Disclaimer: I haven't done this in a while but, I do not own the characters in Inuyasha.


First of all:

Happy New Years to Everyone. I hope you all enjoyed it.

Second of all, I will be doing some updates. Some you may like, some you may not….like this one.

Its kinda sad that I brought the story so close…but honestly, right now, its not within me to complete this story. But I am not one to just leave it open like that, still, this is the path the story was supposed to go. Maybe one day, when I have time I will do the legit chapters, but for now, and I hope you guys don't mind…the plot outline highlighting how saving me is supposed to be completed.

I will gladly accept you're reviews, whatever they may be. Thanks to everyone who followed me in this story. Who reviewed and loved each character as their own. I really enjoyed writing this story.


Chapter 55 – Paternity Truth

In this chapter, Daisuke proposes to Mika.

Kiyoko finds' hers and Daisuke's Birth Certificate while looking for something for her mother and realizes they are not related. She feels betrayed and in running away, goes to Shippo who drugs her and takes her to a warehouse for Mika.

Daisuke finds the papers Kiyoko discards and confronts his parents via telephone.

Immediately after hanging up he is called saying that Kiyoko has been taken.

He is told not to tell his parents and armed with his father's 9mm, he does to the designated location.

Chapter 56 – Mika's true identity

Upon arrival Daisuke realizes Mika has his sister. She reveals she is Kagura and Koga's daughter, the memory of both briefly traumatizing Daisuke.

She reveals her plan to him and Kiyoko awakens to find she is stripped naked just as the door opens to reveal six men.

Chapter 57 – True Strength

Daisuke is relieved of his gun and taken to a holding cell.

Back with Kiyoko, she is getting dressed in the pants of the smallest male, wiping blood from her chin and nursing bloody knuckles and a cheek turning black and blue. She has defeated the men (since she is of course highly skilled in martial arts, as are all the members of her family and has been since the incident at Daisuke's school when they were younger).

Clutching a knife she leaves the room and comes face to face with Shippo.

Mika realizes she is pregnant and is uncertain of the father.

Chapter 58 – Blood

In a clash against Shippo, Kiyoko is stabbed and ends up killing her best friend.

She sobs and moves through the complex where she comes upon Daisuke being tortured,

With the gun she takes from Shippo, she rescues him and calls the police.

Daisuke captures Mika and they wait until the Police and their parents arrive with Kiyoko, who has slipped into a state of unconsciousness. Daisuke kisses her but she doesn't know.

Chapter 59 – Revelation

Mika is committed to a mental hospital however she is told her mother, Kagura, is still alive. She also comes to find out that Kiyoko is her biological sister and that everything her mother told her has been a lie.

The family finally learns the truth about Koga and his legacy, Kiyoko apologizes to her parents and tells Sesshomaru, he has and will always be her father, regardless of what DNA claims.

7 months later, Mika gives birth DNA test confirms the child is Shippo's and the Takahashi's finally wash their hands of the matter.

The family is still healing from everything but almost two years after the incident, Daisuke finally confesses to Kiyoko.

Flashforward 6 months, they are married and Daisuke realizes Kiyoko is a virgin on her wedding night.

Chapter 60 – Ever After.

It has been 10 years and Kiyoko and Daisuke return home to celebrate Rin and Sesshomaru's 30th wedding anniversary. Daisuke is a Doctor and Kiyoko is a nurse. They have a son, Sesshomaru Junior (5) and a daughter, Megumi, (2).

Rin and Sesshomaru are still very much in love. Their second son is a world renowned Soccer Player and their last child is a model, engaged to be married. They reflect on the life they have had and thank god that they were able to meet.

Mika has been released from the mental hospital, she is reunited with her daughter who was never truly adopted and they are living in peace and harmony. She discards the legacy of both Koga and Kagura, changing her name and becoming a simple Gardener.


I hope this has been enough. I am sorry for drawing out this story for so long. Please review. With love and kisses, Temari Asura.