relief flooding through as she lent into it.

"I know," Taking an unnecessary breath Caroline closed her eyes, as his thumb stroked her face "I know, I just wish..." Not finishing out the sentence the baby vampire closed the small distance between them and placed a kiss to his lips.

How could something so wrong, feel so right? She was sure she was going insane, if she wasn't already heading to hell for being a vampire anyway falling for the devil himself would earn her a place for sure. His hands warmed her skin as he gripped her hips to pull her closer. Slender fingers tangled in his honey coloured hair, sending shivers down his spine as nails scraped the sensitive skin at the nape of his neck. As much as she knew her friends would probably never forgive her, she was tired of fighting this. She had an eternity in front of her and he had offered her the world. Shown her a side of him no one would ever believe was there. He was no different from them in that all he did he did for the love of his family. Everyone deserved a chance at happiness. When Caroline was with Klaus she didn't feel fear she felt, well her whole body hummed but it was lust and a yearning. She felt worthy, like she could have everything she wanted and deserved to have it. On her terms though, she wouldn't compel people unnecessarily, or murder people for food. There were ways around those things and she would use them. Didn't mean she had to deny herself some treats though right.. ? sure the man currently nibbling on her bottom lip was bound to be bad for her but..

"Lets go back to bed" She sighed with a smile in her voice, already walking them in that direction as she kissed him as though their very lives depended on it. Warm breath tickled her neck as he skimmed human teeth along her slim neck. Her head involuntarily arching backwards giving him better access. He had known last night that he would never allow another being to touch her this way ever again, all he has to do now is convince her of the same.

A small moan escaped her as he tugged her skin tight jeans away revealing that she hadn't bothered with her pants in her hurry. He growled low in his throat as she bit down on his shoulder as they tumbled back into the bed. He tumbled them so she was below him, he had barely had a chance to look at her in their haste last night he was sure to take his time this time around. His wide hands skimmed down her body, tracing it as though committing it to memory. thumbs rubbing over already sensitiveskin, paying close attention to the sounds escaping her mouth as he found particularly sensitive spots, noticing the way the back arched the the mattress as they found her nipple and worked it to a hard peak. His cock ached and twitched at the growl she made as his mouth replaced his thumb and he bit down lightly, she knew his mouth would be the death of her.

His hands continued their journey south of her body, as her nails dug into his head. He smirked as she breathed his name. Sure he'd never again hear a sweeter sound. How had he lived forever without her in his life? She whimpered below him as he purposely missed her aching core, he could scent her want for him, but thought he might like to hear it.. his nails scraped her thigh as he moved to take her mouth again with his own.

"Look at me Caroline, I want to know you know its me that's taking you tonight."

"Klaus.." He shifted so he could cup her face drawing her attention to him as his other hand found her core, he watched her eyes cloud over as he slipped in a finger, "Oh god"

"No love, Klaus." He chuckled bringing his mouth to hers briefly, her brain was fried but she felt the lack of contact when he shifted his body weight again but away from her this time though his hand never stopped his ministrations. All thoughts flew from her brain though when she felt his mouth join his hand. He was capable of wonderful things with that talented tongue and he drew the first orgasm from her before she had truly registered what was happening, but he wanted more, he wanted her shattered and begging for him. His mouth claimed hers once more as his thumb replaced is mouth on her clit, not allowing her even a second to come down off her high. "Again Caroline." he demanded "Come for me again." His cock twitched, almost painfully hard against her. She moved to give him access and opened her eyes and stared into his, searing his soul.

"Now, please. I need you inside me" She panted out desperately as she could feel herself gathering again. "Please, Klaus" As she tumbled.

It was all he needed as he plunged into her. They rode out her wave together then built up once more together. hands sliding off of heat moistened skin, nails dug in healing almost instantly. They tossed and tumbled and fought for dominance an came back to the original point of her writhing below him. Hands found each other and fingers laced as they built once more to that cliff edge and as Caroline went over the edge once more she gazed into his eyes and gripped his hands tighter. He buried his face in the crook of her neck, fully surrounded in her scent and allowed himself to fall.

He rolled them over so she was tucked into his side, arms protectively round her waist, and for the second time pulled the cover over them. Hoping that this time shedidn't feel the need to try and sneak off.

End flashback

Caroline curled up around Nik from behind. Savouring the ever present warmth. Being vampires they were no longer effected by the elements such as temperature but she was sure being with him warmed her through.

"Going to make me get up aren't you love?" It was as close to a whine as he ever got. His accent still as strong as the day he turned, over a 1000 years and he like all his siblings probably through sheer stubbornness knowing them had yet to give up his accent.


I have another couple of bedtime flashbacks I think may work but thought I'd see how this is taken first. I'm not great with grammar and tense so I apologise for mistakes there. Hope you enjoyed it. :) IT was fun to write. xx