This is my first fanfic.

So don't judge.

Buttercups P.O.V

I wake up to the annoying sound of my alarm clock.

Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.

I take my hand and slam down on the snooze button. I take the covers off my slim body and walk to my bathroom connected to my room…..

'Oh I'm sorry I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Buttercup Utonim. I'm 20 years old and I live on my own. Ever since I graduated from high school I moved to Citiesvill to live away from my sisters and their boyfriends.'

Bubbles is the youngest. She has light blonde hair that passes her shoulders. You can tell her favorite color is blue because that's what's in most of her clothes. She wears other colors to but most of them have blue in them. Her boyfriend is….. Boomer Jojo. Yes my sisters are dating the rowdy ruff boys. Bubbles is married to boomer. She said they are happily married and living a few miles away from Townsville to raise their 1 year old son and a soon to be baby girl. Bubbles is around 4 months pregnant and is happy to have loving husband.

Blossom is the oldest. She has long flowing orange hair that comes past the back of her knees and wears mostly pink. Just like Bubbles. Her favorite color is pink and she is dating Brick Jojo. I hardly talk to blossom because she is to busy with work and trying to manage a family at the same time. Brick and Blossom have twins. They are 2 years old, they are both girls.

Right now, I'm getting ready to go to work. I own my own skate park. Ever since rode my first board. I made myself a promise to make my own skate park and I did.

I get a shower and brush my teeth. Once I'm done I go into my room to change into an army green tang-top, with baggy blue jeans. My raven black hair is down and looking perfect.

I was about to walk out my room when I hear my IPhone ring. I pick it up to see and see my sister Bubbles name. I answer with a groggy 'hello'

"Hey buttercup, what are you doing right now?"

"I'm about to head out to the skate park."

While I'm talking to her I walk out of the apartment and walk to my light green car.

"Well I was wondering if you come to brains birthday party this weekend. He was looking forward to seeing you and we all miss you….. Even butch"

Brian was bubbles kid.

Whenever she said butch's name, all I wanted to do is curl up into a ball and cry. But I wasn't going too. I'll tell you that story later.

"Well I'll think about it. How are you feeling? Is she still kicking?"

"I'm doing fine and yes. I think she's going to become a world famous soccer player. Haha"

"Haha. Well couple more months and she'll be out in the world and Boomer can become the over protective father."


"Bubs, how bad do you want me to come up?"

By the time I asked that question I was right in front of the gate of my 500 acre park. Filled with concrete/wooden ramps, soda machines and food stands. It's every skaters dream. I unlock the gate and drive to my office.

"You have no idea BC. We all miss you and that's not all that I called you for…"

Her voice got silent.

"Bubs what's wrong?" I start to hear soft whimpers in the background.

"It's Dad. He's getting worse and…" she broke down after that.

"Bubs, what's going on? What's wrong with dad?

"Buttercup I'm sorry but he is dying. He wanted me to call you today so he can say his final words..."

I left a tear fall down my check and whip it away forcefully. I will be strong for my sisters I told I told myself.



You can tell she was still crying from the way her voice sounded.

"When is the next flight? I'm coming home."