A Long Time Dead

Written as a hangman prize fic for Sazzita and for the NFA Ready! Aim! Misfire! Oops! Challenge.

Genre: Drama/Angst. Mild McGiva in later chapters because Sazzy asked for it ;) Not a Deathfic (for canon characters, at least)

Rating: FR15/T

Characters: Tim, Tony, Ziva, Ducky, Gibbs, Abby, other canon characters and OCs

Warnings: Language (an f-bomb or two), violence.

Disclaimer: Don't own. C'est la vie.

Summary: So much can change in a single moment. A simple task turns into a nightmare for the members of the MCRT.

Chapter 1

Tim McGee leaned back in his chair just in time to see a paper ball fly past his nose. He sighed and closed his eyes, lacking the energy to send the thrower a well deserved glare.

"You missed."

"I meant to do that, Probie. I was just demonstrating my perfect sense of timing."

"Right, you knew I was going to lean back at that precise moment."

"I'm a highly trained special agent. I anticipate."

"Whatever you say, Tony," Tim retorted, too tired to even argue with the older man. He opened his eyes and turned his attention back to the report he was writing. After typing in the final notes, he saved the report and then sent it to the printer. When he rose to retrieve it he noticed Tony staring at him with an odd expression on his face.


"You OK?"

Tim sighed. No, he definitely wasn't OK, but he wasn't about to share that fact with the senior agent.

"I'm fine. It's just been a bad week," he replied and winced when his voiced cracked slightly. He knew Tony would pick up on his weakness and waited for the expected teasing. Instead, Tony lowered his voice as his expression softened.

"It was a justified shooting, Tim. You know this. Vance already cleared you."

"It doesn't change the fact that I shot a kid."

"That 'kid' was eighteen, and he raped and murdered a fourteen-year-old girl. He would have killed you if you hadn't taken him out first. He's not worth torturing yourself, Tim."

"I know. I just… I just wish I could have talked him down. I tried…"

"Some you just can't save, Probie, especially from themselves."

"Yeah, I know. Doesn't make it any easier, though."

Tony patted his shoulder. "Best to take our minds off of it altogether. Come on, let's get out of here and go blow off some steam."

"Not tonight, Tony, I—"

"If you say 'I have a headache' I will smack you."

Tim turned to glare at his partner, but couldn't maintain the expression when he saw Tony's goofy grin. He let out a soft huff of laughter.

"Actually, I do, but I was going to say that I'd rather just go home and get some sleep. I haven't had much this week. None of us have, really."

"True, but I know you, McGee. You're not going to get any sleep until you decompress a little."

"I'll be fine, Tony. Maybe tomorrow night we can all go."

"I'm holding you to that, Probie."

"Yeah, I figured." Tim gathered up the stack of papers from the printer, signed the last page, and slipped them into a folder which he placed on Gibbs' desk. He then grabbed his bag from under his own desk and turned to his partner.

"Goodnight, Tony. Tell Ziva I'll see her tomorrow, too."

"Will do. See ya, McGee."

Tim made the routine trip home, thankful for the late hour since it meant less traffic, and breathed a sigh of relief when he finally stepped inside his apartment. He dropped his bag by the front door, secured his weapon in the lock-box, and went to his room to change into sweats and a t-shirt. He then headed for the bathroom and opened his medicine cabinet to retrieve some ibuprofen, signing in disbelief when he lifted the bottle and shook it.

"Damn it, Sarah. When will you learn not to put an empty bottle back in the cabinet?"

His headache was bad enough that he knew he'd have trouble falling asleep, but he really didn't feel like making a run to the closest drug store. There was a convenience store on the corner, and they'd probably have something, he'd just have to pay a lot more for it. He debated the pros and cons for a moment and then sighed. He'd really have to have a talk with Sarah about her bad habit, but in the meantime, he needed some relief. He grabbed his keys and wallet from the dresser and slipped on a pair of old running shoes before heading out the door. Luckily it was less than a block to the store, and a quick walk would get his blood flowing and help his headache a little.

A few minutes later he arrived at the store and stepped inside. It was nearly empty. He quickly walked past the only other customer in the store, a petite young woman, and soon reached the section that contained a limited selection of over-the-counter medicines. He reached for a small package of generic pain reliever and paused when he heard raised voices coming from the front of the store.

"Be cool, man, and nobody gets hurt."

Oh, crap…

He turned and saw two men in ski masks, one with his gun pointed at the cashier, and the other turning to look down the aisle where Tim and the woman stood. The man raised his gun and pointed it towards them.

"Nobody move."

Silently Tim cursed himself for leaving his weapon at home. He slowly raised his hands and stepped forward, causing the man to focus his attention on the agent.

"I said don't move!"

Tim froze. The man's hands were shaking slightly, and his finger was already on the trigger. Tim doubted the man would hesitate to shoot and he slowly nodded to show his cooperation.

"Just calm down…"

"Shut up! Don't move, don't talk. Got it?"

Tim nodded again, but his mind raced. What would Gibbs do?

Get the civilian out of the line of fire…

He glanced at the young woman who stood a few paces in front of him. She was facing the gunman, trembling in fear, with her intended purchases clutched tightly in both hands. Tim felt his heart sink when he registered what she was holding: a package of diapers and a can of baby formula.

I've got to get her out of here.

He turned his attention back to the gunman and slowly inched forward when the man was distracted by his partner, who was loudly demanding that the cashier move faster. Tim had almost reached the woman, when…


He looked up in time to see the cashier sink below the level of the counter, his head half gone.

"Man, what the fuck!" The second gunman threw his arms out to the side, the gun still gripped tightly in one hand. "The hell is the matter wit' you? Cops are gonna be all over yo' ass!"

Suddenly, Tim knew exactly what was going to happen, just before it did. Time seemed to slow to a crawl as he watched the gunman's hand swing towards the spot where the woman stood, finger tightening on the trigger. Tim surged forward as he tried to push her out of harm's way, but before he could make contact, the gun went off.

Tim heard a soft cry and barely registered the sudden burning pain as he saw a large patch of red bloom on the back of the woman's blouse. He barely managed to catch her as she slumped backward and the two of them fell to the floor, sending a wave of agony through his chest. He did his best to ignore it as he struggled to help the woman, pressing his hands over the wounds, but the hot rush of liquid continued to flow over his hands.

"It's OK, you're going to be OK…" His gasped words of comfort rang hollow in his ears as he stared into her eyes, hoping to keep her focused and grounded. Wide brown eyes stared back as she took one gasping breath, and then he saw the vitality in those eyes fade out completely as her body went limp.

"No…" His own breaths were painful, and felt himself growing weaker by the moment. He barely managed to look up at the gunman, just in time to hear another loud *BOOM* and see the man fall at the hands of his partner in crime. The shooter stepped around the body and walked toward Tim, raising the gun and pointing it at the agent's head. Tim stared up at the man and saw no emotion in the dark eyes behind the mask, no humanity in that gaze. He saw the shooter's finger tighten on the trigger, and Tim gritted his teeth, waiting for the end.


He heard a loud curse and watched, helpless, as the man pulled the trigger again.


Suddenly the man flipped the gun in his grip and raised his hand over his head. Tim barely had time to register what was happening before a sudden stab of pain jolted through his head and bright burst of light flared across his vision, followed by crushing darkness.