Chapter 1

Hermione walked up the stairs of her and Harry's new house. They had only been living together for a week and what with him working nights at the Auror department and her working days at St Mungo's they had hardly seen each other but now it was the weekend they could finally have some time to kick back and relax.

"4 months" she thought. So much has changed in just 4 months. 7 years of fighting Voldemort and the last 4 months seemed almost as hard as all those years put together. When she got to the top of the stairs she paused for a moment, dredging up all the memory's she had tried so hard to forget over the past months, just to remind herself how lucky she was right now.

One week since the death of Voldemort


Hermione stormed out of the room that she, Ron and Harry had been given by professor McGonagall so that they could help with the repairs to the ancient castle. Harry was helping professor's Slughorn and Flitwick dig out one of the 2nd floor corridors that had been caved in by one of Voldemort's hideous trolls, so her and Ron were alone in the room. She had been sitting down reading Hogwarts, A History again just for a distraction on the big leather sofa in the middle of the room when Ron had come and sat next to her and carelessly slung his arm around her and Hermione looked up from the book on her lap and looked at him. Now normal this behaviour would have not been any reason for her and Ron to be fighting because everyone now knew that they were dating. But this time it was different, for a start Ron reeked of butterbeer and secondly he was staring at her with the same sort of look in his eyes that Crookshanks gave to a mouse that he was going to catch.

"Hermione.." Ron had drawled and then stopped.

"Yes Ron?" Hermione said slightly anxious and (if she was honest to herself, a little afraid. Ron only got drunk if he was really upset or angry)

" know that now we are going out we don't have to hide our feelings from everyone else" he said with a slight pause between each word as if he was thinking how he could best word it.

"I know Ron, what are you getting at exactly?" she asked, trying to manoeuvre herself from under his arm without much success.

"Well in a word, that even you can understand..." he said and Hermione bristled and went to slap him to bring him to his senses and she would have if Ron hadn't gripped her hair in the hand that was behind her head and forced the other hand up her shirt and onto her left breast whilst at the same moment reaching his head down and locking his lips roughly with hers.

Hermione's first response when Ron kissed her was to reciprocate but this time was different because Ron was pushing her head into his with one hand and squeezing her breast quite hard with his other. Hermione pulled back as hard as she could and ripped away from him. Ron snarled softly and growled,

"You little mudblood! How dare you refuse me? Your mine!" and with that he jumped at her. Hermione gave a little scream and ducked out of the way so that Ron collided with the wall behind her and fell to the floor. Hermione went over to him to see if he was alright and she saw that he was looking at her, all the anger gone and replaced by hurt and surprise.

"Whats the matter 'Mione?" he asked a little groggily, but that was understandable because he had just smashed his head into a wall.

"Your drunk Ron" Hermione said slightly tearfully.

"Was i?...oh yea that's right, me and harry got a bit drunk last night to congratulate ourselves that we had saved the world and got the girls" As he said the word "girls" his eyes glazed slightly and the cat-eat-mouse look returned to them.

"It's fine Ron, i'm not really angry, just a bit surprised" In actual fact she was very angry with him because she knew that he didn't get drunk very often and when he did he meant to do it from the beginning. as she spoke she started to edge towards the door to get out.

Ron noticed her movement and he raised himself to a sitting position and looked her straight in the eye

"Where you going?" he asked, the steel in his voice unhidable.

"I'm going to let you get some sleep and wear off this mood you are in" she said finally getting to the door.

"Oh no, oh no no no no no" he said "I have been waiting for years for this and i am not going to let you stop me getting what is rightfully mine" he spat at her and the words had a similar effect to a stunning spell on Hermione. She stopped moving and risked looking into her boyfriends eyes. She regretted it almost immediately, the look in his eyes could only be described as hunger... hunger and lust... and greed.

"Yes Ron. I am going to go" she said and turned her back on him to open the door. There was a sound behind her and she turned round. Ron and raised himself to his feet and was reaching for his wand which sat on the small table about 5 feet away from why he was. Hermione drew out her wand from her jeans pocket and tried to stun Ron but he dodged the spell which ricocheted off the wall and blew a small chunk out of an ornamental table on the opposite side of the room.

By now Ron had grabbed his wand and swung it to aim at Hermione.

"Crucio!" he yelled at her and Hermione dropped to the floor screaming in pain and writhing in agony. Then the pain stopped, Ron had released her from the curse's hold. She reached for her wand which lay just inches away from her on the floor and raised it to point at Ron

"What you gonna do you bitch you can't even stand u.." Ron started saying before the bolt of a disarming spell hit him square in the chest. A look of surprised anger briefly crossed his face as his wand went flying across the room.

"Come here you! i'm gonna have you for that" he hissed at her venomously.

"Accio!" yelled Hermione and Ron's wand flew from where her disarming spell had cast it and she caught it in her free hand.

"NO RON" She yelled over her shoulder as she flew through the door. She slammed the door behind it and using her wand she put a locking spell, a sticking spell and a silencing charm on the door to ensure no one could get in..

"Or out" said a small voice in her head.

As she ran from the door she wondered where she could go. She wanted to be alone but she knew that she needed to tell some one what had happened. She couldn't go to any of the Weasley family because none of them would believe that Ron would ever do that. She didn't want to go to the remaining teachers or aurors because they were all very busy with the repair work and trying to repair the damage that Voldemort had done to the wizarding world.

She stopped in her tracks. There was some one she could go to. Some one who would always listen to her and support her.
