A/N: We all know there will be a Mockingjay movie, and I just have to say that I think Michelle Rodriguez would be PERFECT for the role of Paylor-District 8 rebel leader. What do you think?
If you haven't yet read The Hunger Games or Catching Fire in Peeta's POV, I highly recommend you read those before reading Mockingjay. But it's not entirely necessary. If you'd like to read those, visit my profile for the link.
Before I introduce Mockingjay, let me remind everyone that this story is rated T. The last two were also, but just in case. Mockingjay has a much darker atmosphere around it. The language is worse(though I'll use the worse language sparingly), there's suggestive themes (put into Peeta's head by the Capitol), and a lot more violence and disturbing thoughts.
I give you Mockingjay:
I sit here, with my jaw dropped, and I must look like the morphlings we encountered in the arena. My mind is racing so fast, and even though I have questions, I can't find the words.
"I know, I know. Why are you here? How did you get out of the arena? All that." Snow says, leaning back in his chair, and looking far too comfortable. He's enjoying my uneasiness. Shocking.
"Where's Katniss?"
And that right there was probably the stupidest question I could think to ask considering the position I'm in. But it's the question that I care the most about.
"Oh, she's safe. She's in District 13."
"Yes. 13 has existed this entire time."
"But what about the videos? The obliteration?"
"Those were, uh, little fibs we had to tell the Districts in order to keep you all safe. Couldn't have another war now, could we? More deaths? More motherless and fatherless children? No. We said 13 was gone. And no other districts tried to rebel and start an unnecessary war. Until now."
"She's there?"
"Oh, yes, she's the face of their movement. She's there, her family's there. Gale's there. And you, well, you're here. I wonder why?"
"I couldn't get to her in time.."
"Oh, no, that's not it. My intelligence department of the Capitol's military say there was a plan to get her out this whole time. You were just a decoy."
"No, she didn't know anything."
"Oh? And how did she know the precise spot to hit the arena force field? With her re constructed ear? Sorry, Peeta. We're good, but we're not that good."
"I don't understand."
"Don't take it personally, boy. I'm sure the real Katniss would have tried to take you with her…but she's long gone."
"What are you talking about?" I ask him.
"The Katniss you kissed on the beach. The one you gave the pearl to, she's fake. She's a genetically engineered version of the Katniss you knew before. She's a mutt."
I just laugh. How ridiculous. "With all due respect sir, have you had too much morphling?"
He grins. "You'll see kid. But if you want to keep the remaining citizens of your District safe, you'll cooperate with us."
"Oh, yes, District 13 took only a select few citizens of District 12 before blowing it to bits. Frankly, I'm quite upset about it. Where are we supposed to get our coal from now?"
"You're lying!"
Snow paces slowly to the left side of his desk and slides open the first drawer. He walks over to me, and squats in front of me so that he meets me at eye level. He shows me pictures of 12, pictures of my town, my home, the Victor's Village, the Hob, even the woods-all completely obliterated. Behind a wall of smoke and flame.
"My…my family."
"Is gone. This is why I was so determined on you both stopping these uprisings."
He has the nerve to put a hand on my shoulder. "I'm sorry it turned out this way, but really, you have no one to blame but yourself. And, mostly, Katniss. Or what we made her into."
I'm more confused than ever. Of course, I don't believe a thing Snow says, I mean, it's Snow. Of course I don't believe him.
"Like I said, we'll need you to cooperate. For your sake, and theirs," he says, waving me off. Two guards open the doors and release me. My hands are cuffed behind my back, and the two guards take me down four damp, cool, flights of stairs. Each level is darker than the one above it. Finally, we get to the bottom.
The walls and the floors are made of stone, but there are cracks all over. There are no windows. There are three cells, all side by side. There are bars separating the cells, and I think there's a reason: There are chairs in the center of each of the three cells, and these chairs are hooked up to all kinds of different machines.
Snow asked me to cooperate. I'm afraid that if I don't, I'll find out just what can happen in that chair.
I'm placed in the center cell. And that's when I notice that I am not here alone. Johanna and Enobaria sit in the next cell. In the other one, are two Avoxes. Darius, the one from our District, and a redheaded girl that I don't recognize. The guard throws me into the cell with such force that I hit the ground and the side of my face hit's the hard stone floor. I grunt when I hit it, then push myself up and look at the guard, who laughs at us before walking back up the stairs.
"Hey, Peeta." Johanna says. She turns to face me. "Oh my God, what's happened to you!" I ask her.
Both her eyes are swollen. The bruises on her eyes range from a light green to a dark purple. Her arm is broken in one place, where her elbow is. Her lip is busted open in several places, and her left cheek is swollen and cut up to the point where it makes her left eye almost invisible.
"I didn't cooperate." She tells me.
"This is bullshit," Enobaria adds. "All those years of listening to my parents talk nothing but good about the Capitol. How it was an honor to fight in the Games and all that crap. I do everything the Capitol wants and more, and I still end up here?"
"Oh, shut up. Sooner or later they'll figure out that you didn't know anything." Johanna tells her. Enobaria scowls but Johanna doesn't stop: "Don't worry your pretty little mind, Enobaria. We all know that you are the Capitol's bitch, just like the rest of the Careers."
"Fuck you!" Enobaria says before throwing a punch at Johanna. Johanna ducks, though I have no idea how she saw the punch coming with her eyes like that. Johanna lunges at Enobaria and knocks her to the ground, then starts pulling her hair as Enobaria screams.
"Stop it! Damnit! Stop it!" I tell them. But they don't listen to me. There is nothing I can do, stuck in this cell. "Are you guys crazy?"
I do the best I can to try and talk some sense into them but they've completely tuned me out, and they each get a few hits in before the guards stop it.
"Stupid girls," He says, pulling them off of each other. The guard is a big guy, he's tall, muscular, and olive skinned. He's got blond hair, though it doesn't look natural. He pulls each one up by their ear and throws them against opposite walls. Enobaria hits her head, hard, and falls to the ground, unconscious. Johanna's face hit's the bars separating her cell with mine, and she screams in agony as the impact has caused her already swollen face to start throbbing with pain.
I don't know what I can do. I just walk over and put my arm through the bars, and put my hand on her shoulder. "Maybe it's best you don't fight with her again." I say. Johanna gives me a hateful look before I add, "We all know you can take her anyway." Then she eases off and takes a deep breath, before staring up at the staircases that would lead to our freedom, if these steel bars weren't in our way.
Hours go by. We're brought food and water, but sparingly. We each get a small slice of bread, but it's partially moldy so I ended up throwing at least half of it out. I don't know what the girls or the Avoxes do. And the water I receive? It's enough to keep me alive, no more, no less.
Enobaria regains consciousness and as soon as she registers that she is awake and so is Johanna her fists ball up. Enobaria lunges at Johanna again and Johanna hits her over the head with a loose piece of stone she'd been hiding behind her back. And Enobaria is out again.
"Clever." I tell her.
"And this somehow surprises you?" She asks me.
It's quiet for awhile, but I received no answers from Snow. So I take a deep breath before I start to say, "Johanna-" but she interrupts me by holding her hand up to stop me. "Look, Peeta. I don't know much more than you okay? There was a plan in motion to break out of the arena, the more tributes rescued the better, but we had to at least get Katniss out."
"She's the face of the war." She senses my confusion.
"It's not a rebellion, anymore, Peeta. It's a full blown war. And she's the mocking jay. She's the symbol that sparked the fire that started the war. And the fire is blazing now. The rebel leaders need her."
"What about me?" She sighs.
"You read people so easily and yet you can still be so clueless," she says, before telling me, "Even if Finnick and I played nice like Nuts and Volts, there's no way in hell Katniss would have chosen to ally with us. She didn't even choose to ally with Nuts and Volts-they were just the ones she was willing to ally with if she had to. You were the only one keeping the alliance with us and Katniss alive."
"So you used me?" I say, trying to hide the hurt. She rolls her eyes. "Don't be stupid. Even though we needed you to keep the alliance alive, we were making a huge effort to keep you alive too, if that wasn't obvious to you. You remember how distraught she was after you died hitting that force field. She might not have the energy or the will to go on if you died."
"I wish I believed that."
"Yeah, well, if you would have just stuck to the plan and stayed with Finnick and Beetee like you were supposed to, we'd be with them in District 13 right now. Except for this one," she says, pushing her foot into Enobaria's side.
"Finnick and I both told you not to be the hero. I did what I had to to get Katniss out safely, then when I went to meet you and Finnick and Beetee by the tree, Finnick told me you'd run off. I had to go find you, but the Capitol picked me up before I did. And now I know they got you too."
Words can not explain the guilt and anger I feel. Guilt, because Johanna is here, suffering, because of me. Anger, because, once again, I wasn't let in on the plan.
"How could you guys not tell us this?" I ask accusingly. She just shrugs. "We were afraid you'd blow it."
I don't validate that last statement with a response. How would we possibly blow it?
"Whatever, I'm going to sleep, I'm sorry you're here Johanna."
"Hm. Me too."