A/N: I really hope you like the story and the whole Shamy side of things. If you are a little confused about the flash-forwards at the end then don't worry. I am too. Enjoy the weirdness before things become really dark. I survived my exams and hope to get good results in order to get into college. Fingers crossed! How about that Desperate housewives finale , huh? Emotional and stuff. Is it sad that I knew everyone of the dead people at the end. I may have been a little obsessed. Anyway... Read and Review... I beg of you! Also check out this cover... it's brilliant ... watch?v=ebSmaZyyzYw&feature=colike

When everyone was sleeping, Amy crept out to the living room where the men were snugly snoring in sleeping bags. Leonard smiled in his sleep while Howard spooned Raj tightly.

"Amy." Sheldon hissed. Amy jumped abruptly realising that she was standing over her fella. She whispered her apologies and helped him out of his sleeping sack.

"I was just about to proceed into George's room to get you. I was wondering if you would accompany me on a walk outside."

Amy agreed.

"Shall I change?"

"You mean you are not already clothed in daywear?" The outline of Sheldon squinting at her could be seen.

"Sheldon. Its 3.A.M. Why would I be clothed?"

"Oh. It's just I never really sleep when I'm home. I usually go for night walks. I tried doing it once in my pyjamas but I stepped into cow excrement in my bare-feet. You know, it feels soft at first but the stinging odour hits you.."

"Sheldon. I have my slippers on. Let's go."

The couple walked side by side along a field before turning into a wooded area.

1I built a tree house. In this forest when I was seven. I built it and furnished it myself. I'd hide my toys here so they wouldn't get broken! Sheldon informed her. He pulled a mini lightsaber torch from his pocket and led the way.

"If you're scared you can hold my hand."

"I'm not scared Sheldon. This has to be one of the most unassuming woodland I've ever been in."

"What about being cold. Are you cold?"

Amy sighed clasping her boyfriend's left hand. This wasn't Doctor Sheldon Lee Cooper. This was Shelly, the weird kid from Galveston who speaks an alien language and wore t-shirts with muscular men in tights printed on them. Amy thought he was hopelessly adorable. She squeezed his hand, enjoying the sensation of his sharp bony fingers intertwining with hers. He lead her into the forest like a knight belligerently marching to battle, his lightsabre as his weapon of choice and his princess by his side.

"Are you okay? "

"Am I okay?" Sheldon replied sheepishly. "Of course I'm okay. I'm on the right track to winning a Nobel prize, I have all four of my wisdom teeth and my bowel movements have never been better."

His hand was clammy. Amy doubted it was due to the violation of the "no touching rule". He stopped at a tree and began to feel around it.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to find the step ladder." He said, the torch between his teeth.

"Here we go. Start climbing. I'll be right behind you. I assure you it's safe."

Amy without a minutes thought began climbing. It was a large tree but her experience in climbing trees to avoid the vicious neighbouring dog back home proved useful. It only took her genius boyfriend two steps to enter the tree house.

The inside was baffling. There was a large mattress with a teenage mutant ninja turtle duvet draped over it. Not to mention matching pillows. His comics and star trek memorabilia were neatly placed and displayed. Various notebooks were stacked. Each labelled clearly with words such as "Fanfiction", MeeMaw's witticisms" and "Monkey brains ,an essay about the Temple of Doom, by Sheldon lee Cooper.**

Amy smiled good-naturedly at the evidence of Sheldon's childhood.

She sat on the mattress and listened to Sheldon's commentary on all of his things and shone the light on them. He gave a gaspy laugh when remembering an amusing anecdote. He plopped himself down beside her.

"Amy. Don't get mad but... I'm almost certain that Monique Goodwill is George's girlfriend."

Of course Amy knew this but she feigned to be surprised and wondered how no one managed to tell Sheldon that George was engaged to this woman.

"Really. That is fascinating. When did you find out this?"

Sheldon let out a little moan.

"Mom told me. I didn't tell her about my distressing encounter though. Oh Amy that woman is coming tomorrow!"

The bespectacled woman put her hand on his lap to comfort him. Sheldon jumped in his spot but immediately placed his hands on hers.

"Sheldon. You really are jumpy!"

"I was. I just... I" He stammered.

He shrugged.

"I really don't want to attend that service. As far as I'm concerned I have no business being there." he said miserably. He then proceeded to list all that was wrong with his life at the moment.

1. Monique was attending. 2. His brother was going to rip him to shreds. 3. Penny was sleeping in his bed. 4. He had a painful creak in his neck.

"You know when you were greatly discomforted by Penny and Bernadette planning a wedding without you? You wanted a "cuddle"? May we have one now?"

Amy looked incredulously at him.

"Sheldon. That cuddle embarrassed the hell out of you. You never refrained from mentioning that ever since."

Sheldon twitched violently. He didn't know what he wanted anymore.

" Um .. Well..ah yes ... But... You see"

His girlfriend rolled her eyes and grabbed him around the waist.

"Come here you big Homo Novus!" She cuddled him tightly. They rested their backs against the wall. Sheldon breathed heavily as if he wanted to say something but was too socially crippled to say it. He rested his chin on her soft brown hair.

"Don't tell the others." he breathed in her ear.

"Perish the thought." She reached up to his neck. "Where does it hurt?"

Sheldon craned his neck.

"Every time I do this." he whined like a child wanting a special teenage mutant ninja turtles band-aid that his mother bought especially for him.

"Does this help?" she kissed the affected area several times and nuzzled his neck.

"No, not all. Why do people think kissing injured limbs or muscles will heal them?"

Amy laughed at the Sheldon-esque answer. She would have been worried had he said something else. She kissed his long neck, as under the "Boo-Boos and Ouchies" clause, one would have to "look after" the affected partner. He sighed happily, allowing her to caress him just this once. Blushing, the couple cuddled silently before drifting off to sleep. We probably look like hippies , Sheldon thought, his eyes drooping. They slept, not knowing nor caring about what events that would take place the next day.

Sheldon woke first. He jolted up and dragged Amy out of the woods

"Hurry. We have to look as though we woke up before them!"

It was obvious that Sheldon was an expert in sneaking in and out. He knew how many times to turn the door knob to allow get inside despite it being locked. He knew exactly where his mother hid a luxury chocolate cake. He broke off two pieces and handed one to Amy.

"Ah the luxury of eggs,cocoa powder, butter,flour and a bag of sugar!"

"This isn't part of your usual schedule! Look at you. You rebel." Amy giggled. Dr. Whack-a-doodle smiled coyly. He moved in close to give her a quick kiss on the cheek. Leonard walked in.

"Woah! Where the hell did you two go last night?" He looked tired and slightly angry.

"George's fiancé arrived late last night. You'll never guess who it was?"

"Monique Goodwill." The Shamy said in unison.

"Yeah!" Leonard said. He looked flustered. "We all got up to welcome her but you guys weren't there so I made up some excuses. Does George know...?"

Sheldon shook his head. "It is evident that he does not know of Monique's true intentions. My head would be on a silver platter if he did."

Amy patted Leonard's shoulder gratefully.

"I'm sure my bestie gave an icy atmosphere towards that fembot."

"Dude! She was the ice queen! Sheldon, your mom seemed to do the same." Leonard stood back dreamily. "Yep that's my girl. That's why I love her."

Sheldon began to choke on the cake.

"What? My mother?"

"No dumbass . obviously I was talking about Penny."

Sheldon raised an eyebrow before turning to make tea. He winced when he turned his neck. Leonard stared at his roommate's giraffe-like neck.

"Whoa. Did someone take a swing towards your neck!"

Sheldon frowned at his friend.

"No. The impolite taxi driver I was with yesterday refused to close the windows of the car. There was a cold breeze causing a creak in my neck."

Leonard arched his brow over his glasses. Amy gasped when she saw what Leonard was gawking at. A cheesy grin formed on Hofsteder's face.

"What the hell did you guys do last night?" he said wrapping a scarf around Sheldon's shoulders . "Here. You'll need this trust me."

Sheldon complied but glanced at Amy in slight confusion. She just helped him make tea and even started making breakfast. Bernadette and Penny sleepily arrived. Penny began cross examining Sheldon about his whereabouts the night before while Leonard helped Amy and Bernadette set the table. She poked and prodded Sheldon's new-found accessory with suspicion, earning herself two damning strikes.

"What's with the scarf moon-pie?"

"Don't call me that!"

"Yeah,yeah. So where did you guys go last night?

"Only meemaw calls me moonpie!

"You are avoiding the question!"

Sheldon quickly averted her attention by mentioning Monique.

"Whore!I'll break her horsey face!" was all the Nebraskan beauty could say. Sheldon smiled slightly. The woman herself arrived into the kitchen in only a work-shirt that went down over her knees.

"Doctor Cooper." she purred. "Quelle surprise!"

Flash Forward

There was too much blood. way too much blood.

"Sweetie wake up!" Penny roared. Hoping the noise would jostle him she tried again. She was desperate now, finding it hard to breath. Yes Sheldon drove her crazy but she loved the crazy idiot and his friends. He was now a part of her family and losing him would be losing her best friend.

"Stop bleeding!" she begged, thumping his chest to get his heart rate going again. "Start breathing!"