"Crow . . . Crow . . . Crow . . ."

It was as though my more than dramatic defeat at Bommer's hands had numbed all of my senses except for my hearing. The last thing I remember was falling, falling into the black abyss below where I was dueling that Dark Signer. The duel that ultimately ended my life. How could I lose against a damned Dark Signer?! How?! I had risked everything, and for what? For nothing, apparently. Because if I had a reason for risking everything, I wouldn't have lost to him. I was fighting for the kiddies at first because those Dark Signers were going around and screwing with everyone's lives. But . . . as the duel went on . . . something weird happened. I felt darkness. I felt despair. I felt as though I couldn't go on. And you would think Bommer had said some typical Dark Signer crap to make me feel this way, but that's the thing.

I felt these things on my own.

To make things worse, I hadn't felt this way since before discovering Duel Monsters, before meeting Jack and Yusei as a kid, when I was a wild bird out in the jungle just trying to survive. Life was a living Hell back then. And for some reason, while dueling Bommer, those horrendous memories came back, costing me the duel. And my life.

"Crow . . . Crow . . . Crow . . ."

That voice has been calling me for a while now. I'd respond, but like I said, I can't exactly do anything right now. At least, I felt like I couldn't. I tried getting up again anyway, just to be sure, and I was still pinned to the ground. Somehow. I have never felt so pitifully weak in my entire life. What the friggin' hell?

All of a sudden, however, I felt as though I was being lifted off the ground, floating, and finally, floating in place. The air around me suddenly became clearer, warmer, and more pleasant than the previous situation I had been in. For a split second, I felt a sharp shot in my eyeballs, and I heard myself crying out in agony, but then the pain subsided. As I continued to float, I began to feel more and more the feelings of despair . . . the feelings of helplessness . . . the feelings of loneliness enter my body and less and less the feelings of hope, the feelings of happiness, the feelings of belonging.

All of a sudden, my eyes shot wide open, and I saw someone staring at me. This particular person had dark grey eyes with black sclera, orange hair, criminal marks like mine except for the redness, and strange black attire with gold markings. A Dark Signer!

"HEY." I yelled, getting up with all my might. "What the heck is going on? Who are you, Dark Signer? Answer me!"

Instead of responding to my question at first, the wise guy laughed like a lunatic and proceeded to sit on the floor like a little kid. He smirked, and responded, "You're a riot. And here I was, thinking we were best friends."

"Best friends, my ass." I snarled. "Who are you?!"

"Okay, fine, fine. If you must be persistent. The name's Quahitl, Otherwise known as those feelings you were thinking about earlier. Despair, Helplessness, Loneliness and all of that. I have been with you since the day you lost your parents, young Crow Hogan, and will continue to be with you until your thirst for revenge is fulfilled, until the world is as you dreamed of."

"The hell are you babbling on about?" I shot back. "You have never been with me, and I have no thirst like that whatsoever! Get out!"

"Oh ho ho ho. It seems like you don't get it, do you, Crow Hogan?" The freak responded. "Fine. Let me put this in simpler terms for you. You are light, I am darkness. However, it seems you were idiotic enough to get yourself killed back in that duel with Chacu Challhua, but, but, but," he wagged his finger at me, "not to worry. Uru was kind enough to bring you back and give me a personified form so I can take your place."

"Like hell you are!" I spat. "There's no way I'm letting you run around, kill off my friends, and do the same freaky thing to them like you did to me!"

"Now, now . . ." He sighed, getting up. He walked up close to me and squatted just right in front of my face and replied, "If you aren't gonna be a compliant, good boy, I'll just have to do this the hard way."

What happened next . . . was by far the most disgusting thing that's ever happened to me. In other words, the freak went inside me THROUGH my arm. Kinda like getting a shot from Dr. Schmidt back in the day. Only worse. Much worse. Quahitl disintegrated into this . . . liquid, formed into a point, flew and went over my arm like it was a glove, and melded in. Pain took over my right arm for the longest; it felt as though my arm was being twisted in a million directions. But, that was the least of my painful experiences. Next, my arm felt as though it was burning in a wildfire as this weird purple stuff began to form on top, forming what looked like a demented tree. Finally, the shape solidified, leaving a disgusting mark, the worst of my fears being confirmed.

My feelings, Quahitl, this mark . . .

Was I, of all people, becoming the thing I hated most?

Was I, of all people, becoming one of them?

Was I, of all people, becoming the very people I had been fighting against?

Was I becoming . . . a Dark Signer?

The Tainted Feathers

A Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's three-shot

Chapter 1: The Determined Fledgling

Dark Signer Hideout – The Old Momentum, Satellite

After I had blacked out, it had seemed quite a while before I saw the "light of day" again. However, my surroundings were much different than what I had experienced earlier. It was dark, but not as dark as when I had encountered Quahitl and that strange light. Apparently, I had been sleeping on a quite comfortable mattress. Waking up, I turned over to get out bed to walk around and check my surroundings, when, suddenly, I see a mirror. And who I saw in that mirror . . .

What the hell?

What. The. Freaking. Hell?

Who I saw in the mirror wasn't my reflection like it was supposed to be. No. What was in the mirror was the exact opposite of what I was. He looked like . . . he looked like Quahitl.

"What the hell?" I thought and said again for the thousandth time that day. "What is going on here?"

"Oh, so you're awake. 'bout time, you freak."

I had failed to hear the door open, so I was startled to hear a voice. I was even more disturbed when I figured out whose voice it was, so I turned towards the direction of the voice . . . and . . .

God, can this day get any weirder?

"Kiryu!" I gasped in surprise, "What's going on here?"

"Whaddaya mean what's going on here? You're a Dark Signer. Don't you remember?" Kiryu asked in a somewhat mocking tone. I could've punched the living hell out of that guy if I could.

"Cut the crap, Kiryu," I snapped. "Tell me what's going on! And mind telling me what your crazy Dark Signer organization is doing to Satellite anyway? And why?"

"Oh wow. I guess I really do have to explain it to you," Kiryu's voice changed from one of cockiness to sheer surprise. "Meh. The Dark Signer meeting is soon anyway, so I'll have Rudger explain it to you. He knows more about the whole Dark Signer initiation process and nonsense than I do. He'll explain why you're here and what your assignment is."

"What are you talking about? I am NOT a Dark Signer! You guys just took me hostage, didn't you? And you're feeding me this 'You're one of us' crap to brainwash me. Cut it out already!" I spat, grabbing him by the collar. I knew the Dark Signers made Kiryu nuts in that little brain of his, but I didn't know illusions and hallucinations were a part of it too.

Kiryu merely looked at me with a blank expression on his face as a response, and then he whispered nonchalantly, "Arise, Quahitl."

At that moment, that blasted tree mark appeared on my arm again, and I felt like I was going to pass out from the intense heat, causing me to let go of Kiryu. Not only that, but those feelings . . . those feelings came back. All because of two measly words he – that blasted traitor – said.

"Crow, you have the mark. The mark of Quahitl, bringer of social problems, wars, illnesses, and worst of all, ignorance. He has become one with you; you have become one with him. That union alone is what makes you a Dark Signer," Kiryu replied nonchalantly.

"Also," Kiryu snapped out of his trance or whatever, his mischievous nature returning as he was leaving, "check out what you're wearing with your own eyes before you come to the Dark Signer meeting, in case you don't believe even that." Then, Kiryu walked out of the room. Just like that.

I watched in suspicion as he left the room and decided to take his advice. Just to be sure. Just to be sure he's the one going crazy and not me. However, I noticed I was wearing EXACTLY what Quahitl was wearing when he approached me back then, black attire with a gold stripe and all. And I realized why the room had seemed so dark. It's because my actual eyes were dark; the sclera had gone black, and my pupils were a lighter gray than normal. How did I know this when I didn't trust the mirror in front of me?

Well, they do say the eyes are a window into the soul. Or something like that. And my soul was feelin' pretty dark then. So the only logical thing, given my crazy-ass clothes, would be that my eyes had darkened to that despicable color of the Dark Signers'.

I . . . guess it is true. I really am a Dark Signer, against everything I had ever believed in up to this point. Or were those values something I really believed in the first place? I don't think I'd be a Dark Signer now if I did believe in them . . . But why? Why don't I believe in them?

Dark Signer Hideout: Old Momentum – "Gathering Room"

As soon as I arrived at the meeting place after much, much searching and getting lost, the main goon of these crazy people stood up and declared, "There's our newest addition to the organization. You're late."

"Sorry," I mumbled, pulling out a chair to sit in. I sat next to this girl who seemed really quiet and reserved, not making eye contact with anyone like she didn't want to be there.

That makes two of us.

"Okay, now that everyone's here, let's go over the Dark Signer assignments again. I want to congratulate Bommer for completing his assignment, although the intended target was switched," At this, he looked at me like I had screwed up a plan of theirs or something. I mean, not my fault Bommer just happened to be in a place I was and screwing around with humanity. Okay, maybe it was. But still.

"We don't want to lose a valuable comrade like last time, with the Rear Claw Signer and Demak. So there's been a slight change of plans," he continued.

"Heh. As long as I still get to take down Yusei, there shouldn't be a problem," Kiryu chuckled in the background. Normally, under circumstances like these, I would've gotten up and blown this joint to high heaven. Anyone that threatened my friends deserved that. But, it was weird. I didn't feel any of those emotions. I didn't care whether Yusei or anyone else fighting the Dark Signers got hurt. In fact, it's like I was encouraging the nutcases with their cause. But . . . why? Wasn't I a Dark Signer in appearance only?

"Yes, Kiryu. Your assignment hasn't changed at all," The main goon sighed, as if slightly irritated with Kiryu's pumped up behavior. Guess Kiryu didn't change much in that regard when he became a psychopath. "But, let's move on to the ones that have changed, shall we? Bommer, as much as I hate to do this, I have to let Kiryu get that devil child of Hakase's on our side. He's got the relationship and past with him to do it, more so than you do. So why don't you just sit back and enjoy our humble abode in the mean time?"

Bommer grunted in frustration, but mumbled, "All right, all right," as he got up to leave.

"Hey, where are YOU going?" Kiryu interrogated, slamming his fist on the table. "The meeting's not done!" He got up to chase after Bommer, I guess, but the leader rose up and commanded sharply, "Sit back down, Kiryu. He has the right to leave, but you don't. Now sit."

Kiryu glared at Bommer for the longest, then sat back down in silence. "Okay, Rudger."

Rudger? That's his name? Yusei had said something about a Rudger before during my duel with Bommer . . .

"Now, on with the meeting," Rudger declared. "As I said, Kiryu, you will keep your assignment, as well as you, Misty. However, Carly, I'm changing your assignment."

The girl next to me looked up and proceeded to hold the hood of her outfit tighter. She didn't say anything but just merely looked at Rudger.

"You can relax. For now. While that blasted Rear Claw Signer is still out there, I highly doubt the balance of the world will change that drastically with her existence. The main ones I'm concerned about are the Front Claw Signer, the Wing Signer, and the Tail Signer. We must get rid of them at all costs, no matter what it takes," he continued after a pause. Then, he looked at me and said, "Crow, you will take on the Wing Signer."

I merely looked at him. Wing, Front Claw, Tail? Huh? Don't these people have names? Never have I been this confused. Rudger, seeing my confusion, slapped his forehead and interrogated, "Kiryu, didn't you tell him anything about what we do around here?"

Kiryu, looking more annoyed than Rudger was, explained, "Well, I would've, but the dimwit here wouldn't accept being a Dark Signer, so I couldn't properly explain it to him without him putting up a fight. That's why I was hoping you would do it."

"Dimwit?!" I protested, standing up, but the girl – Carly, I think her name was – stopped me and shook her head. I guess that meant to cool it, so I sat back down.

"Ugh. Never mind," Rudger interrupted. "I guess I'm the one that always has to explain these things properly to the new recruits. Kiryu never tells the story straight, anyway."

"Then why'd you ask me to do the dirty work?" Kiryu mumbled, glaring at the candle in front of him. Acting like he didn't hear that, Rudger continued, "Crow Hogan, as much of a shock as this may have been to you, there is a reason why you're here, why you're a Dark Signer, and why you specifically have to take on the Wing Singer yourself. As Dark Signers, we vow to eradicate the very power that threatens to annihilate the world as we know it, and that is, the Signers, followers of the Crimson Dragon. There are five Signers in total, although there have been rumors of a sixth being awakened at a later date. Although they claim to fight for the good of others, their power reveals otherwise. As long as they use the power of the Signers, they risk the chance of destroying the world."

"And so the Dark Signers are supposed to maintain some kind of balance of something? So, basically, you're the good guys in a screwed up sort of way." I asked cautiously.

"That's correct. The Signers are ignorant of their power, hence why destruction of this world is inevitable unless we Dark Signers do something."

"Okay, I understand THAT now. But, who are these Signers? Who's Front Claw, Rear Claw, Wing, and Tail?"

Rudger paused, then turned his gaze to Kiryu and asked, with an irritated sigh, "Kiryu, would you like to do the honors?"

"Gladly, o mighty one," he responded in the most blatantly sarcastic manner, "Here's the deal, Crow. The Front Claw Signer is this Arcadia Movement girl named Izayoi Aki. I hear she's quite the feisty one, so that's why we're having Misty take care of her. Rear Claw is this pipsqueak named Ruka who supposedly can see spirits – Duel Monster spirits at that. Wing Signer is our old friend in crime, Jack Atlus. And, it gets better! The Tail Signer is none other than Fudo Yusei! And we have to kill them all! Isn't that exciting?"

" . . . Are you kidding me?" I responded. "I am NOT fighting against my friends! You can't make me do this!"

"You are not the first to say that. Carly's had a bit of a problem with this herself. But, is that how you really feel . . . Crow Hogan?" Rudger inquired, leaning forward in his chair.

I felt my eyes widen in disbelief, although I knew in my heart, the answer was no. "What are you talking about? Of course that's how I feel! I value my friends more than anything!"

"Says the guy who first left Team Satisfaction . . ." Kiryu grumbled as a response. I swear, I will choke the sonova-

"Your mouth says one thing, Crow. But, I know your heart feels another. As I said, you were chosen to be a Dark Signer for a reason. I know Quahitl resides in you. I can hear that annoying little bug whine about killing others as we speak," Rudger placed his fingers on his forehead, emphasizing his annoyance, then continued, "You were specifically chosen to be a Dark Signer because of the state of your heart when you were dueling Bommer that time. Fighting on the side of the Signers is useless. Fighting on the side of the Tail Signer whose father slaughtered thousands for the sake of one environmental experiment, dividing Neo-Domino into itself and Satellite is useless also."

"Yusei . . ." I whispered, ". . . your father did all of that? Your father caused all the orphan kids to suffer, caused us all to suffer like this?"

"Heh heh, I think we're finally convincing him, Rudger!" Kiryu exclaimed excitedly.

Kiryu's comment didn't really bother me. What Yusei's father did . . . Yusei's father killed . . . all of those people. And not just that, but ruined the lives of orphans everywhere. The Signers are bad people, and Yusei and Jack are Signers . . . All this time, I thought they were my friends, people I could trust, although Jack and I haven't been on the best of terms in a while. But, this. This realization . . . I can't trust them anymore. I can't trust anyone that's on their side anymore. They hurt my orphans. They ruined their lives.

They were going to pay.

"Crow Hogan, do you accept the mission handed to you by me on behalf of Quahitl? Or do you refuse?" Rudger inquired, standing up. And as he stood up, his right arm began to glow purple, as did Carly, Kiryu, and Misty's. My arm too began to glow, revealing the tree mark that had been formed not too long ago. It was a painful burn, but it was comforting compared to what my heart was feeling after what has been told to me. I could feel my face burn and the sweat coming down from my face. Finally, my body found the strength to overcome the pain, all of it. Now was the time to use this strength to take Yusei and Jack down. For the kids.

I raised my head up high and stared at Rudger right in the face, showing him I was determined to take Jack down and avenge the kiddies. "I do accept."


Jack: Crow . . . what happened to you? You used to be so optimistic about the world, and now you act like there's no hope. You've become like Kiryu!

Crow: Shut up, Jack. Don't you know that was all just a facade? I only acted optimistic to blind myself about the terrors of this world and how there is no hope for it. But now, I see there's no hope for this world unless I rid the world of you. That is the will of Nature.

Next time on Tainted Feathers: A Flickering Flame! On the Verge of Despair.

Jack: I'm going to wake you up from this world of bull that you're living in, Crow. And I'll be sure it happens if it's the last thing I do."